Need Tutoring or Mentoring?
Email us at
Tutoring and Mentoring is available for FALL 2021!
To apply for Project PROA's tutoring and mentoring, please email us at to set up your tutoring or mentoring session, and then click on the button below to fill out an application.
Tutoring and mentoring is available on-campus (by appointment only) or virtually through Zoom (appointment or walk-in). Please note that on-campus space is limited, and all COVID-19 protocols must be followed while on campus (3Ws: Wear a Mask, Watch Your Distance, and Wash Your Hands).
Navigator Spotlight
Timothy Retirado (Tutor)
Major & Expected Graduation Date:
Bachelor of Science in Education - Emphasis in Elementary Education.
Graduating in Spring 2022 (May 2022)
What made you want to become a tutor?
I've always had this gift of helping myself as well as others. I tend to see things differently from others, mostly because I love helping others. Being a tutor gave more meaning to use my gift and my knowledge to comfort others - as well as help others move forward.
What benefits do you get by having a tutor?
Having a mentor/tutor is not only a help but an inspiration. Having access to help is always, always heartwarming for those who need it. From a mentor or tutor's position, much can be given. For those they help, much can be expected. The benefit is something that can always be seen - progression.
What is one thing you're excited for this year?
There are two things I can anticipate: being one step closer to my degree and the holidays. On one corner, I can expect myself to (hopefully) pass my classes, as well as enjoy the holidays - which are also just around the corner. :)
Jaden Sanchez (Mentor)
Major & Expected Graduation Date:
AAS in Business Management; Spring 2022
What made you want to become a mentor?
I wanted an opportunity to find employment at NMC as well as help my fellow students and become more involved in the running of the college.
What benefits do you get by having a mentor?
The benefits you receive will make a considerable difference in your college life. Not only will you see your academics improve but you will have a fellow companion guiding you and looking out for you.
What is one thing you’re excited for this year?
I’m looking forward to showing Project PROA’s full potential and to test how we can operate on campus for the first time in a long time.
College Survival 101: NMC Support Departments
Meet the NMC Enrollment Services
The purpose of the Enrollment Services is to recruit, admit, and serve a diverse student population by providing accurate, responsive and respectful services to faculty, staff and students. Enrollment Services consists of two sections: The Office of Admissions & Records (OAR) and the Testing Center, OAR provides support and advocates on behalf of students. It is a collaborative office dedicated to the inclusive needs of student services. It is the first stop for any questions regarding admissions, student records, graduation and other enrollment concerns. The Testing Center provides a wide variety of examinations in a professional, secure, and positive environment to address the academic, employment, and professional needs of individuals in support of the Northern Marianas College Mission. Our Vision is to effectively and cohesively deliver seamless student services over various knowledge-based fields while positively impacting student satisfaction, progression, and retention. We value honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusiveness and a “team” model that has a focus on doing what is best for the students. We believe in resolution of issues and will strive for student satisfaction.
Who leads Enrollment Services?
OAR ​and the Testing Center are overseen by the Director of Enrollment Services, Mr. Manny Tenorio Castro. The Director of Enrollment Services provides leadership in enrollment management; and designs, and implements strategies to help the College achieve and maintain the optimum recruitment, retention and graduation rates of students.
Who are the Enrollment Services staff?
Enrollment Services consists of 5 full-time personnel: Ms. Lisa Rafael is the Admissions Counselor, Mr. Kenneth Gabrido, Administrative Manager, Mrs. Marji Tarope, Registrar, Ms. Jennifer Fejeran-Hason, Records Administrator and Ms. Isabel Matsunaga is our Testing Coordinator .
When is Enrollment Services open?
9:00 am to 4:00pm
How can we get in touch with Enrollment Services?
For Admissions & Records dial (670) 237-6768 through 6773, email, or visit the Office at NMC Building N room 3
For the Testing Center dial (670) 237- 6774, email or visit the Center at NMC Building N room 6
What necessary forms can a student obtain from Enrollment Services?
