Goodness Grows News
August 2020
Saying Goodbye to Summer & Our Interns
August brings the beginning of back to school time...even in 2020! This week we say goodbye to Darius, as he returns to college for his Sophomore year. Next week is Cameron's last week, as he prepares for his Freshman year of college. We feel so lucky that we were able to spend another summer with these fantastic young men! We appreciate their willingness to work hard and
complete any task asked of them while modeling kindness and good humor. They both have
huge hearts and we are tremendously glad to have them as part of the Goodness Grows family.
Good luck, Darius and Cam! We wish you a wonderful school year!
Welcome to the Family, Jade!
Summer Cook-Out
In mid-July, we had our first cook-out of the summer. Sue Weaver came to volunteer, Kitty stopped
by for lunch, and we all enjoyed a summer spread with veggies, fruit, and grilled goodies. It was a
treat for everyone, especially since we have not been cooking at GG over the last number of
months. We followed all the safety and health guidelines and had a successful and happy day.
Thanks for helping, Mrs. Weaver!!
August Flea
August 15, 9am-3pm
Downtown next to the Covelli Centre.
Free admission & free onsite parking.
Come enjoy fun music, free yoga, food trucks, art/artists, antiques and repurposed furniture, vintage clothing & collectibles, jewelry, candles, reclaimed metals/wood, apparel, specialty drink vendors, farmers market & produce and more. (And Jungle Jam & Juicy Jam!)
Upcoming 2020 Dates: Aug. 15 / Sept. 12 / Oct. 3
Schedule Change ~ Event Canceled
From the Big Tap In Festival Facebook Page:
It is with great sadness that we must announce that we will not be hosting the Big Tap In Festival on August 29, 2020 due to Covid-19. We feel as though this is the right decision based on the rapid spread of this pandemic in Ohio.
You will receive a refund for any ticket and/or merchandise that you purchased on Eventbrite. We will start the refund process next week.
If you choose to donate your ticket/merchandise fee, all or in part, to the benefiting non-profit, Project MKC, please send a separate email to expressing your interest to do so. All donations are very much needed and will be GREATLY appreciated.
Stay safe.
Big Tap In Organizers and Project MKC"
It's Butterfly Time!
Keegan holding monarch caterpillar.
Tori Snyder took this shot of 4 chrysalises.
Transformation complete!
Life During a Pandemic
Thank you to everyone in our wide Goodness Grows family for your understanding and cooperation at this difficult time. By cooperating and taking care of each other, we will get through this together!
CSA Season
Beauty All Around Us
Check out our website & Facebook page to learn more!
Goodness Grows is a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit operating out of Common Ground Church Community. Our mission is to cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities. We are working to improve people's lives through social and therapeutic gardening practices. We'd love for you to join us!
Create. Cultivate. Thrive.
Location: 2310 W. South Range Rd. North Lima, OH 44452
Phone: 330-549-9408
Twitter: @GGrows