The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 4 Issue - 8/25/2023
Volume 4, Issue 13 - 11/9/2023
not because he hates
what is in front of him,
but because he loves
what is behind him.”
- G.K. Chesterton
That's a Wrap on Trimester 1
The first trimester of the year has been one of tremendous growth here at Fletcher. With that growth comes growing pains. We both acknowledge those challenges and thank you all for your patience/grace as we navigate them together. The Fletcher Team is launching into Trimester Two with the wind at our backs and ready to take off.
Yesterday, the entire team participated in Options-Based Response training lead by Officer Dave Pallesen with SDUSD Police. Options-Based Response is the official adopted training from the US Department of Homeland Security. This training prepared our team for the best courses of action in the extremely rare event of an unauthorized person on campus. Our campus is incredibly safe, especially now with the installation of our perimeter security gates. Statistically speaking, there's a 1 in 8,000,000 chance of a student or adult fatality in a school shooting. Comparatively speaking, the odds of being struck by lightning is 1 in 15,300. Nevertheless, our team is significantly more prepared now to protect our students and themselves.
Next week is dedicated to student conferences every day after school. It is a full week of minimum days. This is followed by a week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. Our plan is to take advantage of the additional time afforded by a week of minimum days to hold interviews for the new teaching position. Ideally, we have a candidate selected and starting before the end of December!
Missing Anything?
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with clothing and items left behind at lunch and recess. Please feel free to stop by the office throughout the day, before school, and after school to claim anything your student may have left at school. All items not picked up before Thanksgiving Break (November 17th) will be donated to the Alpha Project- a non-profit organization that provides clothing to families experiencing housing insecurity.
Staffing Update
In case you missed the email earlier in the week, see the video below. We're growing again. Principal Friedenberg explains it all in this short video.
Student of the Week
This week's Student of the Week is Athena in Mrs. Wilson's 1st grade class. Athena student has been working hard on her reading and math. She does not give up and persists even when things are challenging. She got 100 percent on her last two math tests. Well done, Athena! Thanks for exemplifying what it means to be a leader at Fletcher Elementary School!
Our 2023-2024 Falcon Influencers
Congratulations to our newly announced Falcon Influencers! Our student leadership team went through a rigorous application process where they filled out an application, submitted it to their teacher, and interviewed with Principal Friedenberg. These students will hold a number of different responsibilities on campus such as: Flag raising/lowering, school tours for visitors, UTK lunch support, announcements, and even a section in the Falcon Flyer!
Back Row (left to right): Cali, Autumn, Hope, Luis, Emma, Mia, Izzy, Madisyn
Front Row (left to right): Bella, Echo, Damian, Julian, Elias, Aiden, Nehemiah, CC
Leader In Me Learning at Home
Highlights of the Week
Be Water-Wise Assembly
Options Based Response Training for the Team
1st & 2nd Grade Field Trip to the Theatre 🎭
Weekly Forecast
Looking Ahead
10 - No School - Veterans Day
13-17 - Minimum Days - Student Conferences
20-24 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
26 - VAPA Day
29 - Minimum Day -School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
6 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
13 - Minimum Day - Team Meeting
18th - January 2nd - No School - WINTER BREAK
1-2 - No School WINTER BREAK
3 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
10 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
15 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
17 - Minimum Day - School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
22 - VAPA PLC Day
24 - Minimum Day - Team Meeting
31 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
Click the image above for the slide deck from October 20th's Family Friday Mathematics Presentation.
School Accountability Report Card
The School Accountability Report Card for Fletcher Elementary School is online via the above link or available as a hard copy in the front office.
Uniform Complaint Procedure - SDUSD
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD