This Friday is Concert Night
February 24, 23 Notes from California @ Paramount Theatre
FREE concert tickets for Title 1 schools!
Click here, respond to three questions, access your no cost ticket code.
All Title 1 school staff, students and families can access no cost tickets.
All Title 1 school staff, students and families can access no cost tickets.
The Oakland Symphony presents Notes from California with conductor Vinay Parameswaran
The Oakland Symphony welcomes all OUSD and neighboring district students and staff to attend concerts this season.
To show our ongoing appreciation for the critical work teachers, administrators, community school managers, counselors, librarians, custodians, office and attendance clerks, paraprofessionals, tutors, yard duty supervisors, food service workers, nurses, volunteers and others do within our schools.
If you are a part a Title 1 school community click the link above.
If you are a part of a non Title 1 public school community click the link below.
$10 concert tickets for ALL public school employees
This code applies to Orchestra Front Rows A - P and Orchestra Rear Rows AA - UU
2 tickets per order
Discount Code: OUSD102223
2 tickets per order
Discount Code: OUSD102223
Our March 22nd Young People's Concert is AT CAPACITY!
Thank you educators for registering your students and chaperones for the YPC school day, field trip. We look forward to welcoming you and your students to the event! Additional information will be shared in early March to help prepare educators and students for the concert.
- MUSE Stringendo performs at Fairyland April 15th, 2023
- Oakland Symphony Family Concert on Sunday, April 16th, 2023 will be held at the historic Paramount Theatre. The family concert welcomes young people and their families to a shared symphony orchestra concert experience at no cost.
Details will be forthcoming regarding our April events.
Event Information
Notes from California
Friday, Feb 24, 2023, 08:00 PM