Tiger Talk
Upcoming Events
02/28/18.................PTO General Meeting 9:00 am in the Tiger's Den Featuring ................................Speaker JoAnn Bryan, WCHE School Counselor RSVP
03/01/18.................Last Day to Buy Tickets for Family Fun Night Info - Tickets - ................................- Volunteer
03/01/18.................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
03/02/18.................4th Grade Music Performance 8:45 am in the Tiger's Den RSVP
03/02/18.................Family Fun Night 5 - 7 pm Info -- Tickets -- Volunteer
03/06/18.................Coffee with Principal Prehn in the Library 7:45 - 8:45 am -
................................Topic of Discussion: Health & Safety of Students RSVP
03/06/18.................Kardivas' Manual Can Opener Collection Drive for ADRN - Info
03/07/18.................Field Day 4th & 5th 8 - 11 am, 2nd & 3rd 11:35 am - 2:35 pm RSVP - ................................Have even more fun & Volunteer
03/08/18.................Field Day KG & 1st 8 - 10:45 am, Awards Assembly 2:15 pm RSVP - ................................Have even more fun & Volunteer
03/08/18.................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
03/09/18.................Student Holiday
03/11/18.................Daylight Saving Time Begins @ 2 am
03/12 - 03/16/18.....Spring Break
03/19/18..................Student Council Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
03/21/18.................Kindergarten Roundup come & go from 3:30 - 6:30 pm
03/22/18.................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
03/23/18.................Cupcake Friday! Celebrating March Birthdays!!!
03/26 - 03/30/18.....Spring Book Fair
03/28/18..................Last Day to Submit PTO Board Nominations! Info & Form
03/29/18.................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
03/30/18.................Student Holiday!
04/02/18.................Student Council Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
04/05/18.................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
04/10 - 04/11/18.....STAAR Tests - No Visitors or Volunteers on Campus 7:40 - 2:55
04/12/18..................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
04/16 - 04/20/18......WCHE Volunteer Appreciation Week - Thank You, Volunteers!
04/16/18...................Student Council Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
04/19/18...................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
04/20/18...................Cupcake Friday! Celebrating April Birthdays!!!
04/20/18...................4th Grade Puberty Education 1:30 - 2:30 pm
04/26/18...................1st Grade Field Trip to Capital of Texas Zoo Volunteer RSVP
04/26/18...................Kardivas Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
04/27/18...................Student Holiday!
04/30/18...................3rd Grade Field Trip to Inner Space Cavern Volunteer RSVP
04/30/18...................Student Council Meeting 2:50 - 4:00 pm
Please Join us for Coffee with Principal Prehn, from 7:45 to 8:45 am, on Tuesday, March 6, in the WCHE Library. She will be Discussing Student Health and Safety
Mrs. Prehn will be discussing the health and safety of our students with WCHE parents and caregivers. Please RSVP.
We will be providing parents with an open forum to discuss School Safety and educate our community on how the administrative team and staff work to promote the safety and welfare of students, staff and visitors to our campus.
We will touch on some of our safety drills, internal and external emergency procedures and how we partner with our district leaders and first responders during moments of crisis. Your child's safety is of paramount importance to us, and we hope that your schedule will allow you to join the conversation.
Counselor JoAnn Bryan to Speak at PTO General Meeting February 28
All parents, grandparents, and caregivers are welcome to come to our PTO General Meeting to hear about the loving, yet powerful tools of Love & Logic.
Please RSVP to let us know that you are attending. It will be well worth your time.
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
We share information with our students on how we maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for everyone here at WCH. We also want to provide them with opportunities to share and express their feelings appropriately when tragedy or violence occurs. We encourage parents to read through this resource and reach out with questions or concerns. Your child's social, emotional and physical safety is our priority!
The WCHE Tiger Math Team is in a League of Their Own!
WCHE Very Proud of the Tiger Math Team - First Place in Math League Sweepstakes!
