Saint Ambrose School News
Parent Newsletter - October 7th, 2022

Parent Newsletter - January 26, 2024
Dear Saint Ambrose Parents,
We had a wonderful Catholic Schools Week! Our students seemed to enjoy the out of uniform days and the communal celebration of our faith. Thanks to our teacher committee that planned well, to our parents who fed us an amazing lunch on Tuesday, and to our parish staff colleagues for their support.
Congratulations to the Saint Ambrose Math Team. Our Yellow Team earned 3rd place in our division, and our Blue Team earned 7th place. We compete in the South Washington Division against the Goliaths of Lake Middle, Woodbury Middle, Cottage Grove Middle, Stillwater Junior High, and MSA. There were 17 teams in our division this year. Congratulations also to Noah Remer and Ethan Fiandt who finished 5th and 6th individually out of 101 participants. Our students represented Saint Ambrose with character and class.
Spirit Wear
Please use this link to order Spirit Wear - there is a 20% for Catholic School's Week. Deadline to Order is January 28
NO Bus Day - Monday, Jan 29th
We are trying another idea for dismissal for the NO BUS day on Monday, January 29. Our primary goal is student safety. All pick up will require parents to park and walk into the building to meet your child(ren) inside. Please read the information below:
Drop off - If you typically drive your child(ren) to school, you will keep your regular routine for morning drop off. If they typically ride the bus please drop off by car at the doors by the playground.
If your child(ren) typically DO NOT take the bus :
Pick up time is early- 3:30. You must park your car and enter the building.
Regular North Side families: pick up in the gym
Regular South Side families: pick up in the cafeteria
If your child(ren) typically ride the bus:
Students will be dismissed from classrooms at 3:50.
Please pick up based on last name:
Last names A-N North Side- park your car, enter the building through door #3 and pick up in the gym
Last names O-Z South Side-park your car, enter through the church doors and pick up in the cafeteria
Both north and south pick up will be park and walk in for your child.
Conferences will be Feb 8th and 13th from 4:00 - 7:45.
K-5 will be held in person
6-8 will be held virtually
Conferences are optional and are by either parent or teacher request.
If you need an interpreter for conferences, contact Beth Salmon for scheduling: bsalmon@saintambroseschool.org
You can book your own conference with your classroom teacher on Sycamore.
Click here to learn how to schedule your conference online
I remind you to stir into flame
the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands.
For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice
but rather of power and love and self-control.
So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord,
nor of me, a prisoner for his sake;
but bear your share of hardship for the Gospel
with the strength that comes from God.2 Tm 1
Saint Timothy and St. Titus, Pray for Us!
Have a great weekend,
Betsy Osterhaus Hand
Embracing the Virtue of Forgiveness in January
Dear Families,
As we embark on the new year, we are excited to introduce a special focus on the virtue of forgiveness throughout January. We aim to create a positive and compassionate school environment where forgiveness is valued and celebrated. In children, practicing forgiveness translates to actions such as taking responsibility for our actions, learning from mistakes, being truthful, and adopting a humble attitude. It means not bragging when you win and refraining from showing anger when you lose.
Here's how we plan to encourage and acknowledge acts of mercy among our students:
Acts of Mercy Recognition:
Teachers will be actively observing and recognizing acts of mercy and forgiveness displayed by our students.
Acknowledgment with a Snowflake:
When a teacher witnesses a noteworthy act, the student will be acknowledged and invited to the office to receive a special snowflake with their name on it.
Saint Cards as Reminders:
In exchange for their snowflake, students will be presented with a saint card. This card serves as a tangible reminder to continue embodying the virtue of forgiveness in their daily lives.
We believe this initiative will not only foster a culture of forgiveness but also encourage our students to reflect on the exemplary lives of saints who embody this virtue. We encourage you to discuss the significance of forgiveness with your child and how they can actively participate in this meaningful practice.
Let's work together to make January a month filled with compassion, understanding, and the warmth of forgiveness.
Wishing you and your family a joyous start to the year!
Saints we will be recognizing and learning more about:
Elizabeth Ann Seton (Jan 4th)
Epiphany (Jan 6th)
Marianne Cope( Jan 23rd)
St. John Bosco (Jan 31st)
Bookfair will be in February!
Students will preview Thursday, Feb 8th and Feb 9th with their classes.
Again this year we will offer - Shopping will be available during February Conferences, look for a signup to come!
Classes will shop the week of Feb 12th, teachers will let you know specifics for your child's class.
To set up an eWallet for your child, please visit the Book Fair Homepage
Classroom Library Donations
If you would like to make a monetary donation to our classroom library, you can donate to our classroom this link will be sent by your classroom teacher.
