Learning Coaches
Some thoughts for the starting school year

What is the Role of the Learning Coach?
A Learning Coach is a parent, relative, sibling, or legal guardian who supports a K12 student’s education journey at home. By stepping into this role, you can set your student up for success in our K12 environment and beyond. Learn more here: What does a Learning Coach do?
Questions? Need additional help? Email us today dcawi@wivcs.org We are happy to help!
See K12 Stride online: help.k12.com/s/ for helpful videos and articles.
Learning Coach Handbook
After reviewing the handbook, please sign and return the acknowledgement form linked below (also found in the handbook) at the beginning of each year:
New Learning Coach Orientation
Is your student new to DCA?
New to Destinations Career Academy of WI? Start your school year off strong with Welcome to DCA Smore Newsletters. Also, please see the week of welcome for new HS students. The Week of Welcome is required for ALL new students.
On-Demand Computer Basics
Do you want to brush up on some basic computer skills, or learn more about the online classroom students will collaborate during the school day called Newrow? Visit the link below to register for several on-demand webcasts to help you with your success as a learning coach.
Learning Coach Life
Unlock the Power of Community - Join the Learning Coach (LC) community to connect with other LC's in DCA-Wisconsin and across the country. This link will provide information on accessing the community via the Online School app.
#LearningCoachLife - Helping Learning Coaches with all things. Check out this K12 newsletter today!
K12 Insights - Perspectives and Podcasts. Check them out!
Virtual vs. Home School
Have you heard the words virtual school and home school? Is there a difference? Yes, there is! And we want to help you understand that difference! Click HERE for more details and to explore the difference between virtual school and home school!
Family Advisory
Information coming soon!
If you are interested in being part of our Destinations Career Academy Family Advisory please let us know. Reach out to Jen Wegner, Principal at jwegner@dcawi.org or Stacey Armitage, WBL Coordinator at sarmitage@wivcs.org.
Additional Support for Learning Coaches
Help Desk / Open Office Hour with Ms. Heinzelman
Help Desk is available every Monday & Wednesday! This is an optional session if you need additional assistance.
The office hours for this is 12:00pm-1:00pm.
You can attend this session by clicking here.
LC Community Coffee - Hosted with Lynne
LC Community Coffee is held every Friday from 8:30am-10:00am. This is truly just a spot for you to connect with other learning coaches. You can ask each other questions, plan gatherings etc. You can join the coffee gathering by clicking here.
Need the Internet?
PLEASE COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH STUDENT. REMEMBER TO REVIEW YOUR RESPONSES CAREFULLY before submitting the form. Your mobile hotspot order will be placed within 2 business days after this form is submitted.* Hotspot devices are shipped directly from Verizon via UPS or Fed Ex and require a signature at the time of delivery. If you have any questions, please contact Rianna Kubly, rkubly@wivcs.org. Orders will resume normal schedule on August 12th, 2024. **IF YOU HAVE A DEVICE ALREADY BUT ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT RIANNA KUBLY, rkubly@wivcs.org Student and LC Tech Support
For issues or questions related to computers, logins, or books/supplies, call K12 Customer Service Support: 1-866-512-2273
Attendance Matters
- Daily Absence: To report an absence for the current day when missing 50% of more of the scheduled school day (3 or more hours), contact the Attendance Line by 9:00am. Phone: 1.608.838.9482 Option 0.
- Absent 3+ Days: Illness / Extended inability to participate in excess of 3 days, a medical note is required and needs to be submitted to the Attendance Specialist in a timely manner. Any excuse is to be in writing and state the time period for which it is valid, not to exceed 30 days, Wis. Stat. sec. 118.15(3)(a). Email: wiattendance@wivcs.org
- Planned Absence: If a future absence is scheduled to take place such as a vacation, complete the planned absence form at least three days to the absence. On the planned absence form you will click on “student absence form”.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have completed enrollment for my child. How do I access the Online School (OLS)
Frist, you'll need to create separate accounts: one for the Learning Coach and one for each enrolled student. Watch this video for step-by-step instructions on how to set up those accounts.
Where can I find information regarding courses and any materials that may be shipped?
Log in to your Online School (OLS) Learning Coach account and in “Quick Links” go to “My Info” to find information about course assignments and materials.
Who do I contact for Technical Support (i.e. computer, printer)?
Contact the K12 Customer Support Team or call 866.512.2273 for questions related to:
- Setting up Learning Coach and student accounts in the Online School (OLS)
- Logging in to and using the OLS
- Technical assistance accessing Class Connect sessions
- Technical assistance with K12 computer requirements
How do I report my child absent?
Please use the attendance form to report all absences.
As a public school we are responsible for creating and maintaining attendance records for students. At our school we define attendance as the following:
- A student attending live Class Connect Sessions.
- A student receiving and responding to communication from a teacher.
- A student completing an assignment.
- A student participating in daily lessons.
Students need to complete one of the above requirements within 5 school days for each of the courses they are enrolled in in order to be marked as present.
Students who do not meet these minimum attendance requirements for any course (or combination of courses if enrolled in more than one course), for part or all of 5 or more days in which school is held, without an acceptable excuse, are considered habitually truant and, therefore, in violation of Wisconsin’s Compulsory Attendance Law. Wis. Stat. § 118.15 (1) (a). The law requires that a child attend school regularly until graduation from high school, or until the end of the semester in which he/she turns 18 years of age, or until he/she is excused from attendance by the school board.