Rome City Elementary School
March 2023
From the Principal:
Please consider helping us with the carnival! We really could use parent help to run a station and donations to help with our auction. If you can help in any way, please contact the office.
Testing season is here! Please make sure you child eats a healthy breakfast high in protein. Protein helps our brain with staying focused and remembering things. Please also make sure bedtime is set in place during this time as well! Plenty of sleep will help with focus, stamina and just overall feeling good during such a stressful time for the kiddos.
Field trips! Make sure you have a background check on file if you are planning to go on any field trips with your child!
Yearbook orders are due no later than March 10th. They are $15.00 each.
Lunch with your child guidelines:
We require a 2 day notice before you come to accommodate you.
You are not able to bring in outside food, only a packed lunch. If you would like to eat a school lunch, please bring exact change. Lunch cost is $4.60.
IRead Testing begins the week of March 6th!
Wednesday, March 1st
K-2 Grades 8:15-8:45
3-5 Grades 9:00-9:30
Thursday, March 2nd
Thursday, March 2nd
Dress like your favorite character, wear red, green, or blue, wear your favorite Dr. Seuss hair, stripes, or your favorite hat, wear your clothes backwards, inside out, or mismatched!