Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
March 2020 e-Newsletter
Happy March, Rainiers!
Dear Columbia Crest Families,
Welcome March. Spring is almost here and we can’t wait to see the flowers begin to bloom. Spring brings about new life, new opportunities and new learning.
There are lots of exciting events coming up this month. We hope to have families enjoy our Talent Show, Career Fair, Honor Society Induction and the McTee Music Festival.
In addition, on March 10th, our middle school students will get to watch a play titled, Above Between Below. This touring assembly is designed to engage students in conversations about managing conflicts, bullying and building resiliency. The plot revolves around an embarrassing cellphone video gone viral, physical intimidation and gossip. These events lead to a confrontation between four students who must choose to take action as a person who is targeted and victimized or a person who bullies. Following each performance, students participate in a discussion with the cast aimed to spark further conversation about how conflicts emerge and to brainstorm positive alternatives and outcomes. Above Between Below aligns with the following WA State Benchmarks for Social Emotional Learning. I encourage parents to join us in the audience on Tuesday, March 10th at 12:00 in our Gym.
Have a great month as we launch into Spring.
Principal Shew
Preschool Awesomeness
Thanks so much to Mr. Art Rausch for coming to CC and reading "Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, a Marine & a Miracle" to the 4th grade.
1st Grade Mathematician
Preschool & Kindergarten Enrollment
To qualify for Kindergarten students must by 5 years of age by August 31st, 2020. Stop by our office for an enrollment packet.
Our Preschool Program is for 3, 4, and 5 year olds. We offer meals and transportation. Class is Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00a.m. – 11:30a.m. The program is $25 a month for those who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch or $190 otherwise. Please be prepared to pay a one-time $190 Registration Fee.
Our Kindergarten Program is full time, five days a week; 7:45a.m. – 2:15p.m.
Preschool and Kindergarten begins on Tuesday, September 8th, 2020.
We do need an updated immunization record, birth certificate and proof of residency when registering for the first time.
If you would like to message us directly to inform us if you have an incoming Preschooler or Kindergartener, we will be happy to reserve your child’s space as we do have a capacity to be cautious of filling.
For specific questions feel free to email us at L.Fitzer@EatonvilleSchools.org
March Event Calendar
Food Menus
Spirit Week March 2nd-6th
Character Trait of the Month ~ Self Esteem
PTO Newsletter
Counselor's Corner
Happy March Columbia Crest Families!
I am so excited that the sky has been lighter earlier and we have seen some sunshine! As we move into March we will begin focusing on our trait of the month, self-esteem. The way we teach self-esteem to our students is feeling good about themselves! Kids who feel good about themselves have the confidence to try new things, are more likely to try their best and feel proud about what they do. Self-esteem can also help kids cope with mistakes and try again even if they fail at first. Having a good self-esteem helps kids find success at home, at school and with friends.
Every child is different and self-esteem may come easier to some than others, but the good news is that we can help them raise their self-esteem. You can help build your child’s self-esteem by helping your child learn new things, praising your child for their effort rather than just the outcome, be a good role model (you can model putting in effort and having a good attitude!) and focus on their strengths.
This month we will help students understand and build their self-esteem and we hope you join us in those efforts! As always, if you have any questions or concerns I can help you with please feel free to reach out.
Mrs. Jessica Sotl
Prize Winners
Teagan & Bailey earned a certificate for their work in Algebra
Weaving in Middle School Art
You're Invited to our Career Fair
Come and learn with our students to see the vast industries we have represented.
Wrestling 1st Place League Championship
7th grade Ashlynn Kistenmacher, 6th grade Abriell Kistenmacher, 8th grade Cody Taylor and 8th grader Daniel Krambule.
Middle School Athletics
Upcoming sports opportunities are Track and Volleyball.
Track & Field: first day of practice Mar. 30, 2020
Girl's Volleyball: first day of practice Mar. 30, 2020
Grade Checks
Student Athletes are required to pass all classes. A grade check is done at the beginning of the season and every two weeks after. If a student fails a class they are placed on the following steps:
- Step 1: Probation, two weeks to get grade up.
- Step 2: Can go to practice, no contests or traveling until next grade check. Has two weeks to get grades up.
- Step 3: Removal from team.
For information call the middle school at 360-879-1400.
Congratulations to our Inductees!
Isabelle Powell
Ella Gendreau
Kennedy Powell
Delaney Johnson
Teagan Ellington
Lillian Moore
Bailey Andersen
Bodie Turner
Hannah Hanson
Taylor Cantrell
Jaida Green
Jennavieve Smith
Linnea Lofgren
Lila Mahon
Bridget Stumph
Rilynne Johnson
David Krambule
Willa Rovang
Tallula Rigtrup
Elizabeth Vest
Lauryn Stockton
Farmraisier Fundraiser
Get your favorite honey, coffee and your garden seeds all while supporting your students school, Columbia Crest PTO! All proceeds help us provide many fun activities for our students and families throughout the year. With your purchase your support can help us pay for assemblies, provide testing snacks for our students, field day and host family appreciation events.
Use the link below to look at the options.
Forks and Spoons Needed
McTee Music Festival
The Columbia Crest Band has a wonderful opportunity to perform again for this year’s McTee Music Festival on March 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the large gym at EHS. All district schools will be participating again this year. Our band will be joining forces with the EMS band in performing several songs.
Students will need to dress in concert black/white for this formal program with a white dress shirt/blouse or polo shirt (no t-shirts) and black pants/skirt and black shoes.
It will be a great evening of music so reserve the date on your calendar!
A-STEM Showcase, April 22nd
District Calendar Revision
Attached is the newly revised School District Calendar. Friday, March 13th is now a school day to make up for the snow day we had this winter.
The attached calendar has all dates parents need to be aware of including, half days, late starts and the last day of school. Please use this as a reference through June 2020.
When to Keep Your Child Home
Parenting Workshop
The district is hosting a Love and Logic Parenting Workshop.
When: Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm from January 29-March 4
Location: Eatonville Middle School, Library
Cost: The workshop costs $15 for the cost of the book.
At this time there will not be dinner or child care offered.
How do you register? Please e-mail Anisa Parks: a.parks@eatonvilleschools.org
There is limited space, so please sign up soon.
Stay Connected
Email: a.shew@eatonville.wednet.edu
Website: www.eatonville.wednet.edu/CCA
Location: 24503 SR 706 E Ashford, WA 98304
Phone: (360)569-2567
Facebook: facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School
Contact Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Ms. Lindsay Fitzer
CCA Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Student Hours: 7:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Transportation: 360-879-1900