Whittier Wildcat Word!
Friday, October 21, 2022
1. Hello my name is Mr. Coglianese
2. I am the Physical Education teacher at Whittier and this is my 20th year teaching.
3. I don't have a favorite color
4. What I like most about Whittier is how respectful we are to each other.
5. If I had a superpower it would be teleportation. To be able to disappear and reappear anywhere, that would be the best superpower in the world.
6. If I were an animal I would be an Eagle because I would be able to fly.
7. My advice for Whittier students is to work your hardest at everything and never give up!
Upcoming Dates
October 2022
Oct 19th
- PTO Fun Run
Oct 21st
- Picture Day
Oct 25th - 28th
- Book Fair
- Parent/Teacher Conferences (Early Dismissal at 11am)
November 2022
Nov 3rd
- Lockdown Drill
Nov 8th
- No School ( Election Day)
Nov 23rd - 25th
- No School ( Thanksgiving Break)
- Picture Retakes
Celebrating National Principals Month
The 78th Annual Whittier Pumpkin Festival will be held Oct. 27-28! Carve, paint, or decorate a real pumpkin to enter into the competition. The categories are EC/K/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th and Family. Outside of the family category, pumpkins should represent the real, unassisted work of children. Please drop off your pumpkins at the time designated for your last name on either day and enter through the mini gym (lunchroom) doors. Then, please pick up your pumpkin by 11:30am on Friday, October 28th (early dismissal day). Please contact Laurie Conley (lconley@op97.org) or Hallie Park (hpark@op97.org) with questions.
A-J register from 7:35am - 7:50 am
K-Z register from 7:50 am - 8:05 am
¡Ofrendas en Whittier!
2022 Ofrendas de Día de Muertos
Is a beautiful celebration of life where loved ones are
honored and celebrated. This event is organized by members
of the community of Oak Park and River Forest. Students from
Whittier in 3-5 grades are welcome to participate this year by
making a Day of the Dead Shoebox sized ofrenda.. Here is an
example: Mini Ofrenda. Students are encouraged to bring the
mini ofrendas between the week of October 10th - 28th. Sra.
Aguirre will display the mini ofrendas outside of our school
during the weekend of Oct. 31-Nov.2. Many visitors take part
in viewing the ofrendas around the community.
***Please be mindful and do not send items sensitive to the
inclement weather. Reach out to Sra. Aguirre for any
questions or concerns.
¡Muchas gracias por participar!
Sra. Aguirre - laguirre@op97.org
This week our students were taught lesson 3 of the Bullying Prevention Unit lessons. Our youngest students (grades K-3) learned how to refuse bullying by saying words that mean “no” in an assertive way when bullying is happening. Our older students (4th and 5th grade) learned about bystander responsibility. They watched videos to identify bullying and brainstormed actions that bystanders can take. They then role-played what to do after bullying occurs. We never have students role play bullying, but practicing the actions you can take as a bystander makes it easier to follow through in real life situations! Below are the home links for the upcoming lesson if you’d like to preview them with your child.
Kindergarten- Refusing Bullying
First Grade- Refusing Bullying
Second Grade- Refusing Bullying
Third Grade- Refusing Bullying
Fourth Grade- Bystander Responsibility
Fifth Grade- Bystander Responsibility
At Whittier, we want to support each student as best we can during these challenging times. Our PTO received financial funds from an anonymous donor that we can use to support our students and families in need.
If your scholar(s) is in need of school supplies or Whittier Wear, please take a few minutes to help us better understand how we can support your family's current needs by filling out the google form below. Someone from our school will be in touch with you within the week. Please fill this out for EACH child in your family. Thank you in advance.
Please note - ALL these responses will be kept confidential and can only be accessed by school social workers, the assistant principal, and the principal.
Book Fair
Whittier Book Fair starts October 25th and goes until 28th!
Make sure you load your child's e-wallet, find ways to volunteer and what this year's setup will be like!
Mindful Middle-Schoolers and Mindfulness Matters" Community Talks - Spring 2023
D97 Family University on Student Assessments
Join us to learn about student assessments in District 97!
The district will host a virtual Family University session from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18. Families will receive a Zoom link once they register.
The session will help parents learn about the student assessments given across District 97 schools, how the results are used to support teaching and learning, and how you can use the information to understand your child's progress and next steps. Please use this form to register and submit any questions you have to our team ahead of time; we will address the most common questions submitted.
Please note that the session will be recorded and shared on the District 97 website for future viewing. We look forward to seeing you there!
District 97 Halloween Letter 2022
Dear District 97 Families,
For those of our families who celebrate Halloween, many of you are starting to discuss costume choices with your child. Although students are not required to wear costumes, we recognize that they are a fun and creative part of our schools' Halloween activities.
Our goal is to create a positive learning environment where all students, staff and families feel a sense of belonging. In that spirit, we ask that you take care to ensure that your child’s costume choice does not portray a stereotypical image of any group of people or culture, or be offensive to any one racial, ethinic or religious group. We appreciate you being proactive with your child in making thoughtful costume choices.
To support you in your conversation with your child and to build your understanding around this topic, we have compiled links to resources that you may find helpful:
- "I Am Not a Costume" (information about Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group campaign): http://www.lspirg.org/costumes/
- “We’re a Culture, Not a Costume” (article about Ohio University campaign): https://www.cnn.com/2011/10/26/living/halloween-ethnic-costumes/index.html
- "Teaching Tolerance: Teach About Blackface and Other Racist Halloween Choices" (written for educators, but provides useful prompts for discussions at home): https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/teach-about-blackface-and-other-racist-halloween-choices
Thank you for your continued support of our students and schools.
Oak Park Elementary School District 97
School Lunches - Milk Only Charge
As a reminder, if your student takes milk only during lunch, there is a cost of $.45 per carton, regardless of your family's school meal eligibility status. If you have not already done so, please add funds into your student’s meal account to accommodate the milk only charge. If your student takes the full school meal, milk is included. Thank you!
School Fees
Learn about green transportation, lowering energy bills, planting native gardens and more. Click for more details >> https://bit.ly/3DnGM1u.
Imagine OPRF Project 1 Tours and IGOV Meeting
Strengthening Families Program
NEW Combined Student and Family Handbook for 2022-23
This year, the district worked to merge the Effective Student Behavior Handbook and Family Handbook into one comprehensive resource, the Student-Family Handbook, in order to streamline information for families and staff. The new handbook contains important information regarding school policies, procedures, student rights and responsibilities, and important notifications required by state and federal law.
The purpose of this handbook is to outline the expectations for building an educational community where everyone feels safe, included and able to learn. Having shared expectations, procedures and policies helps us respect all members of the school community in which we learn and work every day. Please take the time to read through the handbook and review it with your child.
*NEW* Process for Reporting Positive COVID-19 Cases to D97 Schools
If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, they must complete the following steps:
1) To notify the school nurse and receive a return-to-school date, families/staff must complete the confidential COVID-19 Positive Case Notification Form as soon as possible following the positive test. Information provided will also be shared with the Oak Park Department of Public Health.2) Families must continue to report student absences via the school attendance line, and staff must enter their absences in Frontline.
To see the rules for isolation and quarantine, click here. Additional resources are linked below.
As always, thank you for your continued collaboration and support. Enjoy your weekend!
John Greenleaf Whittier Elementary
Where You Belong!
Twitter: @PCLRobinson
Chasity McComb-Williams
Assistant Principal
Twitter: @mccombwilliams
Website: og97.org
Location: 715 North Harvey Avenue, Oak Park, IL, USA
Phone: 708-524-3080