Flower Valley Weekly Newsletter
Week of February 5, 2024
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From the Principal...
Dear Flower Valley Community,
Wow! What a wonderful Instrumental Music concert Thursday! Our FVES Fireflies are so talented. A special shout-out to Ms. Kanowith for sharing her love of music with our students.
In this week's newsletter, you will find out important information about the upcoming week. We are celebrating National School Counseling Week, so please take a few minutes to share your appreciation with our counselors on the form linked below. Our staff was also thrilled to receive the amazing goodies from our PTA. Thank you for always supporting us!
Additionally, our next edition of The Reading Corner is below along with information reposted from last week's newsletter about our Week of Kindness and summer school information from MCPS.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Dr. Fish
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Our FVES Vision
Table of Contents
A Message of Gratitude for our PTA
The Reading Corner
FVES Kindness Week and Party - repost from last week
MCPS Summer School Update - repost from last week
PTA Corner
Save the Date
Information from Previous Newsletters:
- Career Day
- School Arrival Time
PTA Sponsored Staff vs. Parent Basketball Game and Silent Auction: March 2nd
Chromebook Requests
FVES Virtual Learning Schedule and Zoom Links
Conversations about Race and Equity at Home
- Attendance Update
- Transportation Information
- School Lunch
- ParentVue
- Health Information
FVES Parent Handbook
National School Counseling Week
National School Counseling Week 2024, “School Counseling: Standards-Based, Student-Focused,” sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 5–9, 2024, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different as a result of what school counselors do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
We have two amazing school counselors at FVES. Let us take a few minutes to celebrate all that Mrs. Atanda ad Ms. Bamberger do for us. You can share your gratitude with them at the link here.
A Message of Gratitude for our PTA
A special thank you goes out to our AMAZING PTA for all of the mid-year re-stock goodies you sent our way! We cannot thank you enough for the extra supplies!
The Reading Corner
FVES Kindness Week and Party (repost from last week)
We are excited about our upcoming Week of Kindness and our party February 14th. We will be highlighting kindness all week and enjoying kindness related activities, spirit week, and fun treats at our class parties. Please see the details below about all of the activities students will enjoy the week of February 12th. If you have not yet heard about all of the party details from your child's teacher, you should be hearing from them soon. We will continue to collect grade level donations for food, decorations, and crafts. Teachers will also be seeking volunteers to support during the parties. While we welcome students to make Valentines for their friends, please just make sure that if your child is bringing in Valentines to make one for every student in their class.
MCPS Summer School Update
We have received a lot of inquiries about the plan for MCPS summer school this year. We now know that we will be returning to the summer school models that existed pre-pandemic, which means there will be no local summer school option open to all students at FVES. Students who receive special education services may be eligible for extended school year (ESY). This decision will be made as a team at your child’s annual review meeting. If you have questions about ESY, please contact your child’s case manager.
FVES PTA Information
-February 6th from 6:30-8:00pm is our next PTA meeting. FREE childcare (for K - 5th grade) and FREE pizza will be provided. OPEN to ALL parents! RSVP for more information (English and Spanish details): http://tinyurl.com/FVESFeb6.
-Special guests from the MCPS Medical Office will present on the topic of vaping and prevention. Broader topics to be addressed include support for families with younger children; opioids, marijuana, and medication safety. We'll also start discussing bullying and taking your input on needs for more information and/or support.
-Principal Updates
-PTA Updates
-Game Night with Bingo and Kahoots is coming Saturday, February 24th from 6:30-8pm. The Book Donation bin is going out in the front lobby soon, so please be on the look-out for that!
Upcoming FVES Events
Kindness Week and Party: Week of 2/12 (party 2/14)
Club Yearbook Pictures: February 13th
Winter Chorus Concert: February 20th at 7PM - Note the date change due to snow days.)
FVES PTA Game Night: 2/24 6:30-8PM at FVES
PTA Sponsored Silent Auction and Basketball Game: Saturday, March 2nd at RHS
Reading Night: March 6th, 6-7:30
STEM Day: March 22nd
International Night: April 15th (Tentative)
PTA Sponsored Book Fair: April 15th-19th
PTA Sponsored STEM Night: April 18th, 5:30-7:30
Career Day: May 3rd
PTA Sponsored SAVERS Donation Drive: May 4th, 9:30-1:00
Field Days: May TBD
PTA Sponsored Carnival: May 19th, 2-5:00
Spring IM Concert: May 30th at Rockville High School at 7PM (tentative)
5th Grade Promotion: June 12th at RHS
5th Grade Fun Day: June 13th
FVES PTA Sponsored Restaurant Nights: Come Out and Support FVES and Enjoy a Meal
- Ema Rossi- Wednesday, February 7th, 2024
- Chuck E Cheese - Friday, March 15th, 2024
- Rockville Paisano’s - Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 and Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 from 11:00am-10:00pm
- Rockville Chipotle - Monday, May 13th, 2024
- Villa Maya - Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
Information from Previous Newsletters
School Arrival Time
We are noticing several students arriving late for school recently. It is extremely important for students to arrive on time every day.
For our car riders, please make sure you drop off your students by 8:55. Instruction begins promptly at 9:00, so this gives students five minutes to walk to class.Thank you for your support.
Career Day: May 3rd
Interested in volunteering for Career Day? Complete the interest form linked here.
PTA Sponsored Staff vs. Parent Basketball Game and Silent Auction: March 2nd
We are excited about the annual staff vs. parents basketball game and silent auction. This year, we are going to have a number of fun activities that include the students as well. See below for information about the halftime show!
