Navigating the River
December 20, 2023
Welcome to Navigating the River!
Each week, you will receive our newsletter containing important dates, events, and school news. Navigating the River is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what's happening at the River and ways to get involved to help make this school year the best yet! #RMSGoodAsGold
Currently Happening at the River!
Upcoming Events:
- December 20th - January 3rd - Winter Break
- January 4th - 1st Day of 2nd Semester
- January 4th - Midterm Make-Up Exams given
- January 10th and 11th - Rising 9th Grade Registration Information Nights (LHS)
Connect With Us On Social Media!
Get important information even faster by following us on Facebook and Twitter (X)!
Twitter (X):
Winter Break Hours
Attention! Our front office will be closed beginning Thursday, December 21st! We will be back in the office on Wednesday, January 3rd from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm. Classes resume on January 4th!
Good As Gold Panthers - Staff and Teacher of the Month
Staff Member of the Month
Ms. Deb Fischer - Administrative Secretary
Teacher of the Month
Ms. Amy Miller - ELA
Rising 9th Grade Registration Information Events
Attention 8th Grade parents!! Lambert HS will have TWO course registration information nights for rising 9th graders in January (January 10 & 11). Last names A-L will attend January 10th, and last names M-Z will attend January 11th. 6:00-8:00 in the Lambert cafeteria.
Good As Gold Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Aaron Poonia for his winning submission to the International Peace Poster Contest thru Lions Club of Forsyth County. Way to be #RMSGoodAsGold!
**In Case You Missed It**
Parent University 2023
We had an amazing turnout for Parent University at Sharon ES! If you weren't able to attend and would like to check out the session offerings, visit our Parent University Hub for all the information and presentations!
RMS Panther News
The final RMS Panther News of 2023 is now available for you to stream. This is our Happy Holidays Special, with segments on Christmas traditions, favorite Christmas songs, and gift giving ideas. We also have segments on Midterms and the Specialized Instruction Class. Look carefully and you might also find a surprise montage of the 8th grade Science Fair. Enjoy!
An Opportunity from RMS Counselors:
Panther PRIDE Update
Parents & Students, we have spent Quarter 2 focusing on improving our positive behaviors for Respect and Empathy. Thank you for talking with your child about showing Respect and Empathy to all classmates, their friends, all teachers, and staff members. How we treat each other matters, and we consider our Riverwatch community an extended family.
We have been reading student names on our morning announcement shout-outs for earning Panther PRIDE Points during December. Your child will be able to spend those points in January when they return from break, so that is something to look forward to in 2024! Best wishes to you for a peaceful break.
2023 RMS Spelling Bee Winners
After 16 rounds of words, we have our 2023 RMS Spelling Bee winner, 8th grader Cade Baker, and runner-up, 6th grader Mridula Rao. Congratulations to these two and all of our participants today who impressed us with their skills, composure, and word knowledge! You all are #RMSGoodAsGold.
From the Panther Pit Stop:
Important Information:
- Attendance (Excuses, Check-In/Check-Out)
- Transportation Changes
- Updated Exam Policy for 2023-2024
- Joining PTSO
- RMS Panther News
- Yearbook Ordering - Order #1287 (Riverwatch Middle School)
- Previous Editions of Navigating the River - November 29, November 15, November 8, November 1, October 25, October 18