NPUSC Curriculum Corner
2022-2023 School Year Quarter 1
What is the main focus of a Curriculum Director?
Our PLC (Professional Learning Community) journey is to provide quality instruction to ensure high levels of learning for all students. We achieve this goal by working collaboratively and focusing on what is best for students. As the director, my main focus is supporting teachers by providing the resources needed to live our mission of ensuring high levels of learning for ALL students.
What does a curriculum director do all day?
Aligning K-12 English Language Arts Priority Standards
Our kindergarten through twelfth grade teachers started this year by looking at the Indiana State Standards at each grade level that has identified as a "must know" standard. Our goal for the 2022-2023 school year is to identify our priority standards by grade level, align them by quarter of when they will be covered, and create our common formative assessments (skill checks). Aligning our standards (skills) throughout the grade levels and using the common skills assessment will insure we are building our students' knowledge base skill by skill every year.