Hermosa Family Newsletter
September 18th - 22nd
Principal's Update
It's a great week to be a Hornet! Check out all of the happenings from the week and what we have coming up next week!
Homecoming Week
We had a great week of dress-up days! Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and allow us to have our walking parade her in Hermosa, but the students still had the chance to get together, listen to our band play, and cheer for our Hornets! The 8th grade also seemed to enjoy their day in Custer! We want to wish the Custer Football Team good luck as they take on Vermillion Friday night!
Next week Wednesday & Thursday our 5th grade class begins Starbase. Starbase is a science-based program that gets students hands-on experience through different projects and experiments. It is a great way to engage our students and they look forward to it each year!
Tatanka on the Table
Next Thursday we have Lunchtime Solutions cooking bison bean burritos and bison pizza for lunch. A huge thanks to 777 Bison Ranch for the bison that was donated and we want to extend an invitation to parents, guardians, and family members to come eat with your student. The cost is $5. If you are interested, please contact the office to RSVP.
5th-8th Grade Friday Opportunity
Next Friday is our first Friday Opportunity for 5th-8th graders who need extra time or extra help on their school work. Please contact the office, Ms. Venhuizen, or Ms. Henwood to sign your student up.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Frosty Paris
Mrs. Neugebauer's Mindfulness Peace Out
Dress Up Days
Counselor Corner with Mrs. Graveman
What a fantastic Homecoming week we have had! It's great to see all the school spirit as our students participate in the theme days and share their Hornet Pride.
In counseling lessons, our classroom circle question had students reflecting on how they show their school pride. Many students shared they show school pride by participating in all school subjects, being kind to others, dressing up on theme days, and following school expectations.
Next week we will be reintroducing Character Counts to our school! Character Counts focuses on six pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, and citizenship). By educating, modeling, and providing examples of these character traits, students learn how to embody these positive traits in themselves as they improve in their self and social awareness as well as their relationship skills and interactions with others.
For the next month, students will be exploring Trustworthiness which is defined by Character Counts as:
- Be honest. Don't deceive, cheat or steal
- Have integrity. Do what you say you'll do
- Keep your promises.
- Be loyal. Stand by your values
At the end of the month, classroom teachers will nominate three students they believe to embody trustworthiness, and then all staff will have the opportunity to vote for our trustworthy character counts students!
Backpack Program
Dear Parents/Guardians
We have a backpack program available at Hermosa School. The program is designed to provide non-perishable food every Thursday to children who would benefit from supplemental nourishment over the weekend. Bags will be dispensed in a discreet and caring manner. There is no cost associated with this program. The backpack program will begin Thursday, September 21st.
If you wish for your child to participate in the blessings of the backpack program, please do one of the following:
Return this paper to Keersten Graveman in the school office.
Call the school (605) 255 - 4345
Email Keersten Graveman at Keersten.Graveman@k12.sd.us
Please include your child’s name and grade level.
Thank you,
Keersten Graveman
2023-24 Breakfast & Lunch Prices
Jr. Kindergarten - 8th Grade $2.00
Jr. Kindergarten - 5th Grade $3.50
6th Grade - 8th Grade $3.70
Breakfast & Lunch Next Week
Bacon & Egg Breakfast Pizza
Fruit, Juice, & Milk
Pizza Pasta Bake w/ Breadstick or Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwich
Fruit/Veggie Bar & Milk
Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereal
Fruit, Juice & Milk
Soft Shell Beef Tacos or Fish Nuggets w/ Breadstick
Refried Beans
Fruit/Veggie Bar & Milk
Yogurt & Nilla Waffers
Fruit, Juice & Milk
Mini Corn Dogs or Chicken & Noodles
Mashed Potatoes & Chicken Gravy
Fruit/Veggie Bar & Milk
Carnival Cookie
Cinnamon Roll
Fruit, Juice, & Milk
Tatanka on the Table
Bison & Bean Burritos or Bison Burger Pizza
Fruit/Veggie Bar & Milk
Upcoming Dates to Remember
September 29th - 5th Grade/8th Grade Friday Opportunity (8:00-12:00)
October 4th - Walk to School Day
October 6th - 5th Grade/8th Grade Friday Opportunity (8:00-12:00)
October 10th - World Fest Concert
October 13th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:30
October 16th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:30
October 19th - End of the 1st Quarter
October 27th - 5th Grade/8th Grade Friday Opportunity Field Trip
Upcoming Hornet Activities
September 26th - Volleyball @ Hermosa 4:15
September 28th - Cross Country @ Sturgis 1:00/2:30
September 28th - Volleyball @ Edgemont 4:00
September 28th - Football @ RC Christian 4:30
October 2nd - Volleyball @ Hermosa 4:15
October 3rd - Volleyball @ Hermosa 4:15
October 5th - Cross Country BHC @ Red Cloud 2:00/4:00
October 5th - Volleyball @ Hot Springs 4:30
October 7th - Football @ Stagebarn 10:00
October 10th - Volleyball @ Hermosa 4:15
October 12th - Football @ Custer 4:30
October 14th - 8th Volleyball Tournament @ Hot Springs TBD
October 14th - 7th Volleyball Tournament @ Hill City TBD
October 17th - Football @ Custer 4:30
Hermosa Office Contact Information
Laura Butler (Secretary & Attendance)
Seanna Hewett (School Nurse)
About Us
To educate every student to his or her potential.
Email: forrest.paris@k12.sd.us
Website: https://www.csd.k12.sd.us/Domain/11
Location: 11 4th St, Hermosa, SD 57744, USA
Phone: (605) 255-4345
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/340944485980158/