The Southern Gerontologist
Vol. XXVVI, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2019
Greetings! - SGS Executive Director News and Updates
Greetings SGS members and friends,
This edition of our Southern Gerontologist newsletter is robust with information on events both past, present and yet to come. This past year has been an incredibly productive one, and we hope you enjoy reading about all of the many projects in which SGS has been involved. Of note, this edition includes:
- The 41st Annual Conference - Call for Presentation and Welcome from SGS President, Dr. Ishan Williams
- Recognition of incoming and outgoing SGS leadership
- SGS partnership news and updates
- SGS upcoming webinars and activities
- Journal of Applied Gerontology (JAG) updates
- SGS committee activities and news
- Reflections and photo galleries from the SGS 40th Ruby Anniversary Meeting and Celebration at Sandestin Beach Resort in Miramar Beach, Florida
- Our Encore Adult Recognition Awardees 2019 conference memoirs
- Student Scholarship winner, Jeffrey Lentz, reflects on his conference experience
- SGS seeking interns, part-time social media strategist, and state ambassadors
- Welcome to new members
- Upcoming conferences
I would like to take just a moment to express my gratitude for all of our members who have performed such exceptional service to SGS over this past year. The number of initiatives in which SGS has been engaged has made for an incredibly fun, busy, and engaging experience. The successful completion of so many different activities truly is a testament to the passion and commitment so many of you hold for reaching the mission of our society. I am humbled, honored, and thankful to work alongside each and every one of you.
Because we are finding ourselves with so much exceptional content to include in this newsletter, this will be one of our final newsletters constructed in the "Smore" format. We anticipate being able to launch the next newsletter in an e-zine, digital magazine layout for easier readability. Should you wish to share your news and includes with us, please send it to us!
Lee Ann S. Ferguson
SGS Executive Director
Aging Better Together: Building an Inclusive Aging Community - A Welcome from President, Dr. Ishan Williams
The Southern Gerontological Society's 41st annual regional aging conference will be held at the beautiful Hilton Norfolk The Main in Downtown Norfolk, Virginia. Hilton at The Main sits along the waterfront and is a close walk to cultural attractions, shopping, and dining. Our theme is “Aging Better Together: Building an Inclusive Aging Community.”
As president of the Southern Gerontological Society, I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend and contribute to our meeting being held April 14-18, 2020. This beautiful setting offers all sorts of history, fun, and family friendly activities. We encourage you to bring your family members and extend your stay before or after the conference to get the most out of the location. The City of Norfolk is the home to the largest naval base in the world. Within walking distance of The Main hotel, you can see incredible views of the Norfolk Harbor and the Navy’s Atlantic Fleet.
This year, we are focusing on aging better together. We intend to focus on how to build an environment and society where every aging person can thrive being able to engage in meaningful activities for themselves and for those who care for them. The expertise of professionals contributing to our conference will share best practices and the most up to date research on fostering a diverse and inclusive aging community.
Some key topics include raising awareness about the concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults and about the unique barriers they encounter in gaining access to housing, healthcare, long-term care, and other needed services. Additionally, there will be a focus on veterans and their caregivers through Operation Family Caregiver. This program will be highlighted to focus on building bridges of understanding between the military and civilian worlds, resulting in stronger and healthier families. Lastly, topics will include, but are not limited to issues of social justice and social determinants of health among older adults to promote the understanding, appreciation, and use of cultural differences as a critical factor in the development of systems, institutions, and programs in the aging network.
We hope you will plan on joining us to share your work, collaborate with attendees, and engage in our many planned activities and experiences.
Sincerely - Dr. Ishan Williams
Southern Gerontological Society recognizes its change in leadership
The fiscal year for SGS is coming to a close, and with it, SGS would like to take a moment and express gratitude to all of those who helped in leadership roles throughout the past 2018-2019 membership year.
SGS would like to recognize President Jennifer Craft Morgan for her exceptional leadership and for hosting a wonderful 40th Annual Conference in Miramar Beach, Florida. Dr. Morgan will now step into the role of Past-President in the upcoming year and will continue to be engaged in executive board functions, as well as chair of the Nominations Committee.
Furthermore, we would also like to recognize our Members at Large who have completed their two-year term on the Board of Directors. Many thanks go out to Dr. Jaye Atkinson, Dr. Malcolm Cutchin, Dr. Leisa Easom and Becky Watson for their service to our organization.
In addition, SGS expresses their thanks to the dedicated committee chairs AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS who have done such exceptional work for SGS over this past year.
Denise Scruggs, Membership Committee Chair
Graham Rowles, Development Committee Chair
Turner Goins, Nominations Committee Chair
Bert Waters, Budget & Finance Committee Chair
Christy Jensen and LaVona Traywick,
Awards Committee & GRITS, Co-Chairs
Ed Rosenberg, Bylaws Committee Chair
Connie Coogle & Candace Kemp, Publications Committee Co-Chairs
Caroline Westerhof, Encore Committee Chair
Sierra Nicely, Student Committee Representative
and Christy Jensen, Council of Presidents Committee Chair
Starting on July 1, 2019, SGS welcomes our newly elected Members at Large to their first year on the Board of Directors.
Karen Appert, Marketing Group
Jennifer de La Cruz, Mercer University
Fayron Epps, Georgia State University
Denise Scruggs, Beard Center on Aging
Our second year Members at Large are:
Connie Coogle, VCU - Virginia Center on Aging
Ethlyn Gibson, Hampton University
Chivon Mingo, Georgia State University - Gerontology Institute
Elizabeth "Libby" Yost, Washington College
Dr. Althea Taylor-Jones will join us as our President-Elect
Debby Yoder will resume the role of Secretary
Bert Waters remains the SGS Treasurer
Steven Studebaker will begin his role as Treasurer-elect
Jeffrey Lentz is now the appointed Student Representative
Lisa Wiese is the newly elected Encore Representative
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Ishan Williams to her two-year term as the SGS President for the 2019-2021 years. We hope that everyone is planning to join us for our 41st Annual Conference, Aging Better Together: Building an Inclusive Aging Community from April 14th through 18th, 2020 in Norfolk, Virginia.
And lastly -
We are GROWING and our members ARE our strength! If you have not already done so, please don't forget to renew your annual membership!
