St Peter's Primary School
17 February 2023
Heavenly Father, our hearts are moved by the effects of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
We mourn the death and destruction and pray for those who have died and those who grieve.
We hold in our hearts those who are injured, and those who have lost loved ones, livelihoods, and homes.
We thank you for the swift action of those who are already responding.
For the rescue teams searching for survivors, we ask for endurance and resilience.
For those providing temporary shelter, we pray for the swift delivery of equipment.
And for all those in communities offering comfort and help to their neighbours, we pray that you give them selfless compassion.
The grief felt by families who have lost loved ones, or await news of loved ones, is un-imaginable.
We turn to you, God of all comfort, and ask that you be close to people in the days ahead
and that they might know your peace that surpasses all under-standing.
Grant those affected courage and resilience, as they rebuild their lives and communities.
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians
PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT – Thank you to all the parents and care givers who joined us for our recent Parent Information Evening on Wednesday 8 February. This was a perfect opportunity to share the directions of the school for 2023. If you have any concerns throughout the year about your child’s education, the first point of call is the class teacher. We thank you for your ongoing support!
ASH WEDNESDAY – WHOLE SCHOOL MASS – Next week, we will celebrate a whole school Mass on Wednesday 22 February at 9am in the Church. Ash Wednesday begins our forty-day season of Lent, the time of prayer, reflection, repentance and fasting leading up to Easter. On Ash Wednesday, we come together to remind ourselves that we do not always follow God’s ways and that we need to ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness. Like God’s people in the time of the prophets, we wear ashes to show that we want to turn away from whatever keeps us from God, and to have a change of heart, so that we can live in peace and in joy with God and with each other. During Mass, everyone will be invited to accept the ashes as a visible symbol of penance.
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM – This week, we welcome back Father Jeronimo from holidays. In 2023, Matt Nettleton (our Assistant Principal of Religious Education) is working closely alongside the Parish to ensure the smooth running of our Sacramental Program. We support parents in preparing children to receive the Sacraments through a program which is Family-focused, Parish-based and School-supported.
LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE TERM ONE – Mr Paul Brennan will be on leave for the next four weeks. We are fortunate in a school of our size that we can take advantage of the depth of our staff, with many staff members willing to take on extra responsibilities. I would like to thank all the staff who have taken on additional duties. We hope that Paul enjoys his leave, and the great news is that Dougal will still be attending school whilst Paul is away.
YEAR 6 EXCURSION – On Friday 24 February, our Year 6 students will be on an excursion to Parliament House. This visit continues to build on their understanding of civics and citizenship by looking at the concepts of justice, rights and responsi-bilities within the Westminster system, and the history and current functioning of Australia’s system of government.
ASSEMBLY – Our first Assembly for the year will be held in the Undercover Area on Friday 24 February commencing at 2:10pm. With our Year 6 student leaders being out on an excursion, we are delighted to have our Year 5 students step up and as-sist with the running of the Assembly. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join our Assembly and join us in congratulating our first merit award winners for 2023.
SCHOOL UNIFORM – Thank you to all parents for your effort in ensuring the children are in the correct summer uniform. As mentioned in previous correspondence, if you are unable to purchase a white polo top, then the coloured faction polo is acceptable for the summer uniform. Please note, that when wearing the faction polo top with the summer uniform, black school shoes still need to be worn.
Our Uniform Guidelines reinforce in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of developing pride in representing our school. Our school uniform assists with building the school community and team spirit, and we appreciate your support to ensure are wearing it correctly.
OPEN MORNING – On Wednesday 1 March, St Peter’s Primary School is hosting an Open Day for prospective families. Our Year 6 Student Leaders will escort parents on a tour of our school grounds and share valuable information about our school community and life at St Peter’s.
P&F AND WELCOME PICNIC – On Tuesday 21 February 2023 at 7pm, we have our first P&F Meeting for the year. This meeting will be held in the Library and we welcome all parents to attend.
On Friday 24 February, our P&F are hosting a Welcome Picnic on the Green, beginning at 4pm. The Welcome Picnic is a great opportunity to welcome new families to the St Peter’s community, as well as an opportunity for existing families to reconnect after the summer holidays.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Welcome Picnic next Friday 24 February!
Courtney Caputi
Our Whole Mass
Assistant Principal RE News
Sacrament dates have been confirmed for this year. This year, there will be a Commitment Mass that you will be required to attend should your child be participating in any of the three Sacraments. At the Commitment Mass, you will receive a Parent Information Booklet that will contain all the required information for each Sacrament, along with the enrolment form. A reminder that you will need to provide a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate when enrolling them for all Sacraments.
