St. Luke Weekly Memo
February 28, 2021
Chaplain's Corner: Second Week of Lent!
This week we will talk about “transfiguration.” Transfiguration means a complete change of appearance to be more beautiful. The Bible tells us that one day Jesus took three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John, and went up on a mountain to pray.
As Jesus prayed, His face was changed and His clothes became a dazzling white. Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared and began talking to Jesus. Peter and the others had fallen asleep and when they woke up, they saw Jesus and the other two talking.They were amazed at that wonderful sight!
Do you know what caused the face of Jesus to be changed and His clothes to become dazzling white? It was because they were in the presence of God!
The Apostle Paul said in a letter he wrote to the church at Corinth, "For God, who said, 'Let there be light in the darkness,' has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ."
You and I have many wonderful experiences in our daily walk with Jesus. Others can see that we have the love of Jesus in our heart by seeing his reflection shining bright in us! We want to thank God for the joy we experience in Jesus.Jesus helps us to reflect that joy in our bright, shining faces.
Our Saint of the Month: St. Teresa of Calcutta
Praise and Worship
Canadian Achievement Testing
2021-2022 Approved School Calendar
A few Reminders: Pick-Up and Drop Off
Pick-up and Drop off has been going well this year. Just a few reminders:
We are asking that if you are dropping your child off to park to the right of the newly marked handicapped signs or in the overflow parking lot. There is a pedestrian walk sign that we encourage ALL students to use for safety. If they are crossing anywhere else, vehicles may not be able to see students as they cross.
Please DO NOT let your child enter the school until the busses have cleared the parking lot. Once the busses have left the parking lot the children being dropped off can enter the school through their designated doors.
When picking up we will be loading the busses first. When the busses have cleared the parking lot the children being pick-up will exit the building.
Please pull right up as far as you can to the sign in the pick-up lane to prevent traffic from backing up. Please do not stop at the doors students need to enter and exit.
Reminder that the first bell is at 8:25. Prayer and Announcements begin at 8:30.
Thank-you for all your assistance this year with the traffic flow.
Archbishop Jordan's Virtual Open House
Staff Star of the Week!
School Council/Parent Association
Please join us Monday, March 15th, 2021 at 6:30pm for our next virtual School Council and Parent Association meeting.
Save On Foods Fundraiser!
Help us funraise for the school by purchasing your groceries at Save On Foods Wye Road in Sherwood Park!
Leave your receipts into library box outside the school. (Please no photo copies or purchases with lottery, prescriptions, gift cards or tobacco products on them)
Once per month the receipts will be picked up and Save On Foods will write your school a cheque for 5% of the total amount of groceries purchased.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, March 1
Tuesday, March 2
- Praise and Worship at 9:00am. Please join us! Click here
- Early Out! Classes end at 2:00
Thursday, March 4
- Grade 8 ABJ Online Registration at 12:40
- Priests Visit
Friday, March 5
- PD Day - No classes for students!
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link.
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacremental preparation.
Read the lastest bullitin from OLPH. First Sunday of Lent!
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
St. Francis of Assisi parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470
Pink Shirt Day: Showing Kindness!
We Love our Kindergarten Playroom!
St. Luke Catholic School
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS