Hembree Highlights
January 19, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families!
Brrr... we certainly had a very cold week. I complained to my son Cameron about the cold, and he reminded me that he lives in Davenport, Iowa where the average temperature was -16 this week. Thank you for your patience at carpool as we navigated the freezing temperatures. I had the pleasure of attending the PTA board meeting this week. We need volunteers to ensure our PTA runs efficiently. Please reach out to me or a PTA member if you are willing to help volunteer for upcoming events or committees. We need parental involvement for our wonderful students.
CCRPI (College and Career Readiness Performance Index)
We spent some time as a school team analyzing our CCRPI data from Spring 2023. There are 4 components to the CCRPI explained below.
Content Mastery- Content Mastery addresses whether students are achieving at the level necessary to be prepared for the next grade, college, or career. This component includes achievement scores in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies on Georgia Milestones and Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0.
· Progress- Progress measures how much growth students demonstrate in ELA and mathematics and how well English learners are progressing towards English language proficiency. The ELA and mathematics indicators utilize Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) to measure how much growth students demonstrated relative to academically- similar students on Georgia Milestones and categorical growth for students on Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0. English language proficiency measures whether students are improving within a performance band or moving up to another performance band, thus moving towards English language proficiency.
· Closing Gaps- Closing Gaps sets the expectation that all students and all student subgroups make improvements in achievement rates. This component is based on CCRPI improvement targets for academic achievement, which are represented by improvement flags, and it provides an opportunity for schools to demonstrate the progress made in improving student performance among all student subgroups.
· Readiness- Readiness measures whether students are participating in activities preparing them for and demonstrating readiness for the next level, college, or career. The indicators for elementary and middle schools include at or above grade-level reading, student attendance, and beyond the core.
GMAS Spring 2023 CCRPI Results for Hembree Springs
Content Mastery: 75.2
Progress: 72.3
Closing Gaps: 30.6
Readiness 88.3
We are dedicated to working as a staff to meet target goals for 2024. I will communicate ways you can help your child at home in our next edition of Hembree Highlights.
You may explore additional information about CCRPI on the GA DOE website, https://ccrpi.gadoe.org/Reports/Views/Shared/
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Nancy Lahey
Hembree Springs ES
Important Dates
1/25 Grocery Store Math Night @ Tres Hermanos 6:00-7:00pm
2/1 PTA General Meeting @ 6:30pm on TEAMS
2/8 Title I Input Meeting & Hawks Take Flight Student-led Learning Celebration @ 5:00pm
2/12-2/16 Teachers & Staff Appreciation Week
2/13 Title I Assessment Workshop @ 7:40am
3/1 Sweetheart Family Dance and Silent Auction @ 6:00-7:30pm
Write Score is Coming Next Week for Grades 3-5
What is it?
Write Score’s Text-Based Writing Assessment is an online test that measures skills in writing standards as aligned to the state standards and the Part 1 (writing) section of the ELA Georgia Milestones. Each Write Score assessment includes grade appropriate articles, multiple choice questions, a constructed response, and an extended writing task. The assessment will include one of the following writing genres: narrative, informational/explanatory, and opinion/argumentative. 3rd grade will write an opinion piece and grades 4-5 will write an informational/explanatory piece.
How is it Used?
Write Score provides schools with targeted data in overall reports and specific reports of students’ writing proficiencies. ELA teachers use Write Score data and instructional materials and resources to determine areas of need and guide instructional decisions and support. Administrators can use the results to help see the performance and progress of a grade level, school, or the district. Write Score is not used as part of a student’s grade.
Who takes it? When?
Grades 3-5 January 22-24, 2024
Grades 6-8 January 29-31, 2024 (accelerated 6th grade LA students will take it at Elkins Pointe)
Other Questions?
Please reach out to your student’s teacher or Dr. McAtee (mcatee@fultonschools.org) with Write Score questions.
Read-a-Thon Trackers Due!
Don't forget to turn in your reading trackers for the read-a-thon, and a chance to win a Kindle Kids! Please turn in your paperwork no later than Monday, January 22nd, to your homeroom teacher.
Math Night at Tres Hermanos
Join us on 1/25 for Math Night at Tres Hermanos grocery store from 6:00-7:00pm. We’ll learn how we can apply math learned in the classroom to real world situations. See flyer for more details. Hope to see you there!
Title I Input Meeting
Parents, Families and Community Members! Please join us for our Title I Input Meeting on February 8th at 5:00pm (in the cafeteria) or on March 19th at 7:40am in the HSES Media Center. See attached flyers for more details.
Student-Led Learning Celebration on 2/8
Please join us for our 2/8 student-led learning celebration, “Hawks Take Flight,” from 5:00-7:00pm. Sign in at the cafeteria entrance to receive your learning passport. Grab some pizza and join us for our Title I Input meeting. Or you may begin your learning adventure with your student as your guide! Each stop will have an opportunity for your student to discuss and demonstrate experiences and activities that are part of their school day. They’ll also share some of their projects, writing samples, and more in their classrooms.
