Nixon Elementary School
Nixon Notables
Important Dates
9/1/23 - Kindergarten Welcome Days
9/4/23 - No School - Labor Day
9/5/23 - First Day of School for Kindergarten
7:55-8:30 a.m. PTO Meeting in Cafeteria
9/13/23 - Early Release Day, Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.
9/19/23 - 6:00-8:00 Back to School Night
9/22/23 - 1:45 p.m. Student Advisory Council Meeting
9/25/23 - No School
9/26/23 - 2:35-3:35 p.m. School Advisory Council Meeting (SAC)
9/28/23 - PTO Fun Run
The First Week of School for Grades 1 Through 5!
This week really went by fast! Everyone in the schoolhouse is learning names, classroom rituals, lunch room and recess routines, and connecting back with familiar faces. If there is one thing important to elementary school it is routine. The children are doing a wonderful job learning about their new classrooms and their familiar schoolhouse. The Mindful Minute is up and running again each morning at 8:00 a.m. The Mindful Minute is provided via the PA system by Principal Woods. It is a calm minute at the start of our school day. A chime is rung, children and staff pause, listen to an instrumental choice of music for one minute and are reminded to begin the school day gently. Mindfulness and the ability to pause is a skill and practice helpful to many.
There were two moments where we moved through our safety routines when the fire alarm sounded. One was an unplanned experience on Thursday and the other was a planned fire drill on Friday. We are so grateful to the Nixon Staff, Sudbury Fire Department, Sudbury Police Department, and children for making these experiences move smoothly.
Next week we welcome our littlest learners, our kindergartners, on Tuesday, September 5. Thank you to our Nixon educators who have met and worked with our newest members of Nixon via the Kindergarten Welcome Days. Parent volunteers make this experience even more welcoming and joyful. Thank you families for your time when welcoming out newest learners.
This is one of the best times at our school! The beginning of the school year has a wonderful energy. We are so pleased to have you and your family at Nixon School.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Susan Woods
Nixon School Principal
Tranquil Nook Lunch Seating - Thank you SERF!
The construction of the Nook provides decreased sound and noise and this contributes to a more tranquil lunch setting for all children to use. Classroom teachers will create the seating rotation for children throughout the school year to provide more tranquil seating for children who prefer it. Thank you SERF!
Reminders :)
Early Release Days Dismiss at 11:45 A.M.
Arrival & Departure at School
Car Arrival
No one should exit a car without staff direction, nor prior to 7:45 a.m.
Cars will stage at the stop sign at the front of the drop off circle
Staff will be present to help as needed
One staff will be present at the stop sign arrival sidewalk
Parents should remain in their car for drop off
***Do not pass on the left when on campus***
Late Arrival
Children will come to the front vestibule to buzz in
Families can walk their child to the front doors and enter the schoolhouse when dropping off their child(ren).
Early Dismissal
Any change in dismissal, please use
Children will be called from the classroom when the parent present for pick up
Parents can come into the schoolhouse and wait for their child in the front hallway near the office
- An SED staff member will accompany children to and from their classrooms during arrival and dismissal
- SED will be stationed in the cafeteria this school year and will use other spaces in the schoolhouse for their time together
- Dismissal from SED will take place at the cafeteria double doors and staffed by an SED staff member.
A designated staff member will meet each bus upon arrival each school day as well as when departing for the afternoon. Busses will be unloaded one at a time under the awning at the rotunda doors. Students will remain on the bus until allowed to disembark.
Priority is given to the bus arriving from Boston due their length of commute.
There will be two staff members, one located inside the double doors of the rotunda and one staff in front of the library to support children through their entrance into the schoolhouse and directly into their classrooms.
“Right is polite” will be the way we assist children in remembering how to pass in the hallway.
Movers/Bikers Arrival
Enter through the front door.
Should not arrive on site until 7:45 a.m.
Mover/Biker Dismissal
Movers/Bike Riders will come directly to the cafeteria to meet a staff member to prepare for an assembled dismissal
Mover/Bike Riders dismissed through cafeteria door
Officer “Rocky” will meet children at the crosswalk area to cross the children safely across Concord Road
Car Dismissal
We will continue to use our “live dismissal procedures”: Link found here.
Children will prepare for dismissal while awaiting under the front overhang of the schoolhouse
Children will exit the schoolhouse from the front double doors
We will depart vehicles by groups of ten
General John Nixon Elementary School
Location: 472 Concord Rd, Sudbury, MA 01776, USA
Phone: 978-443-1080