Vose Owl Notes
Family Newsletter - September 2023
Dear Vose Families,
We have had a fantastic start to school! We loved welcoming students and seeing them back in classrooms with their teachers. As a school, we have been focusing on learning and practicing routines and procedures in the classroom and around the school. We've already had our first fire drill and assembly, and enjoyed meeting families at our Back to School Night. Below you will see important information that we shared at Back to School Night, as well as other essential dates and details. Our first Padres Unidos and Coffee with the Principals meeting are coming up later this month. We hope to see you there!
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Every minute counts and we appreciate your support with getting students to school on time each day. We are working hard to provide high quality learning experiences to prepare every student for their future, but we NEED THEM HERE AT SCHOOL! Please help us help your child and ensure they get to school, on-time each and EVERY DAY!
We are excited to work in partnership with you this year. Check out the upcoming events as well as resources to help support learning at home about Hispanic Heritage Month, as well as resources for kids from PBS, which runs from September 15 - October 15. Please feel free to reach out to our office if we can answer any questions or help with any needs you may have.
Monique Singleton, Principal
Ellen Arnold, Assistant Principal
Important Upcoming Events
CLICK HERE for Beaverton School District Calendar for 2023-24 School Year
- Wednesday, September 20, 8:00am: Padres Unidos
- Wednesday, September 27, 8:00am: Coffee with the Principals
- Thursday, October 12L PTO Meeting on Zoom (more info to come)
- Friday, October 13: Staff Development - No School
- Monday, October 16: Picture Day
- Friday, October 27: Teacher Work Day - No School
Parent/Teacher Conference Dates for 2023-2024
- Wednesday, November 1: Fall Conferences (3:30pm - 7:30pm)
- Thursday, November 2: Fall Conferences (7:30am - 7:30pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Friday, November 3 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Wednesday, April 24: Fall Conferences (3:30pm - 7:30pm)
- Thursday, April 25: Fall Conferences (7:30am - 7:30pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Friday, April 26 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Vose Daily Schedule for Grades K-5
- 7:35am- Front doors open
- 7:35am-8:00am- Breakfast in Cafeteria
- 7:55am- Bell rings, students can go to classrooms
- 8:00am- Tardy bell rings
- 8:05am- Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after 8:05am
- 2:35pm- Dismissal
Vose Title I Information & Feedback
One requirement of Vose's designation as a Title | school is our PARENT - SCHOOL COMPACT that underscores the importance of our Home-School partnership; a reciprocal commitment to the success of all students. The compact is linked below if you could review and acknowledge. We also welcome your feedback and input!
Here is our Vose Title I Parent Compact Survey- please try to complete by Friday, September 22nd to provide input for our School Improvement Plan and how we can best support you and your family.
Thank you!
The 3 Pillars of Dual Language
1) Bilingualism & Biliteracy: signage, newsletters, assemblies and announcements are all delivered in both Spanish & English. We offer multiple opportunities for students to utilize their home language assets to speak their first language at school and feel their cultural and language identities are safe and supported throughout the school community.
2) Grade Level Academic Achievement: we utilize high quality instruction, assessments and academic supports in both Spanish and English throughout our school to ensure students can demonstrate growth and achievement as they strive to reach their fullest potential.
3) Sociocultural Competence and Critical Consciousness: Our students have multiple opportunities each day to learn about their own cultural and language identities, as well as those of other students and also those around the world, in order to help them develop pride, confidence and empathy for themselves and others around them as they develop into productive global citizens.
We implement these 3 Pillars of Dual Language through also implementing the 4+1 Domains of Learning...see below...we'll share more about all 5 in next month's newsletter!
Schoolwide Expectations
Soccer Cleats- Not safe, so not allowed at school
Students should not bring or wear soccer cleats at recess. Parents/Guardians: please remind your students and if you see a student with soccer cleats, please don't let them wear them to school. These can cause serious injury since other students don't have on shin guards, or sturdy shoes. The soccer played at school is intended to be recreational and fun, not competitive. Thanks for your help with this!
Beaverton School District Job Fair
The Beaverton School District is hosting a job fair at the District Administrative Office (1260 NW Waterhouse Ave.) on Wednesday, October 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Specifically, we are hiring Paraeducator II positions; these are aides who support our special education classrooms. Salaries range from $20.61 to $26.40 and include benefits. To learn more about the position, please visit our Careers website.
We hope to see you there!
Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District Updates & Info
Now that classes have started and as the Fall season gets closer 🍂 we wanted to reach out and invite all the community to several upcoming free activities and events that you, and the families you work with, might find of interest.
🌟 Please find below the latest bilingual newsletter from Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District with several Welcoming Week events and other activities.
We also would like to highlight two upcoming free events led by amazing partners:
Caminata de Bienvenida a welcome walk in nature with Venezuela's Voice in Oregon at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park.
Latinos Vigentes for the 55+ community with Cruzada Humanitaria, Cita con Nelly and collaborators. Happening at the Elsie Stuhr Center.
Also, we have Casa Abierta happening at the Garden Home Recreation Center - If you have families that are new to THPRD and you would like to connect them to resources, activities, access to the gym or classes, sports, the inclusion program, the financial aid program or any other service, please feel free to invite them to Casa! This is an ideal welcoming event for new patrons. Bilingual staff are available at the center in addition to Pocketalk devices for interpretation (we can offer interpretation services if requested, please reach out if that is of interest).
All the best! Please reach out if you have any suggestions or questions,
Lulú Ballesteros | ella, she, her, hers
Equity & Engagement Manager
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
C: 503-443-5197 Hablo español
Follow us on social media: facebook.com/THPRD | instagram.com/thprd
Redes sociales en español: facebook.com/THPRDenEspanol | instagram.com/thprdenespanol
Parent Square
The Beaverton School District uses the ParentSquare platform for district, school and teacher communications, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number. Download the app or log into the ParentSquare web portal.
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430