Patriot News
March 2022
Message from Mrs. Moore
We are so thankful for the generous support of our families! We had a record setting Run for Funds event with over $46,000 collected. These funds will allow us to provide many opportunities for our students. We will be adding more technology, classroom materials, and offsetting the cost of field trips. This is more than a fundraising activity; it is a community building event and our PVES community is strong!
Covid cases are on the decline, and we can now welcome volunteers in the classroom. Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Mary Minichino, at 813-794-0600 if you have time and talent to share at Pine View.
The mission of our PTO is to provide family fun activities that build community. The PTO are hosting two more evening events. Watch for information in our Wednesday Communication Folder.
March 3 - Reading Under the Stars
April 22 – School Carnival
Kay Moore
Enroll Today in Florida Prepaid College
PTO Reading Under the Stars
Read Under The Stars is Thursday, March 3, from 5:30-7pm. We have popcorn and lemonade for the kids (5th grade and younger) and families will get to listen to PVES teachers read aloud some of their favorite stories! If you plan to come, please bring your own picnic blanket or camping chairs.
A Message from Music
The 5th Grade Bucket Band will be performing on March 8, 2022 in the Pine View Elementary cafeteria at 7 p.m. The event is free and the doors to the cafeteria will open at 6:30 p.m. We are excited to share what we have been working on and also because this is the first live performance that our music department has had in over two years.
In the classroom: all 3rd through 5th grade students have been learning about the instruments of the orchestra and concert band. We are learning how to group instruments into families and the 5th grade students are learning how to identify an instrument by listening. 5th grade students were able to hear the Pine View Middle school band perform live! Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade have been learning about classroom instruments, their names, and how they make their sounds. 2nd grade is learning how to group a classroom instrument into metal, wooden, membrane, shaker, or scraper. Ask your 2nd grade child what a “membrane” instrument is!
Learner Profile of the Month- Knowledgeable
IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable
The IB Learner profile aims to develop students who are knowledgeable. Students who are knowledgeable explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In doing so, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
How can parents help to develop students who are knowledgeable at home?
- Encourage your child to be aware of current events by watching the news or reading news articles when appropriate.
- Explore connections between the area of interest and other topics.
- When your child asks a question, encourage them to seek the answer out rather than giving them the answer.
- Ask your child about what they are learning in school and engage them in conversations about it.
- Foster areas of interest that your child displays though books, outings and activities.
- "Why do you think that is important to know?"
- "Can you think of anything that's happening today that might be similar to...?"
- "What does that make you think of?"
- "Does that remind you of anything else you've learned?"
Run for Funds Prize Update
Thank you to everyone involved with the Run for Funds.
The week of March 7th is going to be a big one for us with Run for Funds prizes and Field Day.
March 7th: Kava Maga will be here to fulfill the Run for Funds $100 prize
March 8th: Bucket Band concert
March 9th or March 10th: Principal lunch
March 11: Field Day plus Video arcade gaming truck and Lego building prizes will be awarded. ($200 & $300 prize level)
Join PTO
Are you a parent or guardian looking to be more involved at the school? Being part of the PTO Board is a great way to do just that! If you have flexibility in your schedule and want to help plan events for the school, the PTO Board may be the perfect place for you to volunteer. Reach out and let us know what questions you may have. You can email Rachel at
About Us
Location: 5333 Parkway Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-0600
Twitter: @PatriotsPves