Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 18 November 2021
Don't become preoccupied with your child's academic ability,
but instead teach them to sit with those sitting alone.
Teach them to be kind.
Teach them to offer their help.
Teach them to be a friend to the lonely.
Teach them to encourage others.
Teach them to think about other people.
Teach them to share.
Teach them to look for the good.
This is how they will change the world.
2021 Important Dates
Week 6
Fri 19 Nov: General Assembly
Week 7
Wed 24 Nov: SAC and P&F AGMs
Fri 26 Nov: 1C Performance Assembly
Week 8
Fri 3 Dec: Adoration 4Dan
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Last Friday
A large thank you to those who were able to volunteer to help in our new playground last Friday. The removal of the older playground, the installation of some of the new structures, the laying of the new lawn, site works and many other duties were completed last week.
I have a great deal of respect for people who commit to a broader purpose than their own self-interest. Our new Indigenous playground is approximately 30% completed and many others will still have the opportunity to assist at later busy bees.
OLC Choir Songfest Performance
What a delightful weekend it was for our OLC Choir! We were invited to take part in the annual Dunsborough Songfest celebrations. OLC had the privilege of performing three songs in both IGA and in the Lion’s Park. IGA had fabulous acoustics and we loved the way our voices brought the house down! At the Lion’s Park we performed to a fantastic audience under a marquee in the centre of the weekend markets.
Our school received many compliments about the choir’s performance and we are all so proud of each and every one of the students. Their commitment to taking part in the event was nothing short of outstanding. Georgie, Lara, Georgia, Mia, Taya, Chloe H, Lexi, Chloe R and Xavier sung solos/duets - sensational! A big thank you to Tara (Year 6) and Mr Torrese for supporting us on ukulele and guitar. Another special mention goes out to Lee Veitch who has given her time so generously to help prepare the choir during our rehearsals. Way to go OLC! Just in case everyone in our community did not already know, our music teacher Mrs Sherborne, is a legend.
OLC in 2022
Please let us know your family will not be in the OLC community next year.
Next year our students will have music lessons all year long and dance for six months. Our new music teacher is Mrs Jane King from Perth. We are waiting on approval from a government agency ECRU before we can commence before and after school care.
The Songfest team used our school facilities last weekend to display their musical skills. Many locals and visitors attended our beautiful school over the weekend to watch the performances.
Remembrance Day
Last Thursday year 5 J led our school in a moving Remembrance Day ceremony.
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month attained a special significance in the post war years. The moment when hostilities ceased on the Western Front became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war. This first modern world conflict had brought about the mobilisation of over 70 million people and left between 9 and 13 million dead, perhaps as many as one third of them with no known grave. The allied nations chose this day and time for the commemoration of their war dead. When we paused at 11.00am, and invited to share a moment of reflection to acknowledge those ‐ both military and civilian ‐ who have lost their lives during past and recent conflicts. We are also invited to pray that all people may respect the dignity of every person and find ways to settle disputes using nonaggressive means in order that the world may live in peace.
Welcome Back Turpin Family
As you may have heard, the Turpin family have been up in Perth this year for treatment for Ayla who was diagnosed with cancer (Leukemia). We are encouraged by the fact that there is treatment for this form of cancer and we are all praying for Ayla’s complete recovery. We are very happy that Ayla has been able to return to Dunsborough and will be spending some time in Kindy this term, and that Finn has returned to Year 2M.
We wanted you to be aware of this situation for the following reasons:
First, you may find that your child has questions and concerns you wish to discuss as a family.
Second, because the Ayla’s immune system is affected by the treatment, she is at a greater risk from chickenpox or measles than other children.
We are asking that you please let us know as soon as possible if your child develops either of these illnesses.
This way, Ayla’s parents can be informed and appropriate medical action can be taken.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please call if you have any questions or concerns and keep Ayla, Finn, Miranda and Rhys in your prayers.
Mural on Water Tanks
Thanks to the Y6 parents, see the Aboriginal Mural of the Wadandi Six Seasons created on the back water tanks by Jordanna Hall, a group of parents and the year 6 students.
