Shelf Notes
The Card Catalog Newsletter June 2023
What Is The Card Catalog?
If you are receiving this first edition of our newsletter, Shelf Notes, it's because we know that you provide or hope to provide a private lending library to your community in some fashion. It is our desire to support and encourage you in that endeavor. Read on to find out some of the ways, tools, and resources we will be introducing to you and partnering with at The Card Catalog.
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you know who is interested in living books private lending libraries. Or send friend and fellow librarians to The Card Catalog webpage to subscribe for themselves. If you do not want to receive any more editions of Shelf Notes, there is an "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of this page. We hope, however, that you will join us in this library community as we learn together about how to bring good books to readers who are looking for them.
The Private Lending libraries Directory at Biblioguides
What is the Plumfield Moms Podcast?
Plumfield Moms is the daughter podcast of Plumfield and Paideia. The mission of both is supporting moms in their homeschooling vocation, and curating true, good, and beautiful literature for families. Our appreciation for children’s books from the Golden Age of Children’s Literature led us to collaborate with a handful of Living Books librarians. From that collaboration came the seeds of The Card Catalog. We desire to encourage veteran librarians, future librarians, and all those in between. We hope to encourage librarians and moms by pooling knowledge of books and resources and connecting moms to a library in their area. In this way, we are doing our part to help save the books from disappearing, and we are getting the best books into the hands of a new generation of children.
Why Does Biblioguides Matter to Librarians?
Biblioguides is a carefully curated online database of information about more than13,000 living books. Membership includes resources and tools to help homeschoolers find the best books for their children on almost any topic and tools to help them organize their books and reading. As a private lending librarian, there are some unique ways that Biblioguides can help you curate and organize your library and assist your patrons. We'll be sharing more about Biblioguides in upcoming newsletters, including:
- Advanced search: Overview
- Advanced search: Name search (find books with a main character who has a specific name)
- Advanced search: Character Traits
- Minor time periods
- Books by state
- Books about indigenous peoples of North and South America by region
- Content considerations
- Reviews
- Partner guides
- Educational book resources
- Travel resources
Featured Libraries and Librarians in June
Kathie Johnson, Neighborhood Children's Library, Berkeley, California: "My books range in interest from board books for the very young to books for tweens and early teens. Often, later teens have continued to come back to read some of their favorites. For a number of very young infants, a trip to 'Miss Kathie’s library' has been a first outing." Read more about Kathie's library journey at The Card Catalog: Librarian Notices.
Coming in Future Newsletters
Meet the Librarian: in which we interview and feature private lending librarians and their libraries all over the world.
Biblioguides for Librarians: how Biblioguides can help you build your library and serve your library patrons.
Book review links for books you may already have or may want to add to your library.
General bookish news about small or vintage book publishers, library and book news, and other information that can enrich and serve you in your library ministry.
Email: sherry.pray4you@gmail.com
Website: plumfieldandpaideia.com/the-card-catalog/
Facebook: facebook.com/librarianscardcatalog