The season of Lent commences from next week with our Ash Wednesday Mass. The three traditional pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through the three pillars of Lent, we journey to develop a closer relationship to God. The 40 days of Lent should be filled with reflection, service and prayer.
During Lent, we link with Project Compassion to raise funds for the most marginalised communities around the world. The Year Six Students will be participating in the Project Compassion on-line launch next Tuesday. Over the next six weeks, teachers, along with the Spiritual Ministry, will be promoting Project Compassion within the school community.
2023 Dates
Term One – Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April
Term Two – Monday 24 April – Friday 30 June
Term Three – Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Term Four – Monday 9 October – Friday 8 December
Pupil Free Days
Monday 6 March – Public Holiday
Thursday 6 April
Friday 7 April – Good Friday
Monday 24 April
Tuesday 25 April – Anzac Day
Monday 5 June – Public Holiday
Friday 22 September
Friday 3 November
Monday 6 November – Catholic Day
The Kindy classes are working to set up a Picture Book Comprehension Program. The program requires us to have multiple copies of popular picture books that you may have at home and would like to donate. If you have any of these book titles and would like to donate them to Kindy, please bring them to a Kindy classroom or to the Front Office. Please click the link to see the list – Comprehension Program 4 year olds
Thank you for your support.
Kindy Team
Canteen News
Next week in the canteen, we will have pikelets topped with fresh fruit for Shrove Tuesday for $1. Please pay in cash or order through quickcliq.
Fish subs will also be added to Ash Wednesday for those seeking an additional meat free option. Order through quickcliq.
Thank you
Olyvia and Nicole
2023 Instrumental Program
For students in Years 3 – 6
We are seeking expressions of interest from families who are keen for their child / children to learn a musical instrument in 2023. We have a thriving instrumental program at St. Peter’s that produces award-winning instrumentalists, bands, ensembles and music scholarship winners.
Students involved in this program develop a keen interest in music and accelerated musicianship skills. Research also suggests that learning an instrument from a young age improves overall academic performance, social skills and self-confidence!
Please note the Guitar program is full!
2023 Netball
St Peter’s Netball Committee has prepared a welcome letter to provide you with all the information you will need for Netball 2023. Please have a read and if you have any further questions please email us directly at netballstpeters@gmail.com
Registrations have now opened on play HQ (link provided in the welcome letter).
We look forward to another great netball year with you all.
Robyn and Chantelle
The Fathering Project
The St Peter’s Father Figures Committee invite you to the St Peter’s Movies Under the Stars Outdoor Cinema Event!
Join us for a night of entertainment under the stars. We will be showing a classic family movie in a beautiful outdoor setting. All you have to do is bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and your favourite snacks, and get ready for a night to remember. Popcorn and soft drinks will be available to purchase on the night. BYO refreshments and favourite sweet/savoury snacks.
Date: Friday 31 March 2023
Time: Gate opens 6:30pm for a 7pm Screening
Location: St Peter’s Primary School Oval (Gated Entrance from Wood St)
Cost: $5 per person
All families are welcome. Purchase your ticket through the TryBooking link: https://www.trybooking.com/CGDJU
We can’t wait to see you there!
Please show your event ticket/s on the night to the smiling St Peters Dad’s team at the Wood St gate entry from 6:30pm.
St Peter’s Fathering Figures Committee
P&F News
Click for more information!
P & F welcome picnic
CSPWA Parent Induction Evening Invitation
The Catholic School Parents WA P&F Induction evening will take place on Thursday 2nd March from 6pm, at St Peter’s Primary School in Inglewood.
The Induction evening will cover the new P&F Terms of Reference, updated Office Bearer role descriptions, including new duties for the P&F Treasurer, and information on how to access our P&F resources and online induction. An induction webinar will be available after the event for regional and remote schools.
The event is free but please register via this link for catering purposes https://events.humanitix.com/parent-induction-night.
High School News
Community News
- ATHENA CALISTHENICS CLUB – Calisthenics is perfect for all ages to build confidence. For more details, call Brooke on 0422 487 930 or email info@athenacalisthenicsclub.com
- MOUNT LAWLEY / INGLEWOOD ROOS – Calling all girls Years 3-6, the Mt Lawley Roos are “Roo-cruiting.” Roosjfc.org.au/registration Queries – girls@roosjfc.org.au For more information, please click Roos Flyer Come and try one afternoon – please click https://www.trybooking.com/CGAVK
Contact Us
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on Instagram @
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St-Peters-Primary-School-in-Bedford-418862431521114
Twitter: @St_Peters_P_S