We encourage families to join us at our School P&F and School Advisory Council (SAC) AGMs commencing at 6pm on Wednesday 24 November in the school hall. (Both AGM’s were over within an hour last year!) All positions on the P&F are declared vacant each year and there are two vacancies on the school board. Please fill out the form attached to this newsletter if you would like to nominate for these positions which are an excellent support to our school.
Please find attached Nomination forms for the SAC and P&F.
Uniforms 2022
We have size 8 white polo shirts on sale for $10 from the uniform shop, which may be worn in place of the teal polo, and also a spring jumper for $15, and XS and L teal hats for $15 ea. (This is all old stock which we are happy to sell at a reduced price and are acceptable as uniform items.
Please also be aware that there is a shortage of Teal polo shirts. Until this is resolved it would be appreciated if you could order only one of these for your child, so we have enough for all families. Thank you
Did you know
A honeybee’s wings strike at 11,400 times per minute. Apparently, that is how they make their buzzing noise.
- To the obvious disappointment of many, the Pink Unicorn has given up his dancing career. This sad news arrives after a minor mishap on the dance floor during the kindy-preprimary disco last Friday evening. (Oh dear!)
- Lakhari Warr (3) while laying back in the afternoon sun using her school bag as a pillow and waiting for her bus, asked Sophie Cheffins (K) “Hey Sophie, wanna come over here and chillax with me?”
- We will be required to have tighter rules around all students being off site after 3.15pm when our OSHC commences next year.
- Worm Wizz and fresh eggs are available for sale at every assembly. Bring along some small notes. All proceeds go to “Wheelchairs for Kids.”
- Charli Lamanna (4) was sentenced to visit Mr Lee for some excellent writing last week.
- Georgia, Zoe, Beauy and Maddi planted new seedlings with Mr Lee on Monday.
- Sian Roberts (6) wants to be a vet and live on a station. (The editor read this in a national horse magazine) Sian has a horse named Jasper and her favourite drink is orange juice mixed with fizzy water.
- We leant 60 of our chairs to a local organisation promoting mental health activities last Wednesday evening.
- Apples, avocadoes and blueberries are 100% reliant on insects for pollinators.
Receiving a beautifully penned letter from Marlo in PP, which read:
Dear Mistu-Lee yoo are a Love-Lee Prinzbool.
Canteen News
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered in canteen, it has been amazing getting to know you all!
MasterChef Knives - if you shop at Coles and don't claim the MasterChef knives, could you please claim a knife and donate it to the canteen? This would really help minimise the cost of replacing some of the well-worn ones we have in the drawer.
Volunteer Roster - there are still some gaps in the roster, particularly towards the end of term. It is important that we get enough volunteers for each shift as I just can't do it without your help - it means the children eat late and miss out on important playing time. The jobs in canteen are very simple - if you can make a sandwich, roll a biscuit, cook a pikelet, sprinkle cheese or wash dishes, you will be a pro volunteer!
Everyone is welcome to be a volunteer - Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and even Cousins!
Thanks a million!
Raising funds for Local Charities
Price range $5 - $15 for Candles and $3.50 for Earrings
Small clear: $5
Christmas: $7.50
Large Fancy: $15
Marble: $12
Large Clear: $12
Long Clear: $9
Some of the candles are an extra $5 (star sticker on the label) because they have special powder called 'mica' - when you light the candle, it shimmers and sparkles and turns really pretty.
Raffle - win a free candle!
After you purchase a candle or earrings from the store, please take a raffle ticket. Add your class and name and put it in the container at the front.
RE Update
Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St Vincent De Paul Society. This year boxes will be in the shared work areas of the school and families are invited to contribute specified items. Please look out for the labelled boxes in the following areas in the next few weeks and give generously to support others in what can be a difficult time of the year. Thank you.
K & PP: Christmas goodies, chocolates, bonbons, puddings, decorations, small children's gifts and stocking stuffers etc.
Years 1, 2 & 3: Pasta sauces, meal kits, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas. Please, no baked beans or tinned vegetables 🙂).
Year 4, 5 & 6: Christmas Goodies: Chocolates, tinned fruit, non perishable fruit juices, nuts, small gifts, pampering items, vouchers (KMart, coffee, etc).
Thank you for helping to make someone’s Christmas a little more special this year.
community news
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/