Thank you so much for helping us to enjoy such a successful year. We are very excited about all that is to come in the new membership year! Should anyone like to step into a leadership role, please don't hesitate to contact us at:
or by phone: (866) 920-4660
Sincerely - Lee Ann S. Ferguson, SGS Executive Director
Partner Update
SGS partners with Georgia Gerontology Society (GGS) to better understand opioid use issues among older adults.
We would strongly welcome and encourage our readership to take just a few minutes to help us by completing this survey. By completing the survey and providing feedback on the instrument, you will be helping the task force to better design what we intend to become an opioid use in older adults baseline knowledge survey. Through the utilization of this survey with both the general public and those who work directly with older adults, our joint task form may be more adept and efficient at designing educational training and tools to combat issues related to opioid use. Please note that this form does not collect or retain any identifying personal information.
This survey will remain online until Friday, September 20, 2019. To access the survey, please click the following link:
ACL Announces Initial Meetings of Caregiver Advisory Councils
Administration for Community Living is pleased to announce the first meetings of the advisory councils established by the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act and the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (SGRG) Act. Dr. Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson of the Hampton University School of Nursing and Director of the Gerontology Center of Excellence has been selected to this federal advisory council.
Both meetings will be held on August 28 - 29, 2020 at the Holiday Inn—Washington Capitol, located at 550 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20024. The meetings will be open to the public (registration required) and will be live-streamed.
A complete list of council members, as well as schedules and registration instructions for participating in the meetings, can be found at and
“The number of family caregivers, including grandparents who are raising grandchildren, is significant and growing. They are the backbone of our country’s caregiving system, and supporting them is critical,” said ACL Administrator Lance Robertson. “ACL is proud to lead the implementation of the RAISE Family Caregivers Act and the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act. We are excited to announce the membership of the two advisory councils, and we are looking forward to the inaugural meetings.”
The RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council is charged with providing recommendations on effective models of family caregiving and support to family caregivers, as well as improving coordination across federal government programs. These recommendations will support the development and execution of a national family caregiving strategy.
The Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren will identify, coordinate, and promote information, resources, and best practices available to help grandparents and other older relatives meet the needs of the children in their care, while also maintaining their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Each council is composed of members of the public selected based on demonstrated knowledge, qualifications, and professional or personal experience with the issues each council will address. In addition, each includes representatives from federal organizations that play a role in these issues.
Upcoming SGS Conference Appearance Calendar/Webinars Scheduled
SGS Reception at GSA
Upcoming webinars:
Grant work 101 by Dr. Jennifer Craft Morgan
NAP-G: The benefits of becoming a certified professional gerontologist: Donna Shaffer
Elder Suicide with Dr. Stephen Marson
Watch your emails for announcements on when these webinars will be held. Registration links for future webinars will be published in this newsletter.
Are you interested in conducting a webinar? Please be sure to let us know!
To see our available webinars, please visit SGS's Video Resource Page:
What's Happening in JAG
Journal of Applied Gerontology: from the Editor
JAG has a stellar line-up of new issues in production! August includes a mini-topic focus on technology plus articles on migration and the meaning of work among others. September brings a Special Issue: Caregiver Interventions, Burden, Measurement and Policy, with a guest introductory editorial by Dr. Christy Jensen of The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health. The October Issue features another mini-topic on screening and measurement. Be sure to check out the selection of new tools, tested and ready for research!
In other exciting news, the JAG impact factor has taken another impressive leap, from 1.992 in 2017, to 2.248 in 2018. And we moved up in the gerontology journal rankings from 15th to 11th. Authors from around the world submit excellent new articles every week, including quite a few that were presented in April at the Southern Gerontological Society meeting.
We continue to partner with SGS’s open access journal, Gerontology and Geriatrics Medicine. In 2018, 10 articles that were not a good fit for JAG were accepted in GGM through SAGE’s automatic transfer option.
I wish all had a fun and relaxing summer, and hope you find time to read and write!
Julie Robison
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Editor's Choice articles
Be sure to check out the Journal of Applied Gerontology’s Editor’s Choice Featured Articles here:
Table of Contents for Volume 38, Issue iX (September 2019)
Guest Editor: Christine J. Jensen
Implementation of a Psychosocial Intervention Program for Working Caregivers
Daniel E. Jimenez, Richard Schulz, Dolores Perdomo, Chin Chin Lee, Sara J. Czaja
Building Better Caregivers: A Pragmatic 12-Month Trial of a Community-Based Workshop for Caregivers of Cognitively Impaired Adults
Katie Lorig, Philip L. Ritter, Diana D. Laurent, Veronica Yank
External Validity of the New York University Caregiver Intervention: Key Caregiver Outcomes Across Multiple Demonstration Projects
Elizabeth B. Fauth, Mark A. Jackson, Donna K. Walberg, Nancy E. Lee, Leisa R. Easom, Gayle Alston, Angel Ramos, Kristen Felten, Asenath LaRue, Mary Mittelman
Influence of Religion on Later Burden and Health of New Black and White Caregivers
Carla R. A. Fider, Jerry W. Lee, Peter C. Gleason, Patricia Jones
Measuring the Needs of Family Caregivers of People With Dementia: An Assessment of Current Methodological Strategies and Key Recommendations
Lauren R. Bangerter, Joan M Griffin, Steven H. Zarit, Rachel Havyer
Policy Process Evaluation
Progress and Policy Opportunities in Family Caregiver Assessment: Results From a National Survey
Noreen Shugrue, Kathy G. Kellett, Cynthia Gruman, Ashley Tomisek, Jane K. Straker, Suzanne R. Kunkel, Julie Robison
The spectrum of family caregiving for adults and elders with chronic illness
Kathy Lee, Kate Chapin and Katharina Werner
Table of Contents for Volume 38, Issue X (October 2019)