We also proudly announce:
- Ishaan Raj placed 3rd in 3rd Grade
- Logan Gramling placed 4th in 3rd Grade
- Abigail Ryan placed 5th in 3rd Grade
- In 4th Grade, Pedro Alvarez placed 1st
- Karthik Darisi placed 2nd in 5th Grade
- Swaraa Iyer placed 4th in 5th Grade
Congratulations, Tiger Math Team!
Remember to save your Box Tops for West Cypress!
And, be sure to remind Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts, and Uncles to save theirs, too!
Box Tops for Education labels can be found on a number of grocery items. For more information about the products that support Box Tops for Education, click here. Box Tops can be placed on this form and turned in to your child's teacher. Thanks!
Volunteers Needed During Lunch Time
Tiger 5th Graders Win Ribbons at the 2018 Austin Energy Regional Science Fair
Those awarded ribbons are:
Kimberly Pereira - 1st - What Drinks Stain Teeth The Most?
Jessica Swanevelder - 1st - Avocado Preservation
Natalie Dove - 2nd - Which Food Do Fruit Flies Like Best
Rachel Looper - 1st - Peanut Power
Gwyneth Palermo - 1st - To Snack, Or Not To Snack
Maeve Acuna - 2nd - Is Food More Delectable When The Smell Is Acceptable
Karthik Darisi - 1st - Can U Take The Heat
Crystal Stabeno - 1st - Electric Salad
Aiden Ruschkewicz - 2nd - More Game, No Pain
Mattias Guerra - 1st - How to Make a Cloud
Congratulations, Tigers!
News from the WCHE PTO - Board Nominations Now Being Accepted!
We welcome you to get involved in West Cypress Hills' Elementary activities. Join the PTO today!
Here is the application form and, for your convenience, here is a link to make online payments.
Our PTO does so much to support our students and staff. Please consider joining today! Thank you to all of our parents who contribute your support, donations, time and energy to making WCHE a wonderful place to learn and grow!
The PTO is looking to fill a position on the PTO Executive Board for the 2018-2019 school year. Nominations are accepted through March 28. Click here for additional information and for the nomination form. The nomination form can be turned in to the WCHE Front Desk any time by March 28. Voting will take place during the PTO General Meeting that will be held in the Tiger's Den at 9 am on Wednesday, April 18.
"OPEN" YOUR HEART by joining the WCHE Kardivas in a one-day drive to collect manual/handheld can openers March 6
The Kardivas appreciate your manual/handheld can opener donations. Please send your can opener donations to school with your child(ren) or drop off can openers in the Front Office on Tuesday, March 6. For more information click here. And, if you'd like to order can openers from amazon.com, here is a link to a recommended can opener.
Thanks for your help!
WCHE Field Day & Awards Assembly
The March 7 schedule is:
8:00 am - 11:00 am.......4th & 5th Grade Field Day
11:35 am - 2:35 pm.......2nd & 3rd Grade Field Day
(To accommodate this schedule, Kindergarten & 1st Grade will switch lunch times with the 2nd and 3rd Grade.)
On March 8, the schedule is:
8:00 am - 10:45 am........Kindergarten & 1st Grade Field Day
2:15 pm - 2:45 pm........Field Day Awards Assembly in the Gym
Kindergarten Roundup, Wednesday, March 21, come & go 3:30 - 6:30 pm
Kindergarten Round-up is a one-time registration "come and go" event designed for the parent to fill out and turn in the necessary paperwork to enroll 2018-19 Kindergarten students. The following documents are required for registration:
- Child's certified birth certificate or passport.
- Child's complete immunization record
- Child's social security card (if available)
- Photo ID of registering parent or guardian
- Proofs of residence within the district (mortgage statement, property tax statement or lease/loan documents AND a utility bill for electric, water, or gas @ same address.)
- Complete the registration packet.
More Information about WCH
West Cypress Hills Elementary
Email: wchprincipal@ltisdschools.org
Website: https://www.ltisdschools.org/WCHE
Location: 6112 Cypress Ranch Boulevard, Travis County, TX, United States
Phone: 512-533-7500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ltisdschools
Twitter: @principalwch