Huffman Headlines
February 28, 2022
Message from Principal Hickox
It sure does feel like spring with these temperatures lately! Thank you for your patience as we navigate ice days and school closures. We have a four day week with no school on Friday, and then next week is Spring Break.
It is time for the annual School Climate and Connectedness Survey. Please follow the link to share your thoughts and impressions of our school climate at Huffman. This survey provides valuable data that we use as a staff to evaluate our program and inform our future goals. This year it seems even more important as we have lots of new staff and we are working our way back to normalcy after two years of pandemic disruptions. I truly appreciate you taking the time to fill it out.
As we move into spring, I am looking forward to more activities where families can come into the building. It has been nice seeing volunteers back in classrooms. If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity, please contact your child's teacher or check this newsletter as we always have ways that you can help out at Huffman.
Molly Hickox, Principal
Huffman Elementary School
New Mask Guidance
ASD is moving to optional mask wear for staff and parent-informed optional mask wear for students in ASD facilities. ASD will continue to encourage staff and students to wear masks, especially if they present with any respiratory symptoms outside of a COVID diagnosis.
Students may be asked to wear a mask if symptomatic and waiting for parent pick up.
Consistent with Federal regulations, employees and students on school buses will be required to wear masks until further notice.
ASD follows CDC guidance, staff and students returning from isolation following a positive COVID diagnosis will wear a mask days 6-10.
ASD will not require tracking or communicating of close contacts. We will continue to encourage the use of masks, but will honor family choice in all areas except return from isolation.
Ready to help? Please visit our volunteer sign up for volunteer opportunities.
Photos Needed for Yearbook
Huffman Elementary School
Email: hickox_molly@asdk12.org
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/huffman
Location: 12000 Lorraine Street, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5650
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuffmanElementary