Haverhill Headlines
September 2022
SACS First Flex Day is Tuesday, September 20
Our Fundraiser was a huge success!
Haverhill's 1st Annual Fall Festival
Plant & Garden Shoe Blue Ribbon Winners
Amazing looking Spider Plant!
Wow! Great growing!
Running Club
2nd Grade swimming
Haverhill loves Officer Kirkland!
Teacher Wishlists
Do you know that many of our teachers have an Amazon Wishlist of things they could use in their classroom? Click on the link below to see if your teacher has a wishlist.
The Hawks Nest is open!
Students shop and spend their hard earned PBIS points in the Hawks Nest. Ask your student what fun items they have purchased.
Haverhill is hiring!
Do you know of someone looking to join our team? We are looking to fill the following positions:
Mild Disability position (5 hours per day) - 1 position
Noon Monitor position (2-hours per day) - 2 positions
Apply on our SACS website.
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 29-Fall Festival 5-7:30
October 3-7-Fall Break- NO SCHOOL
October 10-14 -Wellness Week (Jog/Walk on the 14th)
Friday, October 14-End of Grading Period
Friday, October 21-Parent Teacher Conferences-NO SCHOOL
Monday, November 7-Picture Retakes
Haverhill Elementary School
Email: aransom@sacs.k12.in.us
Website: www.sacs.k12.in.us
Location: 4725 Weatherside Run, Fort Wayne, IN, USA
Phone: 260-431-2901
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/Haverhill-Elementary-PTC-110860994507046/
Twitter: @HES_Hawks