Cougar Pride
Week of November 12, 2023
A Message from the Principal
Hello Cougar Families!!!
Let me begin by wishing everyone a Happy Veteran's Day weekend and extend a big thank you to all our Cougar families that served in our US Military. Thank you for your dedication, commitment, and service to our country!
We are one week from our Thanksgiving break but the days leading to the break will be busy and exciting on campus. Plans are moving along with the campus renovation on Del Mar as we are now selecting colors and furniture. The East Dallas Exchange Club donated coats to our campus and a select number of students won in a drawing to receive their coats. Our very active parent organizations continue to support our students and teachers. Students voted on their favorite snack and our PTS provided the winning snack for the entire campus. Our GH Dads Club met midweek for a social gathering. All these opportunities are opportunities to connect with other families and show our Cougars how much everyone values and cares for our campus. Thank you to these parent organizations that are consistently on our campus to support and add to the Geneva Heights experience.
I hope everyone has had a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on campus.
Your Proud Principal of Geneva Heights Elementary,
Israel Verver, Jr.
This week at Geneva Heights...
11/17 Friday: Spirit Shirt Day! Students can wear uniforms or GH spirit, Feeder pattern, or College shirts with uniform bottoms (Shorts/Skirt must be at least finger-tip length) *no donation required.*
11/20 - 11/24 Wednesday: Thanksgiving break. No School.
11/20 Monday 9-10:30AM @ JL LONG Middle School. Dallas ISD will offer "pop-up" FREE meal services to all children ages 1-18, during the Thanksgiving break. Meals will include 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches.
Sign Up and become a DISD Volunteer @
The Dallas ISD Voly System ensures all our volunteers know the safety guidelines of helping in our schools and includes a background checks. All volunteers must complete this process yearly.
Lunchroom Volunteers NEEDED,
The first step is to complete the DISD volunteer process @ Second choose the lunchroom opportunity that suits your availability. You may choose a 30-minute lunch period or choose to help with all the lunch periods. Finally, once you arrive at the school present your photo ID to Mrs. Rios and you’ll be off to help make the student’s lunch time efficient and enjoyable. Your support is always greatly appreciated.
A BIG Thanks!
Teacher/Staff Snacks
Megan Smith and Melissa Assar...your snacks put smiles on many faces! Thank you!
Raffle for Volunteers
PTA is starting a monthly raffle for our volunteers. The names will be pulled from Voly. The more times you volunteer the better chances you have at winning. The prize....$100 gift card! The October winner is Ms. Holly Pope. Congratulations!
Get to know our Cougars! And help us celebrate our 2023 TEACHER OF THE YEAR!
Counselor's Corner with Ms. Spears
Kids who eat dinner with their families are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. Family Table Time is a good resource if you need conversation starters or weekly family activities. Visit for more information.
Bus Update
We would like to thank all of our families for being so patient with our transportation issues. Last week, we had several top representatives of the transportation department, out to the school. Since then, we have consistently had 3 buses transporting students, in the mornings and afternoons. 2 buses go campus to campus and 1 neighborhood bus.
We would like to ask parents, (who have signed up their students, to ride the bus, from Delmar to the school), to please start sending your children, on the bus, in the mornings so we can avoid having buses being removed from our route.
Feeder Pattern News & Links
Dropoff and Pick Up Reminders
No left turn exiting the driveway
No parking between school and condominiums
Parking Signage
Geneva Heights Contacts and Social Media
Location: 6606 Ridgecrest Road, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: (972)749-7400
Twitter: @GenevaHeights