Cougar Connection
April 22, 2022
2. The Hancock County Art Show continues on Friday the 22nd. See the flyer below for more details! GCJHS will have a collaborative piece that the whole school has worked on (butterfly project) on display. Students who have individual art pieces on display have been notified via email.
3. There are Call-Outs next week for the Color Guard @ GCHS. See the flyer below for more information
4. SUPPORT INCLUSION/SPECIAL OLYMPICS/UNIFIED CHAMPIONS = POP FOR A PURPOSE . . . Does your child prefer Mountain Dew , Dr Pepper, Root Beer, Orange Soda, Pepsi, or water? This week during homeroom students can purchase one of these drinks for $1.00 to support Special Olympics/ Unified Champions. Drinks will arrive the week of May 2nd in your homeroom. They will have the opportunity to enjoy them during a video presentation about Inclusion. You can see a copy of the video at Contact Mrs. Finley if you have questions or want to assist in any way. Home room teachers are collecting money until Thursday, April 28th.
5. Washington D.C. Trip (8th Grade) . . . There will be a mandatory All Travelers meeting for the Washington D.C. trip on May 4 at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria. Chaperones going on the trip need to attend as well! You can RSVP below in this newsletter.
6. Below in the flyer and download section more information about the upcoming Greenfield Fire Teen Academy
Students can also stop by the Student Services Office if they need a paper copy of the forms.
7. The GCJH Athletic Department is clearing out some old uniforms and apparel. Items are available for students to purchase for $3 or $5. Students must complete this Google Form ( for each item they wish to purchase. Everything is first come, first served. Money must be collected before the items will be distributed. The form includes pictures of each item available for purchase, as well as sizes/quantities of each item.
Washington D.C. Trip Meeting = ALL Travelers
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 07:00 PM
Greenfield Central Junior High School, North Franklin Street, Greenfield, IN, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
8th Grade Dance!
May 21st
Color Guard @ GCHS
Help Support our Literacy Night
Academic Super Bowl
GCJHS Sports Schedule
Click here to see the entire year's schedule for GCJHS Sports.
Changes coming to G-CHS
This Week in Sports
Game Club
All students are welcome!
April 13th & 27th
May 11th & 25th
Prism Club
Open to any student interested :)
Math Help
Students need to bring some math to work on
Phones need to be muted and put away
Students that are OFF TASK may be asked to leave the session and their parents will be contacted
ALL Season Sports Pass = GCJHS
Art Club
21st Century Scholars
Calendar for GCJHS
Builders Club
News Club
Sponsors: Mrs. Philhower & Mrs. Sangiorgio
Services for Students through the Bowen Center
Learn more about our 'Student Assistance Program'
Student Days continue for Hancock Co.
FREE food for all students!
Entire School Year
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
2022-2023 GCSC Calendar
Download Section = pdf.'s
Greenfield-Central Junior High School
Location: 1440 North Franklin Street, Greenfield, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 477-4616