Students are able to access all admissions and registration related forms on the admissions and records page on the NMC website.
How much does a printed transcript cost at OAR?
Depending on the type of service selected, transcript fees range from $5 to $20 dollars.
(Online) Parchment fees:
PDF transcript:
Credential fee is $8.00
Additional transcripts are $8.00 each
Credential fee is $8.00
to include shipping / handling of $5.00
Transcript total is $13.00
Additional transcripts are $13.00 each
Rush delivery via Fedex:
Credential fee is $8.00
to include shipping / handling of $55.00
Transcript total is $63.00
Additional transcripts are $63.00 each
Walk-ins at OAR
(One day process) transcript fee is $20.00
Additional transcripts are $7.00 each
(five business days process) transcript fee is $5.00
Additional transcripts are $2.00 each
How can a student access their records at OAR?
From schedules to transcripts, NMC students have access to most of their records via the proa portal. Many services are provided online at, or for in-person assistance please feel free to visit our office.
How important is OAR in the daily running of the college?
OAR is the first stop for students to apply for Admissions, seek services in obtaining student records, and other enrollment services. Importantly, OAR keeps all student records in compliance with FERPA and the college policy of maintaining the confidentiality and veracity of student records.
It is one of the most important offices within the college that provides the following services:
- Resource for college admissions
- Registration transactions
- Academic records
- Petitions for Graduation
- Transcripts
- Grades
- Enrollment Verifications
- Transfer credits
Is there any additional information you think students should know?
NMC Testing Services is now a certified College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test center. CLEP offers 34 exams that cover introductory level college course material. With a passing score on one CLEP exam, you could earn three or more college credits. You can save money and earn your degree faster. Military personnel take CLEP exams for free and receive free test prep books as part of their education benefits. To view the NMC cut scores for CLEP and its NMC course equivalent, click on this link: NMC CLEP Cut Scores. For more information about CLEP, click here.
STEM - How to Transplant a Plant
Step 1
Step 2
You now want to inspect your roots. If there is soil stuck in between the roots, you’ll want to gently push the soil out so the roots remain exposed without any soil in between.
Step 3
Dig a hole and carefully place your plant in. Depending on how loose your soil is, your plant should be placed at soil level or a little higher if the soil is a bit loose.
Step 5
Recipe of the Month
Commonwealth Cultural Day
Commonwealth Cultural Day is a public holiday that is celebrated on the second Monday of October after the CNMI renamed Columbus Day, pursuant to Public Law 15-4 that was enacted in 2006. This year we celebrate Commonwealth Cultural Day on October 11, 2021. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating heritage and the great diversity of the Northern Mariana Islands. Not only are there ethnic groups originally local to the islands, Chamorros and Carolinians, there are also large numbers of people in the CNMI with different ethnicities— Filipino, Chinese, Korean, just to name a few.
Let's Talk About: Credit Scores
Presentation Highlights
Transferring Made Easy: The Pathway To Furthering Your Education
In this presentation, Navigators at Project PROA discussed the process and benefits of transferring to another college after NMC. This presentation covered different topics about transferring, including things to consider, resources, and tips on how to transition smoothly. In addition, this presentation featured a guest speaker Mr. Nathaniel Snodgrass who spoke about his experience and discussed his journey to furthering his education. If you missed any of Project PROA's activities and presentations, recordings are available to watch at any time on the NMC Youtube channel.
How to Become a Nurse: A Beginners Guide
October Upcoming Events
Interested in attending any of our upcoming activities?
If you are interested in joining or attending one of our presentations, you can come to Project PROA located at Building O in the Archives. For those who are unable to attend the presentations on campus, you can register and watch the presentations via Zoom or you can watch the recordings on the Northern Marianas College Youtube channel. Registration links are provided below in the corresponding flyers. See you there!
Project PROA Highlights
Project PROA
Location: Finasisu Lane, Susupe, Saipan, CNMI
Phone: 670-237-6795