The DB Beat
November 3, 2023
- November 7 - Math Tutoring, 3:30-4:30 PM
- November 8 - PTA Meeting, DB Library, 6:00 PM
- November 9 - Math Tutoring, 3:30-4:30 PM
- November 16 - 5th Grade Music Program, 7:00 PM, LSE Auditorium
- November 22- November 24 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
- November 27 - No School, Staff PD Day
Gum, Candy, & Drinks
Now that it is getting colder outside, students should be prepared for daily cold weather situations.
Outdoor recess is an integral part of the school day and provides students with a break from structured classroom time. Recess promotes opportunities for physical exercise and social development. During cold weather, the decision for outside recess will be based on the weather; factors such as wind chill, snow, rain, cloud cover, wind, etc. will determine whether or not it will be beneficial for children to go outside. David Barton Elementary follows these procedures for cold weather:
* If the temperature or wind chill is above 20 degrees, recess and PE can be held outdoors
* If the temperature or wind chill is below, recess and PE will be held indoors
Extremely cold weather can be very dangerous. Parents/guardians should be certain that their children are appropriately clothed with mittens/gloves, hats, coats, etc., so they can be comfortable both inside and outside. Most days our students go outside for some period of time either at recess, PE, or traveling to/from school. Please call the school if your family is unable to provide the necessary winter items. We have many items available at school or we can refer you to an agency that can help. We want all students to be comfortable and safe during these cold winter months.
REMINDER - the school doors unlock at 7:45 AM each morning
LABEL –Any found items labeled with a student's name will be returned to the student. If an item is not labeled, it is placed in our Lost & Found area. Please label all coats, jackets, hoodies, backpacks, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc.
LOST ITEM – We suggest that parents/guardians encourage their child(ren) to carefully check for lost items in the Lost & Found (located in the DB cafeteria).
Please encourage your child(ren) to look for items as soon as they notice something is missing.
Parents/guardians are also invited to look through our Lost & Found for lost items, please contact the DB office to arrange a time.
VALUABLE ITEMS - Watches, jewelry, electronics, and toys are occasionally misplaced at school and are turned into the office. Valuable items should be left at home.
UNCLAIMED ITEMS - All unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization before Christmas break and at the end of the school year.
- All Kindergarten through 8th Grade students in the Boonville School District will receive free lunch and breakfast.
- Menus will be sent home in Friday folders at the end of each month. They are also available on the DB website, and on the DB Facebook page.
Kim Walker, Principal
Laurie Painter, Asst. Principal
DB Office
Administrative Assistants
Michelle Nickerson
Clara Asher
David Barton Elementary School
Location: 814 Locust Street, Boonville, MO, USA
Phone: 660-882-6527