Health Information
From The School Nurse
The School Nurse Needs To See You!
On June 15 or June 16, 2020 when you pick up your child's personal belongings you may notice a flyer attached to your child's bag instructing you to, "See The School Nurse". If you receive a notice, Staff will guide you through this process.
Tuesday, Sep 8, 2020, 09:00 AM
Wellwood International School, Smith Avenue, Baltimore, MD, USA
End Of The Year Reminders
In Baltimore County, school and health authorities request an updated physical exam to be completed for all children prior to entrance into middle school. The updated health information is very helpful in ensuring safety for your child.
When you schedule your child’s next physical exam/well child check, please:
- Have your child’s health care provider complete the Health Inventory.
- Discuss immunizations. Seventh grade students are required to have a Tdap booster and a single dose of Meningococcal vaccine.
- Obtain an order for any medication your child needs to take at school.
- If your child is planning to participate in interscholastic/intramural sports, have your health care provider complete the Medical Evaluation of Student for Participation in Interschool Sports form. A health inventory form is not required if you use the Interschool Sports form.
Medication Administration Policy 2020-2021
- A parent/guardian must deliver medications to school with an approved healthcare provider signed form (Parent Request to Administer Medication in School). A NEW FORM IS REQUIRED.
- Any remaining medication must be picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the school year or it will be properly disposed.
- Medication must come in a pharmacy prepared, labeled bottle.
- Discretionary medications: A small supply of over the counter medications (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Antacid tablets, Diphenhydramine, cough drops) are kept in the health suite. The administration of these medicines requires a signed parent/guardian Consent for Administration of Discretionary Medication form.
- All other over-the-counter medications must also be accompanied by an approved healthcare provider signed form.
- In the absence of a healthcare provider signed form, a parent/guardian may come to school and administer medication.
- Medication orders may be faxed to Wellwood International Elementary School at 410-887-1212 prior to the beginning of school.
If you have any questions about this policy, please email Nurse Seidler at: cseidler@bcps.org.
All school forms can be accessed at https://scs.bcps.org/departments/social_emotional_support/student_support_services/health_services.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Childhood Vaccinations
Frequently Asked Questions:
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Childhood Vaccinations
Updated May 28, 2020
What is the concern about childhood vaccinations now?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have done everything they can to keep their children safe. As a result, pediatric visits have been missed, along with important vaccinations. While there is no vaccine for COVID-19 yet, there are many vaccinations available to keep your child safe from many other serious illnesses.
Should I be concerned about taking my child to get a vaccination?
Health care providers are doing many things to make their offices as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you want to know what your child’s provider is doing to keep you and your child safe during a visit to their office, you can call them to find out and ask any questions you may have.
How can I know what vaccinations my child needs?
You can check your child’s vaccination records by contacting your health care provider. You can also view your child’s vaccination records at https://MyIR.net Maryland’s free and secure online portal for vaccination records.
How important is it for me to get my child’s vaccinations now? Can’t it wait?
Vaccinations are a vital part of maintaining your child’s health and well-being. Without up-to-date vaccinations, your child could get sick from serious diseases like measles, rubella, pertussis (whooping cough) and many others. Many children have missed their vaccinations due to concerns about COVID-19. Children need to be vaccinated before they are potentially exposed. Now is the right time to bring your child’s vaccinations up to date to protect your child.
What if my child does not have a regular health care provider or insurance?
There are several ways you can find a health care provider or insurance for your child.
1. To learn about resources in your community, contact the local health department in your
county at https://health.maryland.gov/Pages/health-departments.aspx
2. To locate a community health center near you, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Childhood Vaccinations visit https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/
3. If you need insurance, visit https://marylandhealthconnection.gov for assistance.
4. To find a pediatrician near you, visit https://www.healthychildren.org/English/tips-tools/find-pediatrician/Pages/Pediatrician-Referral-Service.aspx
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions About Testing
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Frequently Asked Questions About Testing
Updated May 28, 2020
During this time of anticipated large demand on the health care delivery system, you are asked to avoid unscheduled visits to your health care provider. It is important to call ahead.
People who are mildly ill should not go to emergency departments. Mildly ill people should stay home and contact their provider by phone for guidance.
Where am I able to be tested? Whom do I contact?
Contact information for many of the COVD-19 test sites in Maryland can be found at https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/pages/symptoms-testing. Patients are encouraged to contact the site where they plan to be tested to learn about that site’s appointment procedures and other scheduling requirements.
If you plan to test at a site listing "CRISP" as the point of contact, contact your health care provider first. After your health care provider submits your test order to the CRISP system, you will receive an email or text with an order confirmation code and instructions to schedule your appointment. After you schedule your appointment, you will receive a second email or text message confirming the appointment.
What does the test consist of? What is the process?
Each laboratory has specific requirements for testing. Generally, the test involves a swab of inside the nose. If your health care provider recommends testing, your health care provider will inform you about what type of specimen needs to be collected.
How long does it take to receive results? How do people who are tested get their results? Generally, the results will be available within two to five days, depending on laboratory testing demands and resources. If you are testing at one of the sites that does not require a doctor’s order, you will be provided with instructions for retrieving your results using an online portal. If you are testing at one of the other sites, please discuss with your provider how long it will take to get results, which laboratory will be doing the testing, and how you will receive your results.
Do we have enough tests? The State of Maryland has recently expanded its testing capacity by more than 5,000 percent, and our testing capacity is expected to continue increasing throughout 2020.
I might have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19. What do I do?
The recommendations for what you should do if you were exposed to a confirmed case of COVID19 depend on what type of contact you had with the person diagnosed with COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), close contact is defined as being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a COVID-19 case for a prolonged period of time. All people, especially close contacts, should carefully monitor any signs of illness and check their temperature twice a day. If illness or a temperature of 100.4 F or greater develops, immediately isolate from others and call a doctor for advice.
Current CDC guidance also recommends that if you have had close contact with a confirmed case, you should stay home from work or school for 14 days after the last exposure to monitor for symptoms and contact your health care provider.
Will I have to pay for the COVID-19 test?
COVID-19 testing will be provided to patients at no out-of-pocket cost.
Will my insurance cover treatment if I test positive for COVID-19?
Health insurance plans cover medically necessary treatment for disease, but the treatment may be subject to deductibles, copayments and coinsurance. You will need to pay those amounts, even if the care is covered. If you have a limited benefits plan, there may be additional restrictions on what is covered.
Where can I learn about drive-through testing sites?
Maryland offers drive-through COVID-19 testing at select Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP) sites and other facilities.
Please visit https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/pages/symptoms-testing for additional information.
Cari Seidler, BSN, MA
School Nurse
Wellwood International Elementary School