Rome City Elementary School
May 2023
From the Principal's Desk
Whew! Can you believe it? We only have one month left of school! This year has flown by so quickly!
I just want to remind everyone, I am taking a medical leave starting May 10, 2023. I have been battling some belly issues for over a year and the doctors truly believe if I have part of my colon removed, I will be back to my normal self. I thought doing this right into the summer would be the best option so I miss less time with the kiddos and I can get the much needed rest as I heal.
During this time, Alisa Smith, a former East Noble Elementary Principal, will be taking my spot to lead us through the rest of the school year.
I have been working my way around to each classroom to explain to them what is happening and that they will be having a "substitute" principal. The comments from the kiddos are priceless. One student asked me if I would take a picture of the inside of my belly:)
Just a reminder, I will try my best to come back and join the children in various events. I may be just taking it easy and sitting down, but I will try my best to be there for some events if I can make it happen! This decision to do this was not an easy one. For those who know me well, I always tell the staff to go out and "build memories with the kids." I love the events we do at the end of the year and I want to be there for those memories. Again, I will try my best to be present from time to time, as long as the healing process goes well.
I will be checking emails and checking in with Mrs. Smith often. If you need to reach me, feel free to email me and I will do my best to respond when I can.
We placed as many dates as we could think of into this newsletter to help with all of our calendar planning for the remainder of the year. We could add a few more things, but hopefully this is helpful!
Heather Green
Playground Update!
Spring Musical
May 9th at 6:00PM
Cowboy theme
ENMS Parent Meeting at ENMS
Zoo Field Trip
Principal's Academic Challenge
Culture Day!
Memorial Day - May 29th - No School!
Field Day
Dress for the weather - bring comfortable shoes and sunscreen!
Awards Program
K-2nd at 8:15 AM
3rd - 5th at 9:30 AM
Last Student Day!
Have a wonderful break! See you in August!