Garfield Re-2 News You Can Use
August 14, 2020
The opening of school celebration will be Thursday, August 20 8:30 a.m.
Safe the date!!!
The best way to help keep our schools open is to keep COVID-19 cases in Garfield County as low as possible.
Help us by making the following commitments:
I commit to:
WEAR a mask.
WASH my hands.
WALK, ride or play 6 feet away.
WORK together safely.
IF ILL – stay home
Face coverings required K-12
The Garfield Re-2 School Board is committed to supporting as many of our students as possible to be able to take advantage of in-person learning in the safest environment possible for students and staff.
At the August 10, 2020 School Board meeting, the Garfield Re-2 Superintendent recommended, and the Garfield Re-2 School Board gave clear direction that all students in the District shall wear face coverings. and believes it is a proper measure to take to protect staff and students to the highest extent possible. This directive applies to ALL Garfield Re-2 students. Pre-school children must follow early childhood guidance.
All schools will have medical face coverings available for students and staff, and many schools already have school-branded face coverings ready for students and staff.
Wearing cloth face coverings is one step, in addition to ensuring that students, teachers and staff wash or sanitize their hands (using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol) frequently, cohorting and physical distancing to keep our students and staff safe, and maintain in-person education to the greatest extent possible.
The School Board and District Administration want your children to have the best experience possible in whatever learning platform that you have chosen for your child’s education. We want to keep our buildings open with happy healthy students and staff to the greatest extent possible, and adding this safety measure will help us do that.
Garfield Re-2 requires masks or cloth face coverings over the nose and mouth for all students over the age of 3.
Children 10 and under should be supervised when wearing face coverings; if the face covering is creating discomfort or resulting in the child touching his/her face frequently reconsider whether a face covering is appropriate for that child.
Children should not wear face coverings during naptime.
Students can remove masks during outdoor recess and exercise activities.
Since masks are not required during recess for students, schools should provide recess activities that encourage social distancing and that avoids large numbers of students congregating.
Teachers will provide mask breaks as needed. Students are also encouraged to advocate for mask breaks as needed.
Athletics & Masks (From CHSAA Guidance)
Everyone arriving to an athletic practice must be wearing a mask.
All non-active participants (coaches, volunteers, managers, essential workers, security, medical personnel, and non-working officials) must wear a mask throughout the event/competition.
This includes athletes not actively participating in competition.
All spectators must wear masks.
All non-active participants (coaches, volunteers, and managers) must wear a mask throughout practice. This includes athletes not actively participating in drills/practice.
Contest officials must wear a mask to and from the court or field and during any coach/official pregame meeting. The contest official must have his mask readily available to wear for extended conferences with the contest officiating table and coaches.
Some sports may require contest officials to wear a mask during competition.
It is recommended that an official use an electronic whistle to start and stop play.
Triad EAP Mindset and Resilience Webinar
Join Marti Montoya, LPC,CEAP in one of three zoom meetings.
Coping with the current global state of affairs while dealing with high demands of work and home sometimes require new skills. Cultivate the ability to recover and adjust to life’s pressures.
Objectives include:
• Exploring collective trauma
• A working understanding of resilience
• Recognizing when overwhelmed
• Self-reflect on our stress responses
• Practice a resilient mindset with Cognitive Restructuring
• Identify one take away tool to retrain your nervous system
Help updating your information in PowerSchool
Join Student Information and PowerSchool gurus Jennifer Robinson and Tina Bingman on a zoom meeting to help you get your student information updated online!
When: Aug 18, 2020 05:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: How to update my information in PowerSchool
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 554905
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699006833,,87370366678#,,,,,,0#,,554905# or +12532158782,,87370366678#,,,,,,0#,,554905#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799
Webinar ID: 873 7036 6678
Passcode: 554905
International numbers available:
Garfield Re-2 School District
Location: 839 Whiteriver Avenue, Rifle, CO, USA
Phone: 970-665-7600
Twitter: @GarfieldRe2