Newsletter Issue 2
Term 2 - 17 May 2023
Principal’s Update
Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag, Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat deekha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Καλημέρα, Greetings everyone
We hope all our Mum's, Grandmothers and Caregivers had a special day on Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day.
Te Korowai ō Horokiwi
This week I attended one of our regular principal meetings to plan for our cluster wide events. The first of these for our staff was right at the beginning of the year where we heard the story of our local urban marae and shared our school stories at Ngā Hau e Whā o Paparārangi. Tomorrow the Year 5 and 6 students from all of our local schools will visit Newlands Intermediate where, supported by NIS students, they will enjoy a morning of various sports activities. It is fabulous to be part of a community of schools working in partnership to provide a positive, connected learning pathway for our students.
Welcome To Marie Dobbie
We are fortunate to have Marie Dobbie currently completing a teaching placement with us in Hub 4. She has quickly established good relationships with the Hub 4 tamariki and kaiako, already playing a key part in supporting the hub's learning. It is always a pleasure to support the development of capable and enthusiastic new members of the teaching profession.
Aroha - Our Guiding Concept
After almost a year and a half of talking with our students, staff and families in various contexts we have settled on our guiding concept and values for our learning community.
Aroha is the concept that underpins all that we do. Currently we are working on understanding the breadth and depth of the meaning of aroha. However, one definition that we found helpful is the ‘unpacking’ of the parts of the word given in the image below:
Aroha overarches our four values of:
- Integrity
- Empathy
- Resilience
- Creativity
Like Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā model these are interdependent; Aroha gives purpose to our values and our values help us to uphold our guiding principle of Aroha. We cannot enact one without the other, and a weak point in our values will impact our ability to demonstrate Aroha.
Our aim is that you will experience Aroha in your dealings with our kura, our students and staff will understand and enact this, and everyone in our learning community will live this through our four values.
We are still working with our whānau Māori on developing a statement that captures this for our guiding documents, such as our Annual Plan (as you will see in this document when it is published to the community next week), because something of this importance deserves to be given time.
We would like to thank our whānau Māori for working with us as we strive to understand what it means to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi for the benefit of all our ākonga.
Property Update:
Contrary to what it may look like when you visit the school (see also the picture below) the administration block, on which work is well underway, is not going to be two floors high following the weathertightness work! The scaffolding is to support the wrapping of the block so that the roof, windows and doors can be removed and replaced despite the winter weather. Our accessible bathroom outside Room 3 is also very close to completion now.
Northern Zone Cross Country
See the sports update below for our students great achievements at the Northern Zone Cross Country last week. We wish Gauri from Hub 4, as well as Luke and Mickey from Hub 5 the best of luck for the Interzone event on 13 June.
Our thanks goes to all the family members who enable these events to go ahead by volunteering their time, skills and transport, and also to Cassie Woodhouse who does an amazing job of coordinating our Sports events.
Attendance - A Positive Picture
An attendance report shared with the Board this week compares Bellevue attendance with that of other similar schools, Wellington schools and schools across the nation. Although regular attendance needs to be a continued focus, we are pleased to share that Bellevue's attendance is either in line with or significantly higher (year group dependent) than other schools, both regionally and nationally. We want to thank you, our families, for supporting your children's regular attendance at school as we know that this has a huge impact on children's social, emotional and academic wellbeing. Currently our average attendance for the term is at 91%.
More information about attendance in New Zealand schools, and why it is so important to children's learning can be found HERE.
Good Times with the music bus!
There has been a fantastic take up from our families for the Goodtimes Music Academy music bus which has meant they are now visiting our school on Mondays and Tuesdays to cater for our 60 students who have enrolled in lessons.
School Photos
Please note the new date in our dates section for school photos which are Tuesday 20 June.
A reminder that our fortnightly newsletters can also be found on our Bellevue Website - scroll down to view 'previous Bellevue Newsletters' - and for more timely updates, you could follow our closed group Bellevue Facebook Page, if you are not already.
Hei konā mai
Haere mai ki te kura o Bellevue. Welcome to the following students and their whānau. It is great to have you in our Bellevue Learning Community.
Taini in Room 4
Jayden in Room 8
Qiqing in Room 15
Thank you
- Thank you to all our wonderful whānau who joined Hub 1 on their visit to Pukehuia Park on Tuesday. It was a wonderful opportunity to explore our local environment and learn a little about the meaning behind the place name.
