MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Monday, January 8th
Welcome back to MVS for semester 2! We are so excited to welcome our new students, as well! MVS now serves 100 students! As always, we are privileged to offer a different way of learning for our students and families! Let's start off semester 2 strong!
Go M@VS!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Upcoming Dates
January 3-- Classes and assignments resume!
January 8-- Optional ASVAB testing for grades 10-12 (see below)
January 15-- No School- Holiday
February 19-- No School- PD Day for Teachers
March 7 to 15-- Spring Break
Grade Cards for First Semester
5 Ways to View Your Student's Report Card
- Check your email. Last Friday you received an email from Maryville Virtual School <noreply@maryville-schools.org> with the grade card as an attachment. Click on the link at the bottom of the email. On a phone, it should just open. On a computer, it should download as a file in the bottom left corner. If you do not see this email, please check your Clutter and make sure that the address above is not blocked or on your Junk Mail list. If you have multiple students at MVS, sometimes the first grade card email goes through, and the second email is marked as Clutter by your email system.
- Login to your parent PowerSchool account on a computer. Your student’s Report Card is saved within PowerSchool and can be viewed using the account you created for yourself. Go to https://ps.maryvillecityschools.k12.tn.us/public and login. Click on Student Reports on the left menu bar and click on the Archived Report Card.
- Ask your student to login to PowerSchool on their laptop. Students can also access their grade card through their PowerSchool login. Students access PowerSchool by going to Login, logging into ClassLink, and clicking on PowerSchool- Students. Click on Student Reports on the left menu bar and click on the Archived Report Card.
- Ask your student to check their email. Your student was also emailed the grade card. They can follow the directions above to open and view it, as well.
- Check your mailbox. We will be mailing out hard copies of grade cards later this week.
Optional Retake-- SDC Criminal Justice 2 Test
Students who took CJ2 last semester and failed to earn college credit have a second chance. Due to issues with alignment of the exam to the course content, Tennessee Board of Regents will offer a second chance exam on January 11th. All students who wish to retest are welcome to test. To test, please email Mrs. Bishop by Wednesday.
MVS Monitoring Report Released
Each year the Tennessee Department of Education requires school systems to monitor their virtual schools. MVS has just completed this process and scored in the highest category, Meeting Expectations! Please click here to view the report.
College & Career Corner
If you missed the Senior Post-High School Planning Meeting, click here to view the presentation and MVS Senior checklist.
If you missed the Sophomore/ Junior Post-High School Planning Meeting, click here to view the presentation.
24-25 FAFSA for Seniors Preparing for College
The 2024-25 FAFSA form is a very important financial aid document that you will need to help your child complete if he/she plans to attend ANY post-secondary education in the 24-25 school year. Also, for students to remain eligible for the TN Promise scholarship, the FAFSA must be completed by April 15, 2024. If you plan to complete the FAFSA with your child, please visit fafsa.gov to start the process. The 2024-25 FAFSA will be released by December 31, 2023.
ASVAB - Optional Testing for grades 10-12
Your 10th-12th grade student can opt in to taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test on January 8 beginning at 8:25am at MHS. Students can choose whether or not they want their scores to be reported to the military. Participation in the ASVAB does not obligate a student to talk with a military recruiter or consider a military career. ASVAB results offer access to excellent career exploration information that can assist students in finding a career that matches their strengths. Please email Mrs. Bishop if you want to sign up.
Procedure Reminders
Ready to Start Driving?
Students must request their 1010 Form before going to the DMV to receive their Learner’s Permit. Please call MVS or email Jennifer Davis. 1010 forms are given based on the previous 9 weeks' grades. If you are failing multiple classes, you are not eligible for a 1010 form until your grades are brought up to passing. The 1010 forms are good for 30 days during the school year.
Turning in Late Work?
If you are turning in any late work, be sure to always contact your teacher after submitting the assignment. Teachers are not notified when a student submits assignments after the due date, so they may not know you even turned something in.
Feeling Sick?
MVS Contacts
Principal: Deana Bishop
Registrar/Bookkeeper/Front Office: Jennifer Davis
Academic Support Center: Marissa Geter
IEPs/ 504s: Melissa Vagnier
Ready Graduate Advisor (9-12): Wes Lambert
School Resource Officer: Adam Cook
Tech Support for Hardware: Click on the "Student Tech Help" button in ClassLink or click here.