Family Shopping (during conferences - School Library 2nd floor)
Thursday, February 8th 4:00pm-7:30pm
Tuesday, February 13th 4:00pm-7:30pm
Book Fair Photos with Pricing (link to google photos file)
*** Link will be sent out the week of bookfair***
Home and School Board:
Tiffani Morelli-President
Ashley Salvato-Vice President
Christine Nelson-Communications Coordinator
Tara Malley-Fundraising Coordinator
Katie Hatteberg-Secretary
Abby Summerfield-Treasurer
Heather Cange-Volunteer Coordinator
Summer School - July 15 - 19th
We offer a summer enrichment program for students entering kindergarten through grade six. There are a variety of classes in a wide range of topics including STEM, computer programming/coding, mathematics, science, reading, cooking, art, lego, computer games and much more. This is considered an enrichment experience and students find it fun and exciting to explore topics and subjects that may not be a part of a typical curriculum.
Courses will be offered Monday through Friday from July 15-19th. Students may take from one to three courses. All courses will be 1.5 hours in length. Lunch will be provided.
If you are interested in having your child participate in the opportunity please save the dates of July 15 - 19th.
More information about registration and specific classes will be sent out in mid-February.
Believe and Read - Groves Literacy Partner
One of the things your child does each day in Groves Method is they listen for their
teacher to say a sound, word, or sentence and they practice writing what was told them.
This is an excellent activity for helping glue this information in long-term memory, especially
because we better remember what we write.
We also know that we’re helping students build working
memory, the number of “bits” of information they can hold in their brain and manipulate, which is key for more complex learning.
You can practice this at home by saying a word or sound and asking your child to write down what you said.
- If you are tardy for school (9:20 or after), please come to the North Entrance and check in at the school office. The South Side is locked at 9:20.
- During COVID, we didn't ask parents to sign students out of the office consistently. We have developed some bad habits, and need to get back to a safer sign-out process. If your child(ren) are leaving early, you need to come into the school and sign them out in the office. Thank you!
- School Emergency Closing Notifications -This school year we will continue to use our Sycamore System for text and email notifications for school closures and delays due to inclement weather. You may also check Kare 11 and WCCO for notification that District 833 is closed - if they are closed we will be closed. Make sure to update Sycamore with your current phone numbers and emails as soon as possible.
Emergency Notifications
To receive emergency notifications from our school concerning school cancelations, etc, Saint
Ambrose enrolls each family in receiving SMS and Phone notifications automatically at the
beginning of each year. If you prefer not to receive these notifications, Sycamore has an
opt-in/out option.
To opt in or out.
Login into sycamore.
Click “My School”
Click “Notifications.”
Click person.
Choose to opt in or out of notifications. The check box means opt-in, and uncheck means
Other Information
Artsonia is the world's largest collection of student art, published by teachers and students from around the world. Parents and family can view the art online, leave comments and order keepsakes featuring the artwork. Below is the link and the code for parents to connect so that they can have access to not only digital copies of their child's work, but also to the personalized art gift shop that helps raise funds for art materials.
Sycamore Communication Portal/App - click below to go to Sycamore Website
Please login to Sycamore to access the school calendar, lunch menu, and schedules/grades (JH only)
Here is our student handbook for this school year:
Cold Weather Procedures
During the cold winter months, we ask that parents make a special effort to see that their children are dressed appropriately (i.e. hats, mittens, boots, etc.).
The children go outside for recess daily in the lower grades unless the air or wind chill temperature exceeds –10 degrees. During winter months, we sometimes receive requests to keep children inside during recess. Such requests are difficult to honor because classrooms are not under supervision during that time. Generally if a child is well enough to attend school they should be well enough to participate in recess.
We have found that a short period of outdoor activity is extremely important in order to refresh each child. The children then arrive back in their classrooms better prepared to resume their studies.
Upcoming Dates to Add to Your Calendar
Planning Ahead
Jan 29th - no bus and Mass of Holy Spirit for 6-8th
Feb 8th and Feb 13th - Conferences
Feb 13th - Valentine's Day is Ash Wed.- Celebrate Mardi Gras and VDay on 2/13
Mission and Philosophy
Mission (what we offer)
We at Saint Ambrose School are part of a vibrant Catholic community supporting and nurturing
each child on their journey with Christ.
Through exceptional academics, embracing each child’s unique strengths and needs, and
joyfully engaging in prayer and service, we take a holistic, virtue-based approach to student
education and experiences. This is the Saint Ambrose Way.
Vision (what we aspire to)
As a thriving Catholic school, we create meaningful impact though each family we support and
student we send into the world.
By helping form the whole child, students are not only prepared well for the next level of
education, but life as Christian adults living the Saint Ambrose Way.
The Saint Ambrose community recognizes the partnership between parents, students, staff,
administration and parishioners in providing for the development of its members as people of
faith who worship, learn and grow together. As a community we have a responsibility to
support families- as the primary educators of their children- while providing enriching
experiences that promote a sense of belonging and responsibility to a community.
Quick Links
Follow us on Social Media
Did you know that we have a Saint Ambrose Facebook Page and Instagram Page? Please follow us for school updates and photos. Click the links at the bottom of this email for quick access to our social media pages.