- Thank you to Charmaine Roper and Rosie Solouota who have been sharing some New Zealand Sign Language with our students and teachers over the last couple of weeks. It is so awesome to see the students benefitting from the incredible skills sets of our family members.
- Thank you to all those parents/caregivers who are supporting our Hub 5 TKoH Sports visit to the Intermediate tomorrow morning.
Contacts at Bellevue
In most cases, your first point of contact at Bellevue will be the whānau class teacher for your child(ren). There are times, however, when you may wish to get in touch with other members of our team and it is helpful to know who is responsible for what.
The list below is a repeat of the 'Concerns' information from last week but as a reminder of who the Hub Coaches are who make up our senior leadership team. The image below outlines who leads what at our school in 2023 and how to make contact - you might like to save this somewhere for reference. We hope this is helpful.
- Anne Smith - Deputy Principal Year 0-3, Hub Coach Hub 1 & 2:
- Cassie Woodhouse - Hub Coach Hubs 3 & 4:
- Deeann Daniels - Deputy Principal Year 4-6, Hub Coach Hub 5:
- Annette Borgonje, our principal:
- Kelvin Russell our Board Presiding Member:
Community Code of Conduct
At Bellevue it is important to us, that all members of our community can interact with one another in ways that demonstrate Aroha and embody our values.
For our staff, we have a mantra and code of conduct that governs our interactions with one another. Expectations for our interactions with the community are outlined in the Code and Standards for the Teaching Profession.
In the interest of us all working positively together, we would like to draw your attention to our SchoolDocs 'Community Conduct Expectations' which outlines the requirements from our community in order to maintain a safe a positive environment for our students. Please use the button below, username bellevue-newlands and password 'grow' to search for 'Community Conduct'.
New Entrants—Enrol Now!
New Entrants—Enrol Now!
We encourage you to enrol your preschoolers as soon as they turn 4. This assists with future planning for our kura and classes. Out of zone enrolment applications close approximately six months prior to commencement date so it is important to submit these early to ensure you are in the ballot. We accept up to five out of zone new entrant applications per term.
Important information about the Bellevue School enrolment scheme (zone)
Important information about the Bellevue School enrolment scheme (zone)
If you have preschoolers at home that you are planning to enrol at Bellevue School in the future, here are a few important things to know and put into action:
1. If you are living outside of the Bellevue School enrolment zone, then your preschooler(s) will need to be processed as an out of zone application. Please let us know, if you haven’t already, of any future enrolments at Bellevue School from your family. It helps greatly with our planning to know well in advance. And if we know then we can also prompt you as to when you need to get your out of zone application in.
2. It is very important that out of zone applications are received by the application deadline of 9am Friday 30 June 2023, for enrolment from Saturday 23 September 2023 to Friday 15 December 2023. We cannot accept any out of zone applications if they are not received by the deadline advertised for the enrolment period your child is due to start school in. The deadline can sometimes be up to six months prior to your child actually starting school.
3. Even if your preschooler(s) are in zone, please get your enrolment in to us as soon as possible to enable us to plan ahead. We need this information to be able to work out how many out of zone applications we can accept in each enrolment period.
If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please call the school office and talk to Amanda.
Newlands Intermediate School—Important Enrolment Dates and information for 2024 Year 7 students
Open Evening - Thursday 29 June, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
School in Action Morning - Thursday 20 July 9:00am to 10:30am
Enrolments Close - Thursday 31 August, 5:00pm Enrol online here
Sports News
Northern Zone Cross Country
Congratulations to all of our Year 4-6 tamariki who took part in Northern Zone Cross Country last Tuesday (9 May). They showed our values of Integrity, Empathy and Resilience in bucket loads. An extra congratulations to Gauri from Hub 4, as well as Luke and Mickey from Hub 5 who have qualified for the Inter Zone Cross Country event on Tuesday 13 June. We wish you the best of luck!
Te Korowai o Horokiwi Sports Day
We are very excited for our Hub 5 students who are involved in our inaugural Te Korowai ō Horokiwi Sports Day, which is being held on Thursday 18 May from 9:30am to 12:00pm at Newlands Intermediate School. This event will be hosted and run by NIS students, with friendly sporting competitions being held between our local primary schools - Bellevue, Paparangi, Rewa Rewa, and NPS.
