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The Olive Branch
What's Up At The Nest...
Becky & Erin
Celebrate One Book One School at the Family Reading Night on October 23!
Families are invited to attend the Olive-Mary Stitt Family Reading Night on Tuesday, October 23 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Many families have already registered to attend the evening. They will be provided with individual family schedules. Please try to arrive 10 minutes early so that you have time to pick up your schedule for the night. If your family missed the deadline to sign up, you may still attend two events that evening. All families will be able to view the opening presentation from The Grove (a Glenview Park District nature center) at 6:30 pm. In addition, everyone is invited to visit the OMS Library Media Center to work on activities related to our One Book One School event and to decide if they'd like to sponsor a book for our collection.
Halloween Permission Slips
Halloween Permission Slip 2018 (AM Kindergarten)
Halloween Permission Slip 2018 (PM Kindergarten)
Come to the LMC during the Family Reading Night!
Everyone is invited to the LMC during Reading Night on Tuesday, October 23. Families who registered in advance will have the LMC in their schedules as a station to visit during the evening. We will have all of our new books on display as part of our annual “sponsor a book” fundraiser for the library. If you find a book you’d like to sponsor, please bring it to the checkout desk and make a donation with cash or check. The donation cost varies depending on if the book is a paperback, regular hardcover, or premium hardcover($6, $10, or $15). The library staff will place a personalized bookplate inside the book indicating the sponsor name. Your child will be the first one to check it out on the following school day. Also, for every family who sponsors a book, each child in the family can enter a raffle to win a copy of a book autographed by the author. We have one of each of these three books to give away.
Staff Shout-out - Mrs. Czerniuk
Video of the Week - Arrival Dismissal Procedures
- Students must have all of their bags and materials with them ready to hop out of the car. Students may not retrieve items from the trunk in the drop-off line.
- Once students have exited the car on the sidewalk, please merge to the left. If you are unable to merge, please continue pulling forward until you are able to merge.
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Dr. Becky FitzPatrick, Principal rfitzpatrick@sd25.org
Ms. Erin Davis, Assistant Principal edavis@sd25.org
Website: https://www.sd25.org/Olive
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive