The Avery Pulse
January 14th, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- January 15th - No School (MLK Holiday)
- January 16th - Avery Parents for Equity Meeting
- January 17th - Avery Play casting meeting @ 7pm at Avery (room TBD)
- January 22nd - Late Start
- February 12th - Late Start
- February 16th - No School (Teacher PD)
- February 19th - No School - Presidents Day
- February 24th - Avery Game Night (more information below)
- February 26th - Late Start
Add our calendar to your device!
A Special Thank You!
A GIANT thank you to the Hellmuth family for taking on our planters outside of Avery. Not only did they volunteer to help keep our porch pots seasonally updated, but they also donated the materials needed to make it happen! Thank you, Hellmuth Family!
Epipen Found
An epipen was found in the elevator vestibule - if you notice you or your child's is missing, please contact Nurse Mike at
Save the Date for “Rising Together: Family Work for Racial Equity”
Join the districtwide WGSD PTO equity committees on Monday, Feb. 12, from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Givens Elementary School Auditorium for “Rising Together: Family Work for Racial Equity.”
It’s been 10 years since Michael Brown was killed and the Ferguson Uprising inspired commitments to racial justice. Come hear where that work stands now, how high school students who came of age in a post-Ferguson world assess their landscape and the work that lies ahead, and how you can lead your family to ensure our community's children have the opportunity to rise together.
Childcare will be provided in the Givens cafeteria. If you plan to use childcare, please let us know in advance by filling out the form at
Questions? Contact
Casting call for the Avery Play!
When: January 17, 7:00pm
Where: Avery- Room TBD
Who: Anyone (adults) interested in being part of the Avery Play in any capacity (acting, dancing, set design, stage crew, lights/sound, publicity). Absolutely no experience needed!
What is the Avery Play? The Avery Play is a 70+ year tradition where the parents of Avery write, direct and perform a live performance for the entire Avery community. This year's show will be on April 12 and 13. Add your name and contact info here if interested: sign-up. Questions? Contact
Equity in Action Committee Community Recognition
The Webster Groves School District's Equity in Action Committee values and encourages peer-to-peer recognition for equity work. Last year, the EIA just developed and launched a Community Recognition initiative, which provides an opportunity for members of the community to recognize individuals (i.e. students, teachers, parents, friends, community members, etc.), schools, businesses, and organizations who make everyday contributions towards creating and cultivating a culture of dignity that values all human beings within the WGSD. To learn more about this opportunity and to make a recognition, please go to Community Recognition. The deadline is November 17, 2023 and April 19, 2024.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival from 7:40-7:50 AM
Bompart Avenue
Carpool drop-off only in front of school – parents to remain in vehicles with staff members assisting students
Families walking students to school will say goodbye at the external doors
No parking during arrival
Staff members will supervise at the curb
Marshall Avenue
This entrance will be utilized for bus arrival
- Atalanta Avenue
We strongly encourage families to travel only from Bompart towards Glen to alleviate congestion and increase safety
No parking on sidewalks
Staff members will supervise at the curb
Dismissal 2:50pm-3:00pm
Bompart Avenue
Kindergarten and First grades will dismiss out front
Atalanta Avenue
Third and Fourth grades will dismiss along the side
Secure Vestibule Entrance (located on Bompart)
Second and Fifth grades will dismiss out front
Back Parking Lot
Staff parking only
No entrance or exit from 2:20-2:50
Want to make a submission to The Avery Pulse?
To qualify for direct distribution to students and families, the
information must be:
- district-sponsored information
- something from a group affiliated* with the district.
- curriculum-related, as determined by the principal, including programs, events, contests and other activities.
*Affiliated is defined as a group recognized by the Board of Education and working
group created soley to work with district staff, students and parents
to raise fund for district activities (PTOs, booster clubs, the
Regarding signs, only signs for school or district groups (sponsored
or affiliated) can be placed on school grounds.
You can read the board policy here
If you are a non-profit organization that doesn't qualify for direct distribution to students and families, you can contact Derek Duncan ( who is our Director of Communication and he will ensure that your flyer is posted on the community electronic bulletin.
If your information fits the above criteria, you can make a submission to
Submissions are due on Thursdays at 5pm
Avery Elementary
Location: 909 North Bompart Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Twitter: @avery_allstars