Iowa Student Learning Institute
This isn't your grandma's conference!
Day Of Event
- We will be live streaming the morning keynotes and afternoon sessions. If you would not like to be on camera, please strategically seat yourself.
- Back Channelling will be through Twitter. Please use the #isli hashtag.
- Need anything? Find help at the table in the main hallway.
- Schedule & Map
- Session Schedule & Live Streaming Links
- Session Notes
- Sign Up for 2014 Email List
- WiFi Login Instructions - find a Hyperstream attendant if you are still having issues.
- Evaluation Form
- Like the music? Here was our playlist!
-Name tags will be prepared for you that day.
-Free wifi access will be available. We encourage you to bring your devices to follow along and better collaborate during the event.
-We will be serving a free lunch and snacks throughout the day.
-Dress for the event is casual. Whatever appropriate clothing you would wear to school.
-Students must be attended by a chaperone or teacher, one for every 5-7 kids.
-Do you agree with our media release form? Read it here.
What is ISLI?
School is changing. With No Child Left Behind and Common Core combining with new types of standardized testing and the integration of technology, straight row school is no longer a viable option. With all this change shouldn't we be listening to the voices that are affected most by it?
We are proud to announce the Iowa Student Learning Institute. This innovative education conference will give a stage to the voice of our students with the support of our educators. ISLI will be a combination of a variety of sessions, including keynotes by Scott Mcleod, Zak Malamed, and the Director of the Iowa Department of Education. These will be followed by breakout sessions in the morning with a time for face to face collaboration carried out by students throughout the afternoon. We welcome students of all ages across Iowa to come and make your voice heard in this 1st annual student education conference.
How should school be redesigned for learning in the 21st century?
We Love Sponsors!
Iowa Student Learning Institute
Hosted at Waukee High School.
Ian.Coon97@gmail.com, @IanCoon, (515) 978-1497.