KES Family Newsletter
January 2023
Mission: The mission of Kewaskum Elementary School is to develop the whole child by providing a motivating, stimulating, and nurturing environment to build a better future together.
Vision: The vision of the Kewaskum Elementary School is to guide our students to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals who recognize and value their educational journey.
Principal Message
- The Toy Drive was a huge success and most toys were received this school year. We helped 42 children at KES. In addition, Debbie and Scott Richards donated new pairs of snow pants, hats, mittens, gloves, and many toys for KES students.
- Second Semester Milk Money due January 18th, 2022.
- It is never too late to recognize a staff member. Please take a moment to fill out this quick questionnaire to recognize one or more KES staff members for their hard work and dedication to all of our students. KES Teacher Recognition
Payments can be made via check, cash or efunds. If sending payment using check or cash please list the following on the envelope (Student's full name, grade, and teacher). Please also fill out a Fee Summary Sheet and attach this to your method of payment (check or cash). Fee Summary Sheet
Procedural Updates
- Students can be dropped off between 8:45-8:55. Students should not arrive earlier than 8:45 to play on the playground.
- Students are dismissed at 3:45. Staff come in from the pickup line as soon as all students are picked up (roughly 3:55). Students who are frequently in the office after 3:55 waiting to be picked up will receive a call from the office staff regarding our before and aftercare programs.
- All morning drop-off needs to be done using the car line on 3rd street. If you are walking your child then you can use the back parking lot to park; however, we do have staff that begin at 8:45 and have a difficult time finding parking to get into the building. The back parking lot should not be used as a drop-off spot or line. Students should not be jumping out of the car to enter the playground from that direction. Staff will be monitoring the back parking lot beginning on Monday, January 9th to help maintain these procedures.
Math Resource Corner
Math Learning Center apps
There are some helpful and free resources available from the Math Learning Center! https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/apps. In this video, Mrs. McCain will preview two of them - fractions (Grades 2-5) and number frames (Grades 4K-2)
ELA Resource Corner
Phonemic Awareness (Blending and Segmenting Sounds)
Grade Levels: K-2
Phonemic Awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes), and it is a crucial skill for early literacy development. This short video provides an explanation of phonemic awareness and the importance of blending and segmenting sounds. Here is an easy and engaging activity you can use with your child at home to practice these skills.
PTO Updates
Winter Fest
Friday, January 27th from 5:30 - 7:30
Free event, bounce houses, popcorn, and water
Art Auction Looking for raffle donations and event sponsors More information to come at a later date
A Message from our School Nurse
Greetings! Families are asking if Covid-19 home tests are counted as being medically excused. A home test does not meet the criteria for our current Mitigation Plan. If you want your child to be medically excused, you can schedule a Covid-19 test by clicking on the following link: Walgreens Covid-19/ Influenza testing sites. These tests may not be free of charge as of 1/1/2023, but insurance should still cover the cost according to the Walgreens website. A copy of the positive test result provided to your child's school will medically excuse the days they are out due to Covid-19. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at kbocher@kewaskumschools.org or at 262-626-3104 ext. 2111.