Care Configurations and Unmet Care Needs in Older Men and Women
Andrew Joseph Potter
Changing Focus: End-of-Life Care in a New York State Managed Long-Term Care Program
Mary Ann Meeker, Deborah Waldrop
Screening and Measurement
Administrators’ Perceptions of Oral Health Care and Cancer Screening in Long-Term Care Nursing Facilities
Peter Maramaldi, Tamara Cadet, Shanna Burke, Mary LeCloux, Erina White, Taru Hannele Kinnunen, Elsbeth Kalenderian
Health Variables Are Informative in Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Elderly African Americans
Siny Tsang, Scott A. Sperling, Moon-Ho Park, Ira M. Helenius, Ishan C. Williams, Carol Manning
Preliminary Outcomes From a Community-Based Elder Abuse Risk and Evaluation Tool
Jason Dauenhauer, Kristin Heffernan, Paul L. Caccamise, Allison Granata, Lindsay Calamia, Tracey Siebert-Konopko, Art Mason
Adapting the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index© for Use in Long-Term Care: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Stephanie A. Ballard, Mark J. Yaffe, Linda August, Deniz Cetin-Sahin, Machelle Wilchesky
The Virtual Short Physical Performance Battery: Psychometric Properties and Validation in Older Adults With Multiple Sclerosis
Rachel E Bollaert, Anthony P Marsh, Gary R Cutter, Robert W Motl
Home- and community-based services for older adults aging in context
Natalie Leland
Table of Contents for Volume 38, Issue XI (November 2019)
Predictors of Nursing Staff Voluntary Termination in Nursing Homes: A Case-Control Study
Yuan Zhang, Laura Punnett, Rebecca Gore
Factors Associated With Care Workers’ Intention to Leave Employment in Nursing Homes: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Swiss Nursing Homes Human Resources Project
Clergia Gaudenz, Sabina De Geest, René Schwendimann, Franziska Zúñiga
The Influence of Supportive Supervisory Practices and Health Care Aides’ Self-Determination on the Provision of Person-Centered Care in Long-Term Care Facilities
Sienna Caspar, Anne Le, Katherine S. McGilton
Exploring Variation in Certified Nursing Assistant Assignments from the Perspective of Nursing Home Residents: A Comparison of Adopters and Non-Adopters of Consistent Assignment
Tonya J. Roberts, Kimberly Nolet, Barbara Bowers
Shining a Light: Examining Similarities and Differences in the Work Psychology of Health Support Workers employed in Long Term Care and Home & Community Care Settings
Tyrone Perreira, Whitney Berta, Audrey Laporte, Liane Ginsburg, Raisa Deber, Gillian Elliott, Janet Lum
Where Policy Meets Practice: Employer Perspectives on Scheduling and Hours for Home Care Aides
Elizabeth Nisbet, Jennifer Craft Morgan
Table of Contents for Volume 38, Issue XII (December 2019)
Transportation and Aging: An Updated Research Agenda for Advancing Safe Mobility
Anne E. Dickerson, Lisa Molnar, Michel Bedard, David W. Eby, Sherrilene Classen, Janice Polgar
The Social Context of Driving Cessation: Understanding the Effects of Cessation on the Life Satisfaction of Older Drivers and Their Social Partners
Emily Schryer, Kathrin Boerner, Amy Horowitz, Joann P. Reinhardt, Steven E. Mock
Older Adults Driving Under the Influence: : Associations With Marijuana Use, Marijuana Use Disorder, and Risk Perceptions
Namkee G Choi, Diana M DiNitto, C. Nathan Marti
Barriers to Nursing Home Care for Nonelderly Rural Residents
Carrie Henning-Smith, Katy Kozhimannil, Shailendra Prasad
Chronic and daily stressors along with negative affect interact to predict daily tiredness
Elizabeth N. Hartsell, Shevaun D. Neupert
Making Your Wishes Known: Who Completes an Advance Directive and Shares It With Their Health Care Team or Loved Ones?
Megumi Inoue, Emily Ihara, Albert Terrillion
Potential Cognitive Benefits From Playing Music Among Cognitively Intact Older Adults: A Scoping Review
Catherine Elizabeth Schneider, Elizabeth G. Hunter, Shoshana H. Bardach
The Effectiveness of Combining Visual Art Activities and Physical Exercise for Older Adults on Well-Being or Quality of Life and Mood: A Scoping Review
Roswiyani Roswiyani, Linda Kwakkenbos, Jan Spijker, Cilia L.M. Witteman
SGS Committee News/Initiatives/Invitations
SGS Development Committee Launches the Ruby Endowment Campaign
As SGS is a 501(c)3 non-profit society, contributions to this campaign are tax-deductible.
To set up a pledge or donate, please visit our endowment giving page located here:
Research and Services Priority Survey results now compiled and Executive Summary published
Publications Committee Updates
Sage discontinues automated Table of Content Alerts
Changes coming to the format and delivery of JAG journal
These same committees have also worked on another issue pertaining to how the journal is accessed by our membership. For nearly the past decade, Sage has not charged SGS shipping charges associated with mailing the journal to our members. As we are all aware, postage rates continue to climb and the expenses associated with mailing these journals has become unsustainable under the previous arrangement. In addition, SGS maintains a commitment to being eco-friendly and reducing the consumption of paper and print-associated energy expenditures. For these reasons, starting in January 2021, access to the journal will default to "online only" access. For those members who wish to continue to receive the journal in print, there will be an option made available to do so for a one-time annual fee of $15.00. Please continue to monitor your emails and our next newsletter for instructions on how to continue to receive a monthly published journal.
Collaboration of Student and Encore Committees results in successful launch of a member cookbook and anniversary t-shirt
The cookbook contains a collection of recipes submitted by SGS members and includes not only fabulous food items, but also features a reflection about how the food was a connection to a special family member. This was the first of what we intend to make a regular project and would certainly encourage our readers to consider what they would like to submit during the next collection.
The SGS Anniversary t-shirts were designed as an homage to our 40 years of annual meetings and our presidents. The back of the shirt, styled in the fashion of a rock concert t-shirt, features each year, the conference location, and the SGS president's name.
Both were featured during the 2019 conference and remain available for purchase, while supplies last. To order either or both, please send a request to Shipping is available. T-shirts and cookbooks are $15 each or two for $25.00 and can be purchased as combo packages for the discounted price of $25.
In Search of Research Partnerships
Study Partners Sought
Gail E. Sonnesso, MS
Geriatric Care Manager
Engagement Leader
Gentle Expert Memorycare
SGS By-laws Update
Vote on Bylaws to add Texas to region passes at SGS Annual Business Meeting
Members of SGS present at the 40th annual meeting voted to change Bylaws Article II to include Texas as part of the Society's area to be served. The previous article read:
GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: The Area to be served by this Society includes, but is not limited to, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.
