Summer is Here!
June - 2023
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Principal's Message
Hathaway Community, on behalf of the Hathaway staff we would like to share our collective gratitude for your constant support and understanding throughout the 2022-2023 school year! In August I shared that Hathaway has historically been a vibrant collection of educators and lifelong learners who are dedicated to moving our school and community forward in positive directions. The Hathaway community, students, teachers and staff did an amazing job throughout this windy, rainy and special school year. Congratulations to all of our students as they promote to the next grade level! It has been to watch our students and staff grow, learn and have fun together! We could not have made it through the year without the incredible support of all of our educational partners!
Please see below for some awesome pictures of our end of the year activities, important summer school information and how to register your student for the 2023-2024 school year!
Please enjoy your time resting, relaxing and enjoying your free time! We'll see you all in August!
Thank you again to ALL of the Hathaway Community for helping us make it through the 2022-2023 school year!
Mr. Beneke - Principal
Important Dates
- 06/16: - Last Day of School - Minimum Day - All students exit at 11:56 am.
- 06/19: - Juneteenth Holiday - First day of Summer Vacation
- 07/03 - 07/28: - Extended School Year (ESY)
- 07/05: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/06: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/10 - 07/21: - SHINE Summer Camp
- 07/14: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/15: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/21: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/24: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 07/27: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 07/31: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 08/04: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 08/07: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 08/22: - First Day of School for the 2023 - 2024 School year!
Thank You for Both for Being so AMAZING!
Final Days of Fun!
Extended Summer School - July 3 - July 28
Important information for Special Education Students: Extended Summer School (ESY)
Start 8:00 am
Breakfast in classroom 8:00-8:30 am
Recess 10:15-10:30 am
Lunch 11:30-12:00 pm
Dismissal 12:00 pm
PreK Sessions
8-10 am
10-12 pm
SHINE Summer Camp - July 10-21
Important information for SHINE Summer Camp!
Daily Schedule:
Start 8:00 am
Breakfast 8:00-8:30 am
Recess 10:15 - 10:30 am
Lunch 12:00-12:45 pm
Migrant and ELD Camp students join SHINE 12:45 pm
Dismissal 5:00 pm
New Students Summer Registration - All Grade Levels!
New Registering Students Hathaway's office will be open in July and August for new student registration.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-24 school year has started! Parents and guardians may pick up registrations at our front office.
Children who turn five years old on or before September 1, 2023, are eligible for Kindergarten.
Registration Dates and Times:
- 07/05: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/06: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/14: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/15: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/21: - New student registration - 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm.
- 07/24: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 07/27: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 07/31: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 08/04: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
- 08/07: - New student registration - 4:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
Important Message for 5th Grade Parents
Parents and guardians of 5th grade students,
Your student does not have to register for 6th grade. If your child is in 5th grade their registration information will automatically be transferred to Blackstock Jr. High School.
You will receive a packet in the mail in August containing important information about orientation, daily schedules and other events.
If you do not plan on having your student attend Blackstock Jr. High School please let us know.
If you have any questions please call Hathaway: 805-488-2217
Beat the Summer Slide!
Reading Resources
- Read whatever you want! Magazines, books, even comics!
- Panthers read at least 15 minutes per day. Read at your own pace.
- How to: motivate your kids to read.
- Check out 6 great reasons to read aloud to your kids.
- Create a bit of extra motivation with a cozy reading nook.
Skills Review for Reading and Spelling
- Build language skills with fun games like Boggle, Headbanz, Apples to Apples Junior, and more!
- Enjoy a big bundle of summer-themed stories and activities from All About Reading Levels 1-4.
- “Eat” some Banana Splits: a game with compound words.
- Have fun with Word Flippers while practicing reading and spelling skills.
- Try some of these great ways to review reading word cards and spelling word cards.
- Practice reading and spelling words with our Drag Race Review Game.
- Check out this treasure trove of pirate-themed reading and spelling activities. Arrrr!
- Try these 19 Activities for Kinesthetic Learning for learning that sticks!
Vocabulary-Building Resources
- Match up the Baby Animal Names with this matching activity.
- Reinforce spelling and vocabulary skills using Word Trees.
- Build your child’s vocabulary with these awesome ideas.
- Play with portmanteaus and build your child’s vocabulary all at the same time!
Additional Resources
- Review the alphabet and make some great snacks with our ABC Snacks Cookbooks.
- Practice letter recognition with this series of hands-on activities.
- Explore the alphabet with this series of easy-to-assemble letter crafts. (Uppercase Letters | Lowercase Letters)
Summer Math Ideas!
Read Math Picture Books: A great way to emphasize reading skills, as well as, math skills is to engage students with a math picture book. There are a lot of picture books available that are skill-based and fun to read at the same time.
Play Math Games: From card and dice games to board games to online math games, games provide a variety of methods for reviewing grade-level content and skills. You can find games at educational resource stores or on the web. While board games are usually more skill-based and fun for kids, you can do a lot with simple cards, dice, and/or dominoes. Online math games can be a bit more complicated, but children love them and keep them engaged for hours.
Practice Math Facts: The summer provides a great opportunity for children to become more proficient with math facts. Practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing when you are out and about. Flashcard games are great for road trips and travel. You can also find math fact practice via web games.
Explore Math in the Real-World: Recognizing math in the real world is an excellent way to reinforce math skills and help make real-world connections at the same time. Cooking a meal together can be a great lesson all in itself! Students can also help plan family trips, create a budget for activities like going to the movie theatre, or compare prices at the grocery store.
Download Math Apps for Cell Phones/Tablets: If your children have access to tablets or other mobile devices at home, keeping them engaged with math apps is easy. Because handheld devices are transportable, using math apps gives kids something to do when traveling, visiting grandparents, or simply riding in the car while adult family members are running errands– they provide instant opportunities for engagement. A quick Google search will generate a list of apps covering a wide range of skills.
LGBT Pride Month
LGBT Pride Month is celebrated throughout the month of June. June is dedicated to the celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride, observed throughout the Western world.
Memorials are held during this month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally.”
Date: Thu, Jun 1, 2023 – Fri, Jun 30, 2023
HESD Teacher of the Year 2021-2022!
Counselor's Corner Mr. Bravo
Please let us know if you or your student needs any support.
School Counselor: Clemente Bravo
805-488-2217 Extension: 1889 Email:
To access the full resources of HESD Counseling Corner students and families click here:
You can also find additional support here:
Contact Us: 📬📞💻
Julien Hathaway Elementary School - 805-488-2217
Office Manager: Veronica Hernandez,
School Counselor, Clemente Bravo,
Principal, Thomas Beneke,
Need to contact your teacher?
- Contact your teacher during during school hours
- Seesaw or Google Classroom
- Call your teacher: 805-488-2217 +classroom extension
Julien Hathaway Elementary School
Location: 405 East Dollie Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: 805-488-2217