Hall's Corner
January 14, 2022
BHS Students and Families:
There will be NO regular Snow Days with cancelled classes/closed buildings this year in Brighton Schools. If inclement weather warrants the Superintendent of Schools to close in-person schooling, students, faculty, and staff will follow the Remote SNOW DAY Schedule (note below) and attend classes remotely via ZOOM or Schoology. Teachers have already communicated their SNOW DAY Zoom or Schoology links with students. An e-news message, robocall, and e-mail will be sent to all families in the event school buildings are closed. If students signed up for REMIND, they will also get a REMIND message from Dr. Hall.
The following EXPECTATIONS are for all high school students:
· Bring home computer devices if we suspect a possible snow day may be called.
· Check teacher’s Schoology pages for a SNOW DAY ZOOM link ready to go for SNOW DAYS.
· Sign onto ZOOM links and attend all classes for the entire class period as per the SNOW DAY Schedule.
· Turn on Cameras so that proper attendance can be taken.
· Actively participate during the lesson.
Click the link to see open the Snow Day Schedule:
Be well!
T. Hall
Virtual College & Career Night, January 20
Students in the News
BHS Virtual Art Showcase
Brighton Rowing Club Free Trials
Ham Jam
In Counseling
Course Selection and EMCC
Say Yes to the Dress
SAT Prep Classes
Athletic News
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
FEV Tutoring Support
Peak Experience Adventure
Safe Schools Helpline
Brighton College & Career Night
Thursday, January 20th, 6pm
Presented by the Brighton High School Counseling Department
**All presentations will be via Zoom. Zoom links will be provided closer to the event**
Click the link below to see the complete schedule.
Students Earn Seats in Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra
Seven Brighton High School students and three Twelve Corners Middle School students are members of the 2021-22 Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra, the highest-level youth orchestra in the Hochstein School’s four-tier youth orchestra program. The students are: Eliana Alweis (violin), Noah Busch (violin), Joanna Frank (cello), Ella Hall (cello), Sara Kotz (viola), Gabriel Kulick (percussion), Joseph McQuaid (violin), Lily Odhiambo (viola), Peter Odhiambo (clarinet), and Tamsin Spiller (trumpet). Students compete annually for a seat in the orchestra, performing professional repertoire in at least four concerts throughout the school year.
BHS Students accepted into All-County Choir. Congratulations to all of these vocalists!!!
BHS Virtual Enterprise firms were named to the Top 100
Brighton High School’s two Virtual Enterprise firms, Beast Buddies and Coastal Kicks, were named to the Top 100 list in the international program.
The Top 100 is based on firm involvement in competitions, development of business plans, website construction, and overall activity. There are over 4,000 Virtual Enterprise firms around the world.
The BHS Virtual Enterprise class is taught by Sam Rizzo. In the simulation, students run any business of their choice in an effort to try to sell their products to other participating schools across the globe. The class is a perfect environment for collaboration and real-life learning. Primarily through their websites, as well as sales emails and phone calls, firms contact other schools daily in an effort to create sales contracts. Each department plays a role, just as in real life, in the overall success of the business. The class provides students with an authentic, collaborative business and entrepreneurship experience through its live global business simulation model.
Virtual Enterprise Firm, Coastal Kicks, is selling different lines of sneakers.
Virtual Enterprise Firm, Beast Buddies, is selling fictional pets and animals
Brighton Rowing Club
Brighton Rowing Club is offering two free trial sessions for students in grades 7-12. Kids can “try the tanks” either Sunday, Jan. 16, 2-3:30, or Sunday, Jan. 23, 2:30-4:00, at Pittsford Indoor Rowing Center, 2800 Clover Street. Sign up by emailing info@brightoncrew.org. Masks required.
Let Us See Your Talent! BHS HAM JAM 2022 is March 11th from 7-9 PM
Do you like to sing, dance, perform, or just make people laugh? Then JOIN us for HAM JAM! You can do group or individual acts or videos. There will be opportunities to submit videos and/or live performances of SINGING, DANCING, SKITS, IMPROV, LAUGHS AND…SO MUCH MORE. Ham Jam is an annual senior class fundraiser event sponsored by the Senior Class, the Class of 2022.
Anyone interested should attend the interest meeting during FLEX on January 31st in the Auditorium!