The rationales for adding Texas were as follows:
A. Texas is a Southern State.
B. Texas currently has more SGS members than some of the listed states; by formally
adding the state to the SGS geographical area, SGS may see a further increase in total membership.
C. SGS will benefit from showing growth within its region; adding Texas will not compromise SGS’s “Southern” identity.
D. SGS has already had consistent membership from Texas; by formally adding the state
to the SGS geographical area, SGS may see an increase in total membership.
Our Bylaws now read as follows:
GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: The Area to be served by this Society includes, but is not limited to, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.
SGS Members - Vote to Change SGS Bylaws coming October 15, 2019
Rationale for a Committee on Public Policy and Advocacy
In recent years, the programs of annual meetings of SGS and articles within the Journal of Applied Gerontology have included increasing emphasis on issues of relevance to public policy. This trend is consistent with SGS’s aspirations for increased contribution to policy debates and advocacy for positive change initiatives targeted toward enhancing the lives of older adults in the south. In the past, SGS has had a policy committee, but this committee lapsed some years ago. In the context of increased recent concern with issues of policy and advocacy among the membership, it is recommended that a standing committee be formed to channel and coordinate initiatives in these domains, while acknowledging the legal constraints under which we operate as a 501C3 nonprofit organization. The proposed committee, with representation from each of the SGS member states, would serve to link and stimulate initiatives occurring at both the state and national levels. An initial focus of the committee would be on articulating its mandate and limits and developing a set of specific priorities and areas of emphasis.
Rationale for a Committee on Gerontological Education
Lack of gerontological literacy is an endemic problem of Western society and a major concern in the United States, including the region covered by SGS. The problem is reinforced by pervasive gerontophobia, ageism and decline ideology. One solution lies in gerontological education and efforts to nurture a populace that is informed and attuned to both the challenges and opportunities of old age. The Gerontological Society of America has a section (AGHE) that focuses on gerontological education in higher education, but there is no organization that currently addresses gerontological education at all levels from pre-school to post-retirement. For some time, SGS has sponsored sessions on aspects of gerontological education at the annual meeting. In view of increased concern with gerontological education among the membership of SGS, the time is propitious for the creation of a standing committee that will stimulate initiatives on gerontological education at all levels (from cradle to grave) with a view to increasing gerontological literacy in our region. The proposed committee will seek to work collaboratively with existing agencies and organizations having concerns with gerontological education.
Should anyone have any questions or concern related to this matter, please feel welcome to share them with us via email at
Sandestin Resort and the 40th SGS Annual Meeting Memories
A sampling of photos
For additional photos of the 2019 SGS Annual Meeting, please visit:
2019 SGS Annual Meeting Awards
First Class of SGS Marshall Fellows Inductees
Designation by the Southern Gerontological Society as a Victor W. Marshall Fellow in Applied Gerontology is an acknowledgment of outstanding and continuing achievement that bridges the domains of original and applied research, service to government, practice with older adults, gerontology education and advocacy within gerontology.
This designation, equivalent to the attainment of Fellow status in many prestigious societies and organizations, is named in honor of Victor W. Marshall who has made significant and long-lasting contributions to SGS and gerontology through original independent scholarship, working with diverse collaborative teams, support to veterans, nurturing of advocacy and public service to older adults, and mentorship of applied gerontologists from diverse disciplinary and practice backgrounds.
2019 Inductees:
Denise Scruggs
Jaye Atkinson
Sudha Shreeniwas
Jennifer Craft Morgan
Inductee (Center) Denise Scruggs
Inductee (Right) Sudha Shreeniwas
Inductee (Right) Jaye Atkinson
Rhoda Jennings Distinguished Older Advocate Awardee, Bob Blancato
Applied Gerontologist Awardee, Dr. Leisa Easom
Media Awardee - “Aging in Arkansas” Radio Programming, Rosalie Otters, UALR (award accepted by Deano Traywick)
SGS Best Practices Award - Memory Matters, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Student Paper Award
The student paper award is awarded to an SGS student member who is the lead author of a paper which was submitted in advance of the conference to be reviewed by the Awards Committee. The research ideas must be substantially those of the student with an emphasis in gerontology. The student’s faculty advisor must write a letter of support. This year there were three papers that rose to the top. As each paper had its merit, it was a very difficult process for the reviewers to select a winner.
1st Place:
Sara Stemen: Away but not gone: Continuing bonds and deceased loved ones in social convoys
2nd Place:
Jing Liu: Understanding subjective well-being for Chinese elders over time
3rd Place:
Kallol Kumar Bhattacharyya: Alternative therapies in person-centered care for persons with dementia in nursing homes
Congratulations to our student paper winners!
Student Poster Awards
Any SGS Student Member submitting scholarly work for presentation at the SGS Annual Meeting in Poster format as the primary author is eligible for the Student Poster Award. Students must submit their application for the award prior to the conference; however, the judging takes place at the conference. Criteria includes poster appeal - how it looks, content - the research, analysis and results, and presentation - how well did the student present their poster to the judges.
1st Place:
Mijung Lee: Exploring the challenges and impact on how caregivers of older adults with dementia manage medical/nursing tasks at home: An integrative review.
2nd Place:
Asmita Karanjit, Nidhi Joshi, and Adabale Olanrewaju: Creating a survey process for benchmarking person-centered care in nursing homes.
3rd Place:
Delia Regalado: Using existential counseling techniques to work with older Latino adults.
2019 Annual Meeting Student Scholarships
2019 Awardees:
Jeffrey Lentz
Ngozi Jane-Frances Chima
Student scholarships are awarded each year. Students are required to be active members of SGS, have been accepted to present during the annual conference, and to complete an application that is reviewed by members of the SGS Awards Committee. This year's applications for scholarship (and other awards) will open on the SGS website on January 6, 2020 after acceptance for presentations are completed.
SGS 2019 Annual Meeting Scholarship Winners Respond
Jeffrey Lentz, MS, CPG
I first came to the Southern Gerontological Society conference in 2018 at Lake Lanier, GA. I was scared because I was selected to present a poster of my research on the first day of the conference (I got through it with overwhelming support!). I didn’t know anyone other than the students and professors I met at Georgia State University. Debby was the student representative, and Sierra was the student representative-elect. Both of them motivated me to get involved in SGS. They both introduced me to other colleagues at SGS and showed me the ropes. It was then that I realized that SGS was going to be my home for life!
