Hall's Corner
September 22, 2023
BHS will be closed Monday, September 25
** Please note EMCC classes will still run on their regular schedules. Transportation to and from BHS to EMCC will continue as normal. There will be no BCSD First Student bussing. Students/families are responsible to get to BHS and home from BHS.
Dear BHS Bruin Families and Students:
Hope you had a wonderful week. We are heading into week 4 already! Please talk to your students about how they are doing and contact your student’s teachers if you have any questions.
We have finished conducting several mandated safety drills including a Lockdown, Evacuation, Shelter In Place, and Hold In Place. We will continue to practice Fire Drills over the next few weeks.
T. Hall
PTSA Meeting with Dr. Hall
Wednesday, September 27 at noon and 7 p.m. via Zoom. Join Dr. Hall and the PTSA for a preview of the school year and a question-&-answer period, and meet Jeff Green, the District’s Director of Student and Family Engagement!
Table Of Contents Included on this Page:
- JUNIORS PSAT Information
- Counseling Information for Fall
- Drama Club Workshop
- Community Education Offerings
- Senior Panorama Rescheduled ***Again*** for 10/23
- Food Services
- School Pictures
- Calendar of Upcoming Events
- Bell schedule
- School Picture Retakes
- Resources Files
BHS opens our doors at 7:00 AM. Students may enter through Door 1 or Door 20 from 7-7:45 AM and only Door 1 after 7:45 AM. First period starts at 7:45 AM.
ATTENTION JUNIORS: It’s almost time for the digital PSAT!
ALL JUNIORS at BHS will have the opportunity to take the digital PSAT at no cost during the school day on Wednesday, October 4th. The Bluebook App is the app through which students will take the test and has already been installed on every junior’s device if issued through the school. NOTE: If your junior does not use a school-issued device, they must install the Bluebook App on their personal device BEFORE Thursday, September 28th. Personal Chromebooks are not allowed. Students planning to use their personal device who are having trouble installing the app, may stop into the Tech Office for help. All students will complete their Digital Readiness Check during their homeroom on our Special Day Schedule – Thursday, September 28th.
***Students MUST bring their devices (preferably school-issued devices) FULLY CHARGED,
as well as their chargers on both days (9/28 and 10/4).
See more information on the BHS Website Here.
Check out the Counseling News for Senior Fall Happenings
Continuing Education Offerings
- High School Study Skills
- NYS Driver Education
- SAT & ACT Bootcamp
- Writing the College application Essay
Complete details and registration available online at BRIGHTONSCOOLS.REVTRAK.NET
Contact Community Education at"
585-242-5200, EXT. 5595 CE@BCSD.ORG
** Rescheduled AGAIN** Senior Panorama
Food Services
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
School Pictures. Make-up Day 10/23!
School Pictures were taken by Inter-State Studios this year.
Student IDs, yearbook pictures and School Tool profile pictures are uploaded from the yearly school pictures. Please have your student sit for a picture regardless of whether you plan to purchase photos.
Students that missed the picture days should have their pictures taken on Picture Make-Up Day, Monday, October 23rd.
You may go online to view package options and order your picture packages by going to the link and using the code below.
- Parents, please see the file resources at the bottom of this page for package options..
Website: www.inter-state.com/order
Order Code: 79064KA
Please be sure to call the Inter-State Studio Office at 585-310-7781 for any questions in regard to this information.
Senior Picture Guidelines
The BCSD site for yearbook with Senior Portrait info is up to date. This is the link to our page
Cell Phone Policy Reminders
CELL PHONE POLICY – same as last year and will be enforced by faculty and staff!
Classrooms are a NO CELL PHONE zone
Students must silence their phone and put their phones away upon entering a classroom and an instructional setting. Students may be instructed by teachers to put their phones in their backpack, on a teacher’s desk, or in individual student classroom cell phone pouches. If classrooms have individual cell phone pouches, you may be asked to put your phone into the pouch for the entire class period on a daily basis.
Phones are not to be used during the class period. If students are found in violation of this NO CELL PHONE zone policy, the following steps will be taken.
1. Teacher will provide a WARNING(s), and student will place the cell phone on the teacher’s desk or in a classroom bin/pouch.
2. Teacher will communicate with student’s family for support and then assign an after school, 1-hour detention, from 3-4 PM, in the afterschool detention room.
3. The teacher will complete a disciplinary referral in SchoolTool and document past violations, interventions, and communication with the family. Admins will do the following:
a. Families will be contacted for support and collaboration.
b. Students will be provided with research on how distracting cell phones have become in classrooms and instructional settings.
c. Students may receive a 2-hour detention and be instructed to turn in their phones to the main office each day or for select periods. Students may also lose their ability to use phones in school for days, weeks, or months depending on the infractions.
4. Students may face other disciplinary consequences like detentions, etc., depending on the interactions they have with staff and/or the level of infraction. We will also work with students and families on the topic of cell phone addiction and provide strategies to combat this growing issue.
Please note that students will still be able to carry their phones and use them appropriately during passing time, FLEX, free periods, and before/after school. If you need to speak to your child during the day, you can always call the BHS Main Office at 242-5000, ext. 0.
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.