Our Week at Reutter School
Week of May 8, 2023
School Principal's Message
Reutter School Families:
As we approach Teacher Appreciation Week, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for our dedicated and hardworking teachers.
Their tireless efforts and dedication have not gone unnoticed and they deserve the utmost appreciation from all of us. I encourage you to take a moment to thank them and acknowledge the impact they have made in our children's lives.
Thank you to all the teachers who go above and beyond every day to make a difference. We are grateful for everything you do. All individuals who are attending the DC trip are reminded to be at Reutter School by 5:30 AM this Friday morning.
As the end of the school year approaches, I would like to remind you about a few important events.
Our sixth grade students will be travelling to Washington, DC on May 5, which promises to be an exciting educational experience.
Furthermore, the NJSLA will continue next week for all CLR students as they take the ELA Assessment from May 8-10; please ensure your child is present and prepared.
On May 11, our school will host the annual Spring Music Concert, to be held at 7 PM in the Delsea Regional High School auditorium. Student artwork will be on display during the school's Art Show on May 17 from 5 PM - 7 PM. Our students are also excited to perform the musical "Dear Edwina, Jr." on May 25 at 7 PM.
Thank you for your continued support.
Educationally Yours,
Mr. Peters
DC Trip Information
Dear Parents,
Later this week, our sixth grade will be heading down to our nation’s capital for their annual field trip. All individuals attending the field trip are asked to arrive to Reutter School at 5:30 AM, as we will begin boarding the buses at 5:45 AM to depart for Washington, DC. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate any late arrivals for the buses due to time parameters associated with our trip’s schedule.
Attached to this message, you will find a copy of the slide presentation that will be reviewed with all sixth grade students this week by their homeroom teachers. It is important to review the content of this slide presentation as it contains important reminders about the field trip.
As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. See you early Friday morning.
Mr. Peters
Nurse's Office Immunization Reminder
Immunization Reminder:
Fifth grade parents-just a reminder… your child will need to receive two (2) immunizations after they turns 11 years old (Tdap and Meningitis). These immunizations must be obtained before starting sixth grade in September. Please call your child’s doctor to schedule an appointment once your child turns 11 and send a copy of their immunization record to Mrs. Zorzi, School Nurse.
The Gloucester County Health Department offers free immunizations to children who do not have health insurance.
Feel free to contact Mrs. Zorzi with any questions at ozorzi@franklintwpschools.org or by calling at 694-0223 X3103.
A Look At This Past Week...
Celebrating National Principal's Day
Dear students and parents,
I would like to take this moment to express my gratitude for all your support and encouragement on National Principal's Day which was celebrated earlier this week. It is through your cooperation that we have been able to create a vibrant learning environment. Your devotion towards education has been instrumental in shaping our school's success. I am honored and privileged to lead such a wonderful community, and I thank you all for your continuous support. You are the reason why our school is able to achieve excellence in all aspects of education.
Thank you!
Mr. Peters
Congratulations to Mrs. Busler for being selected as the STAR Faculty/Staff Member of the Month
Mrs. Michele Busler has been named the STAR Faculty/Staff Member of the Month at Reutter School for the month of April. Mrs. Busler works as a sixth grade math teacher and has been an educator within our school district for 20 years. She is known for her kindness, support of novice teachers, and ability to make learning fun for her students. Mrs. Busler has also been praised for her willingness to go above and beyond for her students and fellow staff members, specifically as a Team Leader for the Sixth Grade STEM Department. The STAR award recognizes outstanding performance and dedication to the advancement of students and Reutter School. Congratulations to Mrs. Michele Busler on this well-deserved honor.
Updates from the Sixth Grade Liberal Arts Department
Sixth Grade ELA
Sixth grade Language Arts students are in the midst of reading, discussing, analyzing, and exploring a variety of fiction novels to revisit the fiction standards. This trimester, the students were generally able to select their novel of choice based on interest from a set of differentiated options. The use of choice novels has allowed for high engagement, leading to the students to facilitate deep, meaningful discussions when they meet with their reading group to think critically about the big ideas and concepts in the text, while applying and deepening their understanding of the standards. In addition to these novels, some teachers have been reading Refugee by Alan Gratz as a whole class read aloud. This novel has provided the sixth graders with background information on German, Syrian, and Cuban refugees throughout history, allowing them to make real-world connections and develop empathy for the individuals forced to flee their homes.
We have also just begun to explore the expository writing genre, writing with the purpose to inform their audience about a topic in a problem and solution text structure. The students are writing about a diverse range of issues, supporting their information with research-based evidence and thorough explanations.
As we continue to learn new Greek and Latin root words, the students were inspired by the Scholastic Scope ‘Root Power Contest’. To demonstrate their understanding of previously learned roots, the sixth graders chose one root word and created a comic strip that included multiple words that contain the root and represented the root’s meaning through context and visuals. Some classes have also been competing in a ‘vocabulary competition’ with bi-weekly sets of vocabulary words. Each time a student uses a word from the set authentically and correctly in conversation or in writing, they can fill in a box on a grid with their initials. The class with the most boxes filled in by the end of the two weeks wins a prize!
Sixth Grade Social Studies
Social Studies students are in the process of reading the novel, "George Washington's Spy". They completed studying the United States Constitution, its preamble, Bill of Rights, and Amendments. They are now working on the "Create a Country Project". Working with partners, the students are creating a new country complete with a plan of government, a Constitution, a Preamble, a map, and a flag. The students realize what a difficult job it was for our founding fathers to create the United States of America.
A Look Ahead...
May 4 - Grade 5 Student Council Meeting
May 4 - "Wear your favorite sports attire" Spirit Day
May 5 - Grade 6 Washington, DC Field Trip
May 5 - "Wear your favorite Google Meet attire" Spirit Day
May 8, 9, 10 - NJSLA - ELA (All Students)
May 8 - The scheduled PTO Meeting has been cancelled.
May 11 - Spring Music Concert Practice, 11 AM - 2 PM
May 11 - Spring Music Concert, 7 PM @ Delsea High School
May 12 - "Anything But A Backpack" Spirit Day
Reutter School COVID-19 Confirmed Cases
Mission Statement: In partnership with students, families, and the community, the mission of the Township of Franklin Public Schools is to foster the unique potential of each individual student by providing an inclusive, safe and supportive learning environment.
Vision Statement: To be a child-centered community that empowers students and equips them with the academic, social and emotional foundation needed to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
Caroline L. Reutter School
Email: tpeters@franklintwpschools.org
Website: www.franklintwpschools.org
Location: 2150 Delsea Drive, Franklinville, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-694-0223