I was so motivated that I inquired about the student representative position for the 2019-2020 school year. It was announced that I was appointed to the executive board of SGS as the student representative during this year’s conference. This made the conference so much more for me in particular. This year was different—I began to recognized familiar faces from last year and got to connect my colleagues, mentors, and friends. This year I was able to present my dissertation research with the support of my dissertation chair and SGS. Feedback from participants was constructive yet supportive. I never felt these feelings before at any other conference I have attended.
What does SGS mean to me? My experience at SGS has been extremely positive. SGS is my new home away from home, and hope I can give back as graciously as members have been gracious to me. The support from SGS has been emotionally well received. Support is essential to me as an emerging scholar and practitioner in the field of gerontology. There is so much support and wisdom to be learned at SGS. Veterans and scholars in the area are readily available to connect with you at meetings, share advice, share their struggles and how they overcame them, and professional development. If you join SGS, you’ll receive support for your interests!
Volunteering my time at the conference also had a profound effect on me. At the time, I was the SGS student representative-elect. Both Sierra and Debby took it upon themselves to orient me to SGS. I took the time to absorb as much as I can as I have big shoes to fill. Volunteering was one way to give back to an excellent organization. While volunteering, I met some influential veterans, practitioners, and scholars. Volunteering has afforded me opportunities to network with SGS members and visitors. I am most grateful for volunteering, as I would not have been given these networking opportunities. If you volunteer at the annual conference, I can guarantee it will be unforgettable. Lee Ann, the SGS Executive Director, leads the volunteer efforts, and she is an influential leader. She takes volunteering seriously as well as taking the time to explain in detail the processes of the conference to the volunteers. She takes the time to make sure her volunteers are well taken care of, engaged, and fed!
In summation, SGS hands down is the best organization! The members work together to make the climate inclusive, comfortable, and most of all, enjoyable. I am forever in the debt of SGS for all the amazing connections I’ve made over the past several years. I look forward to contributing time and energy to maintain SGS’s success for another 40 years!
2019 SGS Encore Award Winners - Laura Bauer and Jo Ann O'Quin
Mining the Gems--Laura J. Bauer
I’ve enjoyed every SGS Conference I’ve ever attended but approached the 2019 Conference with different goals than in the past. Being a recent (2018) retiree from the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving (RCI), when attending previous SGS conferences, I’d had professional objectives in mind that related directly to my work. While still very interested in caregiving, I have expanded my passions to peacemaking, culture change, and inclusivity. “Mining the Gems” contained opportunities for me to feed these new passions fully. It would take me a book to recount all of these, so I’ll focus on my most memorable moments.
On Tuesday, I was able to complete a bucket list item, co-presenting with my dear friend and colleague Christy Jensen, who I met through my work at RCI. It was my first opportunity to merge my new career with the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation with the caregiving work I’d spent two decades fostering, and it was wonderful to see old friends and new faces in our session, “Partnerships and Evidence-Driven Programs Supporting Family Caregivers." Afterwards, I was pumped up by the excellent welcome by SGS President Jennifer Craft-Morgan and keynote address by Richard Prudom, Secretary of Florida Department of Elder Affairs. The Student Poster session validated my belief that young people truly do have important things to say about the field of gerontology, and the future is bright in that regard!
On Wednesday, mostly out of pure curiosity, I attended the Death Café. One of the courses I teach at Georgia Southwestern State University is “Caregiving at the End of Life," and I found the Death Café concept something novel that I could take back to my students. But the most compelling part of this session was being seated at a table with people I’d never met before, two of whom may not be aware of the powerful impact they made on me that day. To my left was John Lovit, and directly across from me was Danny Housley. Both men shared personal stories with candor and insight, and I am extremely grateful to both for their courage and honesty. I felt my mind being expanded as others participating in the Café began discussing old and new fears with abandon. The nonjudgmental Death Café environment was cathartic in ways I would never have guessed going in and holds great promise for communities across the country. I want to bring one to Americus, Georgia, where I live!
It had been 15 years or so since I’d last seen the indomitable Teepa Snow, and her session Thursday morning was fantastic! Three tidbits that really stuck with me are: “What you kept is not what I want to hear," “One brain is changing, what about the other one?," and “Assess, don’t assume." Seeing Teepa role-play concepts of her Positive Physical Approach and having us turn to the person next to us and practice it with them was extremely valuable. I also really enjoyed seeing the lightbulbs go off for two students I’d met in Wednesday’s Death Café, and who were sitting in the row in front of me in the audience. Teepa’s direct and no-holds barred approach is so very powerful to anyone who is caring for a family member or working with an individual with dementia.
Friday’s “Living with Dementia” Feature Session was yet another powerful experience. Knowing even less than I thought I did about Frontotemporal Dementia, I was able to hear first-hand from both those living with the disease and their spouses, now in the role of caregiver. Vastly different than the experiences of families like mine who have completed an Alzheimer’s disease journey, I felt ignorant that I knew so little about this hideous disease. I felt the pain of these courageous caregivers and left the session impassioned about bringing more awareness to the other forms of dementia that are rarely talked about. I agree with the session speakers that we have to stop using Alzheimer’s disease as the umbrella that all other dementias are housed under. Dementia is the umbrella, and although Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent form of dementia, it should not be garnering the lion’s share of research dollars or attention. I profoundly thank SGS for educating me on this topic.
The SGS 40th Anniversary Gala was a wonderful event highlighted by great food, networking, catching up with old friends, a stunning sunset on the outside patio, excellent music, and most of all DANCING the night away! I was pleasantly shocked to see the total steps on my Apple Watch at the end of the night!
I told all of my friends and colleagues after returning home that after attending dozens of conferences over the decades, SGS never fails to bring the very best programming mixed in with fun and relaxation in the most beautiful places across the south. Bravo to Lee Ann Ferguson and the entire SGS team! I sincerely appreciate receiving the Encore Adult Travel Scholarship that allowed me to attend without draining my post-retirement bank account. I intend to stay engaged with this great community of practitioners and researchers forevermore!