We’ll have pizza, games, giveaways, and more as we celebrate your student and their accomplishments together! Please plan for at least (1) hour at the event (up to 10 minutes at each passport stop).
Book Club for 3rd-5th graders
Parents! If your child signed up for book club, we will be discussing the books the last week of January. We need parent volunteers! You can sign up here:
Don't forget to return the book!
Heart Notes of Appreciation
For Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, please have your student write or draw a note for their homeroom teacher, Specials teachers, and any staff member they like. We encourage you to fill out several notes! We have a Heart Note that your student can use.
You can print a copy here: http://tinyurl.com/mtbwjk4y
Blank copies will also be available outside of the school in a tub marked "Blank Hearts" if you would like to pick up copies.
Please either send the completed hearts to school with your student or return them to the "Completed Hearts" tub outside of the school by Friday, February 2nd.
Thank you for showing your love to our teachers and staff! Please email Ashley Russ with any questions at ashleyruss88@gmail.com.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week Signup
In addition to writing heart notes, you can also donate to some of the fun gift baskets our PTA is organizing for giveaways during the week!
You can find the signup listing the items needed here: http://tinyurl.com/332emd6b
Please drop off the giveaway items with the front desk or have your student bring them to school. Write “Teacher Appreciation Giveaway” on the items and we'll try to keep it a surprise! Please turn in all items prior to February 2nd so that we have time to organize the baskets.
No time to shop? Donate directly and we'll use these funds to support additional activities during the week including a luncheon, breakfast, and more. You can donate here: https://hembreespringselementary.memberhub.com/store Be sure to select “Annual Campaign Donation.”
Thank you and we appreciate YOU ALL for the support!
Clubs Update - Yoga Club and Last Day to Sign Up is January 26th
Hi Families!
We are having a wonderful time in our Clubs and are super excited for our new ones to start in February! As a quick update, Yoga Club is now open to 4th and 5th grades.
Also, the last day to sign up for Clubs for the remainder of the year is on Friday, January 26th. Please reach out to Ashley Russ (ashleyruss88@gmail.com) with any questions.
You can find the Clubs signup here: http://tinyurl.com/4pr9px75
Silent Auction Donations Needed
Each grade level is creating a basket again this year for our Silent Auction Fundraiser. This is a wonderful and fun way to contribute to our fundraising goals. Last year, our Auction made just over $4,000 to fund the Teacher Grants program through the PTA! Each grade has a separate signup link, but please feel free to donate to any basket you like.
Any items donated for the basket must be unopened. Please be sure not to include anything that needs to be refrigerated or is perishable within a few days - these baskets will not be auctioned off until March.
If you would like to make a monetary contribution to help with our baskets, please do so here:
On the donation form, be sure to note that it is for the Silent Auction fundraiser.
Please bring in all donations by Friday, February 16th, labeled with the following:
● Silent Auction Donation
● Your Name and/or Student’s Name
● Grade
● The basket theme the donation is for
We are so grateful for all of your help! Also, if you work for a company that is willing to donate any item or service, we would love to add that to our fundraiser as well. Please reach out to Ashley Russ with any questions: ashleyruss88@gmail.com
Here are the links to the grade-level baskets:
- Pre-K Ice Cream Party http://tinyurl.com/mtedn2e
- Kindergarten Family Baking Fun http://tinyurl.com/vncduktk
- 1st Outdoor Fun http://tinyurl.com/5ytnsyyd
- 2nd Family Fun Night http://tinyurl.com/bdzamv3h
- 3rd STEAM Fun http://tinyurl.com/2whs67fa
- 4th Arts and Crafts http://tinyurl.com/4h9vjj9u
- 5th Sports Fun http://tinyurl.com/48sfk935
From PTA
The PTA is looking for volunteers to serve on the nominating committee! The nominating committee helps fill open positions on the PTA board. Please contact PTA president Sara Fuchs, sfuchs@gmail.com or 404/680-8437 if you'd like to serve on this committee.
All Stars Wanted
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
Share Your First Day of School Photos for the Yearbook!
Click HERE to upload First Day of School Photos.
Thank you all so much for volunteering at Hembree Springs this semester! We appreciate all of the many hours you gave to support our students, staff and other parents and families to help make our Hembree Hawks community thrive. We wish you a restful or exciting winter break and look forward to seeing you in the halls in 2024.
All volunteers are required to re-register online to be able to volunteer again starting in January 2024. Once you re-register your volunteer status will be good through May 31, 2026. Fulton County School is discontinuing the current Raptor sign in process and replacing it with Infinite Campus CheckMate. Link here to complete the re-registration.
Safety & Security / Volunteer Application Form (fultonschools.org)
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902