Brown Bears
Your Weekly Update from Brown Elementary School

Mr. McCann's Message
Dear Families,
On Wednesday, we held our first school-wide assembly. Our students showed that they could be an excellent listening audience as friends spoke about their Hopes and Dreams for the year.
Every year, I share with students that we aim to challenge them in various ways. We present them with stories that could be hard to read at first, new math problems they will struggle with, and more. One way we challenge students during an assembly is to ask them if they are willing to speak and share ideas in front of the school.
At this assembly, we had a student from every grade level get up and share their thinking. Our youngest Kindergarten presenter was extremely brave as she talked into the microphone. I give our students a lot of credit for doing something that even adults find challenging.
Aidan McCann, Principal
Five Things You Need to Know
This coming Thursday we will hold our Curriculum Night. This is an adult only event where teachers will share information about the classroom as well as curriculum. Please see our flyer for more specific information on what times grade levels will be presenting.
2 - PTO
We have a vibrant and active PTO here at Brown Elementary. I encourage you to look at their website in order to learn more about what they do and to see what opportunities there are to get involved.
Here is the PTO website.
Also, the PTO puts out a student directory each year. If you want your child's name and information in the directory you need to fill out a form at the Directory Sign-Up Link. This is completely optional. If you don't put your child's name in that directory, your name will not be there.
Our Brown School Core Values are:
Practice Empathy
Act Respectfully
Work Hard
Solve Problems Together
We plan to share these with students as part of classroom discussions, assemblies, principal chats and more. It is important that students know and understand the expectations for our community and how we all work together. You should be hearing much more about these as the year progresses and we roll out a school-wide initiative to ensure all students know and understand these values.
Thank you to all the families that have completed the Required Yearly Forms. We appreciate your cooperation.
If your form has not yet been completed, you would have received an email earlier today. The message will be from noreplyregistration@powerschool.com and the Subject line will read: Natick's PowerSchool Parent Portal and Required Yearly Forms
Please complete this form as soon as possible.
A reminder to all families to please submit any planned or unplanned absences in PUP Patrol, even if they are more than one day. Example - If your child is sick on Thursday, please put that into PUP Patrol that day. If they happen to be sick again on Friday, please remember to submit that as well. If you get a diagnosis that your child will be out for several days, you can submit more than one absence and reason at a time.
All the best to our families,
Aidan McCann, Principal
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers and staff with the goal of enriching the educational experience of our children at Brown School. We send out a weekly email newsletter that is separate from this one: please sign up to receive our updates at http://eepurl.com/gCRzwH and follow us at facebook.com/BrownSchoolPto. Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact us anytime at brownptonatick@gmail.com. The website is brownptonatick.org.
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- Title I: Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title II
- Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title VI
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964Title IX
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- MGL, Ch.76, Section 5: Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 5