Attention 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders!
Are you interested in performing in the FVES Staff vs. Parent Basketball Game Halftime Show on Saturday, March 2 at 6:00pm?
What: Come learn a choreographed dance with the Rockville HS Pom Squad to perform during halftime of the basketball game!
Who: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students
When: Wednesdays, February 14, February 21, and February 28, from 3:45-4:45
Where: In the gym here at FVES
***If you are interested, have a parent or guardian sign the permission slip and return it to your teacher by Wednesday, February 7.***
Let Ms. Aust, Ms. Hall, or Mrs. Coakley know if you have any questions!
Conversations about Race and Equity at Home
We have noticed some of our students using racial slurs or mimicking song lyrics and social media that are hurtful to others. While we are directly addressing this at school through individual and small group learning, as well as through our counselor led classes, we need you as our partners in this work. Below are a few resources that may help foster a conversation at home about hate and bias and how our words and actions impact others. Many of our students are not even aware that what they are saying is harmful to others. By working together, we can help our children learn about hate and bias in order to, ultimately, create an inclusive, welcoming environment for all. Thank you, in advance, for your support of this effort.
No Place for Hate Information - FVES became a No Place for Hate school last year, and we are continuing those efforts this year.
FVES Weather Emergency Information and Virtual Weather Emergency Details
In the event of inclement weather, please see the MCPS information linked here. Additionally, there is important system information about virtual learning here. Should the system determine the need for virtual learning during inclement weather days, we will communicate the important information to all families.
MCPS Overview of Virtual Learning during Inclement Weather Days
Details regarding the FVES plan for inclement weather days where MCPS determines it will be a virtual learning day are included here.
This excludes 5th grade students because they already have a take-home Chromebook.
If your student needs a Chromebook for home use, please complete this form: Chromebook Form to Distribute to Families.
At Home Request for Chromebook Flyer (English)
Need a Chromebook for Home Use?
Attendance News
It is critical for students to be in attendance at school every day. We understand that there are times when students may be ill or may have appointments that require them to be out of school; however, school performance is directly connected to attendance. MCPS has developed an action plan to address absenteeism. Please click here to see the county message regarding attendance. Let's do our best to be at school every day!
If your child is going to be absent, please notify the teacher and Mrs. Sintetos at Catherine_G_Sintetos@mcpsmd.org.
**Please remember that vacations are not considered lawful absences. Details regarding lawful and unlawful absences can be found here.
**For absences to be considered excused, a note must be submitted in writing or emailed to Mrs. Sintetos. This includes medical appointments.
Transportation Information: Bus Routes
Transportation information is on the school website and available here:
- Arrival Schedule
- Departure Schedule
- Department of Transportation Communication to Families (English Version)
- Department of Transportation Communication to Families (Spanish Version)
- What to Know about Riding the Bus (English Version)
- What to Know about Riding the Bus (Spanish Version)
- Link to Check Daily Status of Buses
School Lunch
Breakfast and hot lunches are served daily. Lunch menus can be accessed here. Your child will learn about their lunch schedule on the first day of school. The teacher will also let you know about snack time, especially if your child has an early or late lunch.
Breakfast is $1.30, and lunch is $2.55. To learn more about eligibility for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS) and apply for FARMs, click here. Deposits into lunch accounts can be made by any student and can be made ahead of time via the MCPS online payment system, My School Bucks. Details about how to add money to your student’s account can be accessed here.
DFNS encourages all families with students enrolled at non-CEP schools to complete a Free and Reduced-price Meals Application. All meals are free for students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals.
Make ParentVue Work for You!
ParentVue is where you are able to access your student's grades, attendance, test scores, schedules, and so much more. Please see the quick guides below to set your preferences and see where to access all of the information available to you.
There are online registration quick guides in several languages available to support you in this process.
English | Español | 中國人 | 한국인 | Français | Português | Tiếng Việt | አማርኛ
ParentVUE Quick Guides
English / español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ
Health Information
If your child has Covid, it is important for them to remain home for 5 days after testing positive. Additionally, they must wear a mask for 5 days after returning to school. Families no longer need to self-report Covid; however, it is important to notify your child's teacher and the main office when your child is out sick.
If you have any questions regarding health related matters, you can contact Ms. Kalter, school nurse, at Marley_S_Kalter@mcpsmd.org.
We are here to serve and help you!
Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 4:30PM. Below are emails and phone numbers for the following departments:
Administration (240) 740-1780
Dr. Angie Fish, Principal – Angie_L_Fish@mcpsmd.org
Mrs. Kimberly Haden - Kimberly_D_Haden@mcpsmd.org
Main Office Staff (240) 740-1780
Ms. Nevine Peckoo, School Administrative Secretary – Nevine_A_Peckoo@mcpsmd.org
Mrs. Cathy Sintetos, Attendance Secretary – Catherine_G_Sintetos@mcpsmd.org
Counseling Office (240) 740-6680
Mrs. Jennifer Atanda - Jennifer_T_Atanda@mcpsmd.org
Ms. Nicole Bamberger - Nicole_M_Bamberger@mcpsmd.org
FVES Parent Handbook
Flower Valley Elementary School
Be bright! Be kind! Be you!
We inspire all children to become critical thinkers who are imaginative, adaptable, and collaborative. We strive to cultivate peaceful, life-long learners who contribute positively to the community around them.
Email: Angie_L_Fish@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/flowervalleyes/
Location: Flower Valley Elementary School, Sunflower Drive, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-1780
Twitter: @AngieFish_FVES