Counseling Groups are Back
January Counseling Corner
Course Selection and EMCC
Teachers are now making course recommendations for the 22-23 school year, which you will be able to review starting January 26th on SchoolTool. Program packets were mailed home this week to each family including a letter explaining the process, how to access course recommendations on SchoolTool, and a grade-level specific course selection worksheet.
Full time enrollment requires a minimum of five classes plus physical education per semester. For a balanced lifestyle, it is highly recommended that students enroll in six classes plus physical education per semester, which allows for a daily free period for lunch.
Please review the Course Selection timeline below:
1/19 - PTSA Meeting with the Principal and Counselors
- Join Dr. Hall and counselors as we review the Program Planning process for 2022-2023
- 12 PM & 7 PM via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99326855403
1/26 - Student course recommendations are available to view on SchoolTool
1/31 to 3/11 - Counselors meet 1:1 with students to finalize course selections.
- Students will be asked to schedule a 15-minute meeting with their counselor via Calendly.
- If additional time is needed, another appointment can be made.
- Counselors and students will review their course recommendations and make final decisions on their course selections for the 22-23 school year.
- Please have your child come prepared with possible course choices and alternative options.
- Many decisions integral to the operation of our school, including staffing allocations, are made as a result of your child’s course selection. Please choose carefully!
Sign up for a meeting with your counselor!
SAT Prep Classes
Are you taking the SAT exam in March? After taking a BHS college exam preparation class, walk into the exam with confidence! The SAT Prep class will help you become comfortable with the exam format and style and provide tips for achieving your most successful outcome. You will practice the three sections of the exam, Reading, Writing & Language, and Math, and complete at least one practice exam in class. Each class session meets for a total of twelve hours. There are various class times to choose from – with the first class starting February 19th. Ms. Mary Jo Jepson, a retired BHS teacher who has led PSAT, SAT, and ACT Exam Prep classes at Brighton High School for more than 20 years, will teach this class remotely using Zoom. The fee for the class is $99. Financial assistance is available through the BHS Counseling Office. Complete class details and registration are available at brightonschools.revtrak.net.
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
FEV Tutoring Support for 3-12 grade students
Does your child need support with school work outside of the school day? Is homework a challenge at times? Does your child wish that their teacher was available for a quick instructional question?
Great news! This school year, Brighton has chosen to partner with FEV Tutor to provide you with free, school-sponsored, 1:1 online tutoring as a support. This virtual service will be available to students from 3pm-10pm daily and also on weekends as needed. By logging in to student accounts through Class Link, students will be able to request to work with a tutor in minutes for an On-Demand session. On the FEV platform, students will be able to upload and share files directly with their tutors so that they can provide support with specific assignments or projects.
If you have any questions about this free virtual tutoring program, please contact FEV Tutor directly at: support@fevtutor.com or call 855-763-2607. FEV's Support Team is happy to answer any questions and work with you to create a personalized tutoring experience that best suits your learner! Are you wondering how to help your child get started? Click this link to learn more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CQd96eSEuYLIhdszrn4AM18mpz4GKxCq/view
Peak Experience Adventure. Gunnison National Forest, Colorado
This summer, from July 5th through July 12th, Brighton students will have an opportunity to travel to Gunnison National Forest in Colorado for an eight-day adventure. Over the course of the trip, students will white water raft, rock climb, participate in low and high ropes course activities, and backpack. Rope course activities include zip lines, power poles, repelling, and “The Screamer”. The three-day backpack traverses through the Gunnison National Forest where we will climb mountains over 13,000 feet high. Weather permitting, one of our peak ascents will be at dawn, which is a truly amazing experience. Current eighth graders through juniors are eligible for the trip, and spots are limited. If you are interested in joining the group and would like more information on the activities and cost of the trip, please contact Jamie Porta (the Outdoor Club advisor) at jamie_porta@bcsd.org.
SAFESCHOOLS HELPLINE 1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
Examples of safety concerns that you may want to report anonymously include:
- potential acts or threats of violence
- weapons
- sexual harassment/abuse/assault
- bullying/cyber bullying
- concern for someone’s mental or emotional health and well-being
- concerns about suicide/students making concerning comments about hurting themselves
- drug or alcohol use/abuse
- theft
You may also submit an anonymous report through the Safe School website at www.safeschoolhelpline.com or via text by messaging 66746 and
then typing “TIPS” to begin the reporting process.