The Lion's Den: Week at a Glance
Parent and Community Week at a Glance 12/11 - 12/15 (2023)
Congrats to our December Authors of the Month (Grades 3rd - 5th)
Congrats to our November Support Staff of the Month
Congrats to our November Certified Staff of the Month
Lemira Elementary School Updates: October
Welcome to a new week! Thanks for being a part of our village as we continue to motivate, inspire, and educate all students to be college and career ready. We are the Lions, and we'll have it no other way!!!!!!
School Announcements
1. Lemira Santa Shop (Dec. 11- Dec. 15, 2023)
- The order forms went home last week.
- Students may shop during their related arts time for their special gifts.
2. Winter Extravaganza (Sumter High School Sponsored) 12/13/23
- Our feeder high school, Sumter High, will sponsor a "Winter Extravaganza" on December 13th.
- We are invititing all of our Lemira community to attend.
- Lemira will have a craft table at the event. So, stopy by our table.
- The event will be held at SHS from 5:30pm -7.30pm.
- All Sumter students invited.
- There will be a "Bouncy House" for the cost of $2.00
- Entry fee: Free of Charge
3. ABBI Robot (Enrichment Support for Grades 3rd - 5th)
- This year, Lemira will participate in an "ABBI Robot" study in grades 3rd - 5th. We will particpate in this study in collaboration with the Sumter Career & Technology Center and Crosswell Drive Elementary School as we look to provide supplemental curriculum to support math concepts in the classroom.
- Parental consent letters will go home Monday, Dec. 11 for students in grades 3rd - 5th.
- In order or your scholar to be given a robot, which will be used during the school day, a consent form must be signed and returned.
4. Winter Break Countdown
- Join us in our Winter Break countdown as we dress for Spirit Week!
- Flyer attached.
- December 11th - 20th
5. Title One Winter Concert: Monday, December 18th (6pm)
- Join us for a night of musical melodies from our Chorus and Percussion Ensemble
- Title One Presentation: "The importance of the Arts"
- December 18th / 6pm / Lemira Cafeteria
6. Half Days and Winter Break
- The Sumter School District will have half days on 12/19 and 12/20.
- Students will dismiss at 11am.
- If there are any changes in the mode of transportation, please inform the school in writing.
- Winter Break will begin 12/21 - 1/5/24. Students return on 1/08/24.
7. Parent Conferences:
- Parent conferences will be scheduled for students not meeting grade level standards from Nov. 15 - Dec. 15.
- Students in third grade not meeting Read to Succeed guidelines will also have parent conferences scheduled within the conference window.
8. Exact Path (Homework Extension)
- Parents, please encourage students to continue to log into Exact Path, even while at home to build their skills in the areas of Reading and Math.
- Each day, all of our students participate in an enrichment block, in which they spend 30 minutes working on skills catered to their independent level in Exact Path.
9. Parent Portal and Power-School
- Please make sure your information has been updated in Power-school.
- We want to ensure we have accurate numbers on file in case of emergencies.
- Also, please ensure you have access to Parent Portal so you are able to view grades live.
10. Spirit Fridays:
* Please mark on your calendars the following Days
- 2nd Fridays (Spirit Fridays) - Lemira T-shirts or "Blue and White" colors
- 4th Fridays (Creating College and Career Ready Leaders, the AVID Way) - Wear your favorite college T-shirt
Title One Parent Engagement Tips
Counseling Corner:
We are currently in our conference season. Here are tips for successful communication:
- Keep the home to school information channels open.
- Speak positively and openly with your child.
- Encourage your child to have an open dialogue with you and their teacher.
- Visit the school or classroom as often as you can
- Read to your child
Reading Corner:
Parent Tips:
12/11 is National App Day! Apps (short for software applications) change how we work, live, play, and communicate. Celebrate National App Day by engaging your scholar using reading and writing apps on a mobile device.
Important Calendar Dates
Nov. 27th - Dec. 7th
Student Council "Shower Shaw with Cookies" Christmas Drive
December 7
Title One STEAM Night
Decmber 13th
Sumter High School Winter Extravaganze (Lemira Participation)
December 18
Title One Winter Concert
Dec.11 - 20th
Winter Break Countdown Spirit Week
Dec. 11 - 15
Winter Shopping / Santa Shop
Nov. 15 - Dec. 15.
Qtr. 2 Interim Parent Conference Window
Dec. 21st - Jan. 5
Winter Break for Students
Jan. 8, 2024
Students Return
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and our School Website for the latest updates. The links are in the box below.
Mrs. Stephanie Gregg, Ed.S
Proud Principal of Lemira Elementary School
Lemira Elementary School
Email: step8636@hotmail.com
Website: https://lme.sumterschools.net/
Location: 952 Fulton Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Phone: 803-775-0658
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LemiraLionDynasty
Twitter: @LemiraSchool