Jo Ann O’Quin is a former Board member and SGS member since 1984.
Now a retired professor, I was a little stunned when I was invited by younger leaders of SGS to apply for an Encore scholarship award to attend the 2019 meeting. I am honored to have received the award and to participate again in the SGS annual meeting this spring. As part of the award, I was asked to write about my experience for this newsletter, a task that takes me back in time, since I was the SGS newsletter editor or co-editor from 2003 to 2009. Moreover, it prompted a review of what SGS has meant to me.
At age 26, I received a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Mississippi and had a vital interest in gerontology. At that time the university had no courses or faculty with interest in this area, although I was fortunate to conduct my thesis and dissertation research with older adults. Early in my career, I found one person in Mississippi doing education and training in the area, Dr. John Lovitt, who ran an Institute on Aging “down the road” from Oxford at Mississippi State University in Starkville. Dr. Lovitt became a mentor and I eventually taught courses for his institute.
As a young budding gerontologist, I asked Dr. Lovitt what I should know about aging. Without hesitation, he said, “learn all you can about a disease called Alzheimer’s!” He also told me to get involved with the Southern Gerontological Society, as he had been an early resident of SGS. My first presentation at SGS was in 1984 in Knoxville where I met guys named Lorin, Ed, Chuck, Peroni, Larry, and many others who also became my mentors and lifelong friends. I also conducted Oxford's first community workshop on Alzheimer’s that same year.
So a highlight of my experience at this year’s meeting was unexpectedly seeing my mentor, Dr. Lovitt, and being able to tell him in person how essential he was in molding my career in academia and community service. His advice in 1984 has led to where I am today. I have put academia behind me now, but the community service work continues to be a rewarding experience. Nineteen years ago I started the C.A.R.E. (Caring for Aging Relatives Effectively) education and support luncheon meeting. Eight years ago I co-founded Memory Makers Respite Day Program for those with memory loss (providing low-cost respite for caregivers) and a Caregiver Resource Center (where I offer free family counseling). But the longest-running service activity to stem from John Lovitt’s nudge is the Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia Caregiver Support Group. It began in 1985 and continues today. I learned from Teepa Snow at this year’s SGS meeting that it may be the longest-running continuous support group in the country. Over the years, we have wonderful members who began as needing help and stayed to help others. One of the “Caregiver Emeritus” is an original member who still comes after 34 years, after losing his mother-in-law and then sadly his wife to Alzheimer’s! In his mission to help other caregivers, he has generously purchased 125 copies of The 36-Hour Day by Mace and Rabins (that I first read in 1984) for me to loan to caregivers over the years.
The caregivers I have listened to monthly for all these years are my heroes, my family, and my inspiration to continue hoping that someday soon we will no longer need these types of groups. Until then, I hope SGS continues to provide valuable education, encouragement, and support for those like me who will also become Encore members someday. I am most appreciative that the program this year was extremely valuable in furthering my education on dementia with sessions on FTD, Lewy body dementia, tips from Teepa Snow, Memory and Music as well as many conversations with experts in the field.
And on a lighter note, one of my favorite SGS activities over the years has been donating to and starting many a bid at the annual silent auction. I was thrilled to see my donations this year generate some funds but also to see a beautiful set of pearls go to a young student. She was very excited to “win” those jewels, just as I was when I “won” those same jewels at an SGS auction many, many years ago!
Friday - April 12 - The Presidential Ruby Gala
SGS Seeks part-time Social Media Strategist and Interns
The Southern Gerontological Society seeks a capable social media strategist to work on a part-time basis to help promote the Society and its publications. This job would be a perfect fit for someone who is self-motivated, innovative and well-versed in Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and other emerging social media platforms. Contract period is for one year with possibility for the position to develop into more hours and added responsibilities. Deadline to apply: October 1, 2019. For more information, please see the full job description here:
Student Internship Description
Southern Gerontological Society (SGS) is looking for student interns to join our team. Selected interns will work to help maintain daily SGS functions such as member communication and membership retention and recruitment. Internships are built to specifics to build student strengths in work related to non-profit management and educational development. These specifics are developed in coordination with the student, their academic adviser, and the SGS executive director. Internships can be tailored to focus on any number of projects that can be used to satisfy capstone projects or research priorities.
Interns should be prepared to work in a multi-tasking, independent environment, and can expect to finish their internship having gained broad experience in various aspects of gerontology and non-profit management. Internships are not paid, however select interns will be provided assistance with travel to the annual meeting based on current SGS reimbursement rates (and time of year in which the internship is completed). Hours of the internship are flexible and this internship will be managed through weekly virtual meetings, emails, and phone calls. Travel to the office of SGS is not necessary.
Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
Assist with communication to members of SGS through social media marketing campaigns.
Assist with organization and execution of the SGS Annual Programs or other upcoming meetings.
Assist with the preparation and delivery of conference materials, including call for presentation, pre-conference brochure, conference program, and website promotional content.
Assist in the creation of signage, circulars, mock-ups, e-mail campaigns, online promotion, etc.
Assist in the distribution or delivery of marketing materials.
Enter membership, registration, exhibitor, and sponsorship information into contact management systems.
Offer support in direct communication with the vast multi-state network of Southern Gerontological Society members to promote conference attendance, and membership recruitment and retention.
Research and communicate with potential conference sponsors, exhibitors, and advertisers.
Work with SGS student representative and representative-elect to coordinate special select student topics sessions to be held at the SGS annual meeting.
Work with SGS student representative and representative-elect to coordinate special select student topics sessions to develop “student resources” website content for the website.
SGS is looking for an undergraduate or graduate student who is focused, preferably, on Gerontology, hospitality, marketing, or public administration. This person should have excellent verbal and written communication skills, with extensive knowledge of Web and social media. PowerPoint, Access, Word and Excel experience is a bonus and will be considered when choosing the best applicant for this internship position. Faculty support of a “remote-site” internship is necessary. Please discuss this option with your internship supervisor before applying to make certain you have their support.