Miniball Draws for Term 2:
This link will take you to the Sports page on our website. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the Miniball draws -
Here are this weeks and last week's Miniball results.
1st and 2nd May
Hurricanes lost Wadestown Whirlwinds 6-32, player of the day Omkar
Thunder won against Redwood Lakers 36-10, player of the day Hunter
Lightning won against Brooklyn Knights 62-2, player of the day Benji
Storm had a by
15th and 16th May
Hurricanes lost 6–14 against St Bens Lakers. Player of the day Rosa
Thunder won 36-10 against Ngaio Stingrays. Player of the day Tom
Lightning won 53-23 against Ngaio Panthers 53-23, player of the day Levi
Storm lost 38-17 against Ngaio Makos, player of the day Molly
Green Fingers Club
The Green Fingers Club have been hard at work helping to keep our grounds tidy. What a great job!
Winter Health and Vaccination reminders
Te Whatu Ora encourages whānau to vaccinate their tamariki for pneumococcal disease, Meningococcal B, measles, and flu, alongside their three COVID-19 vaccines to provide the greatest level of protection heading into winter.
Tamariki aged six months to 12 years are eligible for free flu vaccinations. For more information, visit (links below):
Flu immunisation for tamariki – KidsHealth
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine – Te Whatu Ora
You will still need to isolate for seven days if you have COVID-19 to reduce the risk of spread. Please also inform school so we can increase vigilance for symptoms. For further information:
Local Partnerships
We are always looking to strengthen our partnerships and relationships with those in our local community, If you work for a company that may be interested in supporting our school, please get in touch with
Thank you.
Student Safety Reminder - Your Help Please
Keeping Gates Closed
On occasions since the beginning of term, our school gates have been left open - in particular the small gate from the car park to the junior area of the school which can be hooked open. When our students are settling in to the school it can take some time for them to establish the safe areas and the gates play a key role in this. When entering or exiting our school please consider the littlest members of our community and make sure that you are closing gates so they click shut behind you.
Early Arrival
With our administration area out of action, currently there is no safe space for students who arrive before 8.30am to wait. On the odd occasion, teachers are happy to have students wait on their class patio prior to 8.30am. This is a key time for teachers preparing for the day so students are not monitored. Also, as the weather declines, is not pleasant for our tamariki either. Please support us to keep our students safe, warm and dry by not sending them to school prior to 8.30am.
Thank you.
The FUNdraisers committee meeting will be held Thursday 25th May at 7pm.
This meeting will be held via video conference.
Please email for meeting details if you wish to join the meeting.
Community Notices
Find free support for mild and moderate mental health and addiction issues
A new Te Whatu Ora website provides an easier pathway to find free support for mild and moderate mental health and addiction issues.
The website provides one place for the Access and Choice primary mental health and addiction services and includes a search tool to find providers. Access and Choice services are made up of four streams: Integrated Primary Mental Health and Addiction, which is accessed via a general practice (GP), as well as specific Kaupapa Māori, Pacific and Youth providers. Services are free and there are no referral criteria. However, for services accessed in a GP setting, service users will need to be enrolled with that provider.
More services will be added to the website each month as the rollout of the programme continues nationwide
.Tu Whatu Ora - mental health and addiction support
Important Dates
Wednesday 17 May
BOT Meeting - 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Thursday 18 May
Junior Invitational Cross Country
pp Thursday 25 May
Friday 19 May
Pink Shirt Day
Thursday 25 May
FUNdraisers Meeting - 7pm
Thursday 1 June
School Disco
Friday 2 June
Teacher Only day - school closed
Monday 5 June
King's birthday - school closed
Wednesday 14 June
BOT Meeting - 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Tuesday 20 June
School Photo Day
Tuesday 20 June
Northern Zone Hockey
pp Thursday 22 June
Wednesday 28 June
Reports go home
Thursday 29 June
Matariki Celebration
Thursday 29 June
Newlands Intermediate Open Evening for 2024 Year 7's
7.00 - 8.00pm
Friday 30 June
Last day of term 2
Thursday 20 July
Newlands Intermediate School in Action Morning for 2024 Year 7's
9.00 - 10.30am
Wednesday 9 August
BOT Meeting - 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Friday 18 August
Northern Zone Swimming
Thursday 31 August
Newlands Intermediate enrolments close for 2024
Wednesday 6 September
BOT Meeting - 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Friday 15 September
Whole School Emergency Evacuation Practice
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