The Patriot Update
Principal's Message | August 14, 2020
Dear BCCHS Families,
It's been an exciting first week back to school. I know we all would have preferred to have students and teachers back on campus, but considering our present context requiring us all to engage in Distance Learning, I'm proud of the effort our students and teachers have shown to connect and make the best of what we are able to offer.
We fully understand that for Distance Learning to have a positive impact, we need the partnership of our parents and students. Together, we can make a positive impact on the learning and growth of our students.
Ari Bennett
Principal, Birmingham Community Charter High School
Dream It. Do It. Birmingham!
*Video Conferencing Guidelines
*How to login to Aeries to find schedule and grades
* How to request change of schedule
*Attendance Policy
*How to find contact information for teacher or other adults at Birmingham
*Support Staff email and Google Numbers including counselors, social workers, and coordinators.
* Information for technology support
* Strategies to use when feeling anxious
* Guide to Student Square Platform for easy contact with staff at Birmingham
* Review of Bell Schedule and Blue/Gold Instructional Calendar
* Athletic Coach contacts and 1st day of practice for fall and winter sports
* Information about clubs on campus and who to contact to get information
* Positive Behavior and Intervention Support Program and guidelines for student behavior and incentives for positive behavior
* Reminder about how to login to Aeries to get schedule and grades for classes
* Overview of Google Classroom use and navigation in platform including submission of assignments and contacting teachers through the platform
A few things to remember as we approach week 2 and begin instruction with all teachers and classes:
2. Students video camera needs to be on the entire time.
3. If a student has "technology problems" and can't login to class we are required to still mark this an absence.
4. If a student can't attend a session for any reason, parent or guardian must provide a note.
- This can be done by calling the grade level office phone number or sending an email to the grade level office per the contact list provided in this update.
- Parents can also submit absence excuses via parent square.
5. Students are responsible for turning in work on time to teachers.
6. Every teacher will include their late work policy in their syllabus (overview of course)
7. The syllabus can be found in the Google Classroom for each teacher.
8. Please refer to the contact slide to reach out to the various offices or use Parent Square to communicate with any BCCHS staff member.
9. Monday, August 17th is a Blue Day - which means periods 1, 2, 3, and 0 will meet.
10. Tuesday, August 18th is a Gold Day - which means periods 4, 5, 6, and 7 will meet.
11. Please refer to the Blue/Gold calendar in this update to better understand the sequence of days.
Please follow the schedule below:
For our 9th grade families, please let your students know that every class counts toward earning their requirements to graduate and to be university eligible.
We want all of our students to graduate Birmingham earning eligibility to university. What does this mean? This means that students must earn a C grade or higher in core classes like English, math, science, history, Spanish/French, and Visual and Performing Art.
University Requirements are known as A-G Requirements:
A) 2 years of history
B) 4 years of English
C) 3 years of math (Birmingham requires 4 years of math)
D) 2 years of science (from biology, chemistry, and physics)
E) 2 years language other than English (French or Spanish)
F) 1 year long visual and performing arts course
G) 1 year of a course from any of the categories listed above
After Graduation
Please know that we will encourage all students to strive to develop the academic and social/emotional skills necessary to be prepared for college or career after graduation.
Preparing for college can't wait. Please work with us to support your students to develop the growth mindset of believing in themselves even through obstacles and set backs. Successful people have all had obstacles and failures. What sets them apart is they didn't give up. This is the mindset we're trying to develop in our students.
Thank you again for your support, flexibility, and partnership in helping our students learn and thrive!
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Parents, if you have any questions we can assist you:
Parent Resource Center Team
Jennifer Victoria | English Learners Liaison | (818) 758- 4457
Maricela Lomeli | Administrative Assistant | (818) 758-4464