Majors given preference for this internship include:
Concentration in Gerontology preferred
Human Development and Family Studies
Healthcare or Business Administration; Non-Profit Management
Public Health
To apply for this internship, please submit an internship proposal to include details about personal strengths and goals, and current resume, along with current contact information to:
Lee Ann S. Ferguson, Executive Director
Southern Gerontological Society
PO BOX 160
Taylorsville, NC 28681
Fax: 866-920-4649
For questions, please call 866-920-4660
Proposals/resumes may be sent to us via email at:
SGS Membership Committee Announces New State Ambassador Opportunities
SGS's State Ambassador Program has had an extremely productive year and SGS would like to thank our current ambassadors for the role they have played in helping SGS stay better connected in each of our 14 states. Our State Ambassadors play an important role in the growth and future of SGS, as well as the development and utilization of programs and services.
SGS continues to seek new state ambassadors. SGS State Ambassadors are appointed by the Membership Committee and report to the Membership Committee Chairperson. Ideally, each state will be represented by a team consisting of at least one academic and one practitioner. State Ambassadors commit to a two-year term which may be extended at the discretion of the Membership Committee.
While volunteer State Ambassadors will contribute their time and expertise toward these organizational efforts, there are a number of potential rewards for participating. They include:
- Increased networking opportunities with professionals in the field of aging at local, state and regional levels;
- Leadership experience and personal development opportunities;
- Reduced rate for SGS annual meeting attendance; and
- Opportunities to attend state or regional meetings on behalf of SGS (and with some financial support).
Responsibilities of the SGS State Ambassador position include:
- Become familiar with SGS, its membership benefits, volunteer and leadership opportunities and other resources;
- Develop an annual state activities plan and report progress during monthly Membership Committee calls;
- Build SGS awareness, membership and reciprocal relationships by attending local and regional meetings, conferences and presentations;
- Encourage submission of articles to SGS-related professional gerontological publications: Journal of Applied Gerontology (JAG), Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (GGM) and Southern Gerontologist Newsletter;
- Attend and promote attendance and participation in annual SGS meetings; and
- Initiate and coordinate local SGS initiatives and activities appropriate to your state.
To be qualified, a member must be in good membership standing, exhibit strong interpersonal and communication skills, be comfortable speaking to groups, and have the time and ability to dedicate to the responsibilities listed above.
If you are interested in becoming more involved and want to learn more about the new SGS State Ambassador position, please contact the SGS Executive Director, Lee Ann Ferguson, at For those interested, the Ambassador application form is attached below and, once completed, can be returned via email to Lee Ann at the above email address.
Welcome NEW Southern Gerontological Society Members!
Please help us welcome our newest members who have joined the organization since January 2019:
Gigi Amateau
Virginia Commonwealth University
Mixon Ware
Concordia University Chicago
Cheryl Osborne
California State University Sacramento
Julie Hartmann
Gannon University
Hannah Kaufman
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Vontella Bridges
Georgia State University
Beth Culross
University of Nebraska Omaha
Kim McRae
Have a Good Life
February 2019
Alexandria Russell
University of Kentucky
Kenneth Fuller
Georgia State University, Gerontology Institute
Carly Vogel
USF School of Aging Studies
Jing Liu
Georgia State University
Cathy Abell
Western Kentucky University
Richelle King
Georgia State University
Delia Regalado
Georgia State University
Jonathan Lucas-Neel
WVU Physicians of Charleston
Karen Kopera-Frye
New Mexico State University
Jane Lowers
Lancaster University PhD Programme in Palliative Care
Whitney Self
Appalachian State University
Mary Lou Donaldson
TLC Caregivers
Kallol Kumar Bhattacharyya
Georgia State University, Gerontology Institute
Lyn Holley
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Department of Gerontology
Ashley Jennings
Bethune-Cookman University
Adeleye Adaralegbe
University of North Texas
Carol Jacobs
Caregivers Care
Susan Webb
Marshes of Skidaway Island
Heidi Maxwell
Salem VAMC
Kathleen Walsh
Central Connecticut State University
Yee Man Ng
UT Texas
Jeananne Elkins
Brenau University
March 2019
Gaynell Simpson
The University of Alabama
Nicole Collings Rushing
Campbell University
Ngozi Chima
University of North Texas
Juliana McDonald
University of Kentucky
John Miggliaccio
Maturity Mark Services Co
Frances Bottenberg
UNC Greensboro
Jessica Yeakle Allen
Birmingham-Southern College
Ronald Aday
Middle Tennessee State University
Riley Paye
University of Central Oklahoma
Sarah Farmer
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Heidi Ewen
UIndy and UGA
Kimberly Wolf
University of Georgia, School of Social Work
Amy Knoespel
Georgia State University
Dawn Carr
Florida State University
Jennifer Coffey
Beyond Breed
Patricia Fletcher
April 2019
Brandon Dunlap
Olivio Clay
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sarah Standridge
Middle Tennessee State University
May 2019
Nichelle Mitchem
Lutheran Towers
Andrew Ferguson
Tactical Diversions, LLC
June 2019
Dawn Weeks
Bedford County Department of Social Services Adult Protective Services
We look forward to seeing them at our 2020 Annual Meeting and their continued involvement in SGS.
Share your research and/or practice interests with SGS members
Continuing our mission to make SGS a more comprehensive resource for our members, while growing connections between members who focus their research and service working in similar areas, we have recently begun identifying ways to link them. One way we can all contribute to these linkages is for members to access their member profiles on the SGS website, update them and make them more detailed by including research interests and expertise. These updates will allow us to begin to form interest groups and encourage our students to become and continue to be members of SGS. It will also support already established relationships and person to person contact at our annual meetings.
PLEASE take a moment to update your member profile so that you can make connections with other members with interests in similar areas to yours.
