November News
Principal - Mrs. Sarff
What a Fantastic Month!
We have had a fantastic fun filled October from Walking in the footsteps of Jesus to Trunk or Treat our students and families have celebrated together. Thank you to Parents Club for putting on a terrific Trunk or Treat, and for our Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser. November brings a change of time, parent conferences, and Thanksgiving break. We are blessed to have such a wonderful SJS school family. Thank you for supporting our school.
Our Saints: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
November Changes
November Dates
November 4th- Dinner/ Parents Club Meeting 5:30 dinner, 6:00 meeting
November 10th - 11:30 Dismissal / Diocese Meeting
November 11th - No School Veterans Day
November 22nd- 11:30 Dismissal / Parent Conferences 1-3pm/ 4:30-7:30pm
November 23rd- Teacher Institute - No students
November 24th- November 26th - Thanksgiving Break
November 28th- Winter Wonderland Parade - 2:45pm
November 29th- Return to School
SJS Classroom Wreath Auction
St. Joseph School : Trunk or Treat
Report All Absences to the School Office
If a student is ill, please notify the school office at 347-7194 before 9:00 a.m. Parents should call school each day a child is absent even if the illness continues for more than one day. The school will call the parent if not notified.
Excuses should contain the following:
1. the date of the absence
2. the child’s name.
3. the reason for the absence .: including symptoms student is having
4. the school office will contact you with information regarding if COVID test or dr.'s note is needed
If your child has been sick the night before with an upset stomach, throwing up, fever and/or diarrhea, please keep him/ her home for 72 hours symptom free before returning to school. To return earlier parents must provide a note from a doctor stating the student is safe to attend school.
Students absent for health reasons for a period longer than three days must have a doctor’s excuse to return to school.