Conference Calendar
September 4-6, 2019
Louisiana Aging Network Association
Annual Conference
Baton Rouge Marriott, 5500 Hilton Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
September 5-6, 2019
Geriatric Collaborative of Central Virginia
2019 Elder Care Conference
Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge, 1550 Pantops Mountain Place, Charlottesville, VA 22911
September 8-11, 2019
Southeastern Association of Area Agencies on Aging (SE4A)
SE4A Annual Conference: Two Stepping Into the Future
Gaylord Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee
September 9-11, 2019
The Carolinas Center
Annual Hospice & Palliative Care Conference: Emerging Trends in Serious Illness Management
Hyatt Regency, 220 North Main Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29601
September 9-11, 2019
Mississippi Department of Human Resources
Aging and Adult Services Conference: Three C’s of Aging: Connect, Create, Contribute
Landers Center, 4560 Venture Dr., Southaven, MS 38671
September 12-14, 2019
Aging Life Care Association
Southeast Chapter Annual Conference: Leading the Path to Aging Well
Embassy Suites Bear Creek, 800l Arco Corp. Dr., Raleigh, NC 27617
September 15, 2019
University of Houston
Aging America: Clinical Care Symposium for the Geriatric Population
Health District: Health 1 Building, in the Molly and Doug Barnes Vision Institute @ University of Houston College of Optometry,4849 Calhoun Road, Houston,TX 77204
September 18, 2019
Leading Age North Carolina
Mid-Atlantic CCRC/Life Plan Marketing Symposium
Covenant Woods, 7090 Covenant Woods, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
September 18-20, 2019
Senior Care Alliance
2019 Aging Conference: No Longer Lost at Sea
Fort Smith Convention Center, Fort Smith, AR
September 19-21, 2019
20th Annual Geriatrics and Long-Term Care Conference
UAMSIOA, Ford Auditorium, Rm. 1207, Little Rock, AR
October 8-10, 2019
NC Assisted Living Association
Boomers Are Coming: Get Ready for Them
Benton Convention Center, 301 W 5th Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
October 9, 2019
University of Alabama at Birmingham
UAB Aging Symposium: From Chromosomes to Communities: Integrating Aging Research
UAB National Alumni Society House, 1301 10th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205
October 10-12, 2019
International Council on Active Aging
Shaping the Future of Wellness
Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center Orlando, Florida
October 10-11, 2019
Leading Age Kentucky
2019 Annual Conference
Marriott East Hotel, Louisville, KY
October 10-13, 2019
UT Health San Antonio
2019 Barshop Conference on Aging: Resilience in Aging and Age-Related Disease
The Mayan Ranch, Bandera, TX
October 16-18, 2019
Grantmakers in Aging (GIA)
2019 GIA Annual Conference
Nork York Marriott Downtown, New York, NY
October 23, 2019
Western Kentucky University
Barren River Mental Health and Aging Conference
Knicely Conference Center, 2355 Nashville Road, Bowling Green KY
October 23-27, 2019
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG)
11th IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress
Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan
October 30-31, 2019
Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging (o4a)
o4a Annual Conference for Aging and Disability Networks
Hilton Easton, Columbus, Ohio
November 1, 2019
Centralina Area Agency on Aging
Annual Aging Conference
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC
November 6, 2019
West Virginia Geriatric Society
Tomorrow and Beyond: Optimizing Geriatric Quality of Life
University of Charleston, Geary Student Union Building, 2300 MacCorkle Aven, SE, Charleston, WV
November 3-6, 2019
National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA
November 3-6, 2019
University of South Florida
8th International and Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Aging and Speech Communication
Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, FL
November 4, 2019
McGovern Medical School
Hot Topics in Aging
Denton A. Cooley, MD, and Ralph C. Cooley, DDS, University Life Center, Houston, TX
November 12-13, 2019
National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence
A Transdisciplinary Conference on Aging & Alzheimers: Caregiving, Diversity and Quality
Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX
November 13-17, 2019
Gerontological Society of America
Annual Scientific Meeting: Strength in Age: Harnessing the Power of Networks
JW Marriott Austin, 110 E. 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701
March 24-27, 2020
American Society on Aging
Aging in America
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, 265 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303
April 14-18, 2020
Southern Gerontological Society 41st Annual Meeting
Aging Better Together: Building an Inclusive Aging Community
Hilton Norfolk the MAIN, 100 E. Main Street, Norfolk, VA 23510
April 16-19, 2020
Georgia Tech
Cognitive Aging Conference
JW Marriott Atlanta Buckhead, Atlanta, GA
April 19-21, 2020
UL Tranger Institute
Optimal Aging Conference
Brown Hotel, Louisville, KY
April 25-28, 2020
Environments for Aging
Environments for Aging
Kentucky Convention Center, Louisville, KY
May 12, 2020
Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Virginia Governor’s Conference on Aging
Richmond, VA
Southern Gerontologist
The Publications Committee is looking for ways to tighten the bond between the journal (JAG) and the newsletter. We can consider a piece on the most cited articles. Standard content of the newsletter includes: a President’s Column, information about the Annual Meeting, upcoming articles in JAG, member news, a welcome to new members and membership info, a calendar to include upcoming conferences and programs, officers, and a Student Rep update.
Periodic content includes: highlights from the Council of Presidents, editorials, updates from states, featured articles/books/websites, awards and nominations, and obituaries. The newsletter editors would appreciate contributions from the Board related to the latter items.
Contact the editors of the Southern Gerontologist to share news or article ideas
or provide feedback. Member news and events are welcome.
Chih-Ling Liou, Ph.D, email: Office: 330-244- 3551
Kelly Munly, Ph.D, email: Office: 301-379- 2891
Sherry Lind, MGS, email: Office: 513-484-3829
2019/2020 Newsletter Schedule
The Southern Gerontologist Newsletter will publish 4 times annually. Should you have information you wish to submit for publication, please note the 2019 newsletter schedule deadlines and publication dates are as follows:
Fall 2019 Edition:
Deadline for news: October 10, 2019
Distribution by: November 6, 2019
January 2020 Special Edition
Deadline for news: December 23, 2019
Distribution by: January 17, 2020
Winter 2020 Edition
Deadline for news: February 4, 2020
Distribution by: February 25, 2020
Spring/Summer 2020 Edition
Deadline for news: May 27, 2020
Distribution by: June 15, 2020
Topic: Post Conference Reflection, End-of-Year Report
Past editions of JAG can be accessed by SGS members through the Sage website. The Southern Gerontologist can be found on the Southern Gerontological Society’s website in the members’ area. Past editions of the Southern Gerontologist are available on the website and are distributed to the membership via email.
SGS Contact Information
There are many opportunities for members to contribute to the organization and its progress in bridging those gaps that do exist between research and practice. Please let us know how we can include you!
Southern Gerontological Society
Location: PO Box 160, Taylorsville, NC 28681
Phone: (866) 920-4660
Twitter: @sgsmgr