Midnight Regiment Weekly
Week of April 3rd
Mr. Goodnight's Minute
This week we begin working on Spring Concert music! If you are a State Solo and Ensemble person, I would contact Mr. Simma and arrange a time to practice with him. If you need to do it at the school let me know.
Go Demons! Go Midnight Regiment!
Weekly Rehearsal Schedule
Monday, April 3rd - Jazz Band at 7:15am, Concert Band at 8:15am
Tuesday, April 4th - Jazz Band at 7:15am, Concert Band at 8:15am
Wednesday, April 5th- Jazz Band at 7:15am, Concert Band at 8:15am
Thursday, April 6th - Jazz Band at 7:15am, Concert Band at 8:15am
April 7th - No School
If you are interested in signing up for lessons THIS SEMESTER please email Mrs. Goodnight ASAP at agoodnight@p-t.k12.ok.us
Brass and percussion are on Mondays after school.
Woodwinds are Thursday after school.
Once you contact Mrs. Goodnight she will assign you a time.
Also, in our March meeting, we will be nominating officers for the April Booster Officer Election. We never have enough parents interested or engaged in this process. If you have the skills and personality to be a leader in this organization we need your help! If you have questions feel free to visit with me!
President: Catherine Chambers
Vide-President: Patsy Matheson
Secretary: Valerie Hill
Treasurer: Nicole Zoellner
Reporter: Kristena Smith
We have plenty of opportunities for parents to help out with the following Committees:
Hospitality (Food for performances throughout the year)
Uniforms (Fitting and cleanings)
Fundraising (This is VERY important! We now have a committee head, but could use some more members)
Email me at rgoodnight@p-t.k12.ok.us if you can help serve in these areas!
I have decide to let anyone who wants to be in jazz band to remain in jazz band. If there is a section where there are too many people we will assign parts.
No food or drink in the band room. If you have food or drink please enter through the west or southeast doors and do NOT bring it into the room.
No cell phones during rehearsal. If you are having to sit and wait while I work with a different section then you need to be looking at your part.
Make sure you have your own pencil (Preferably 2) for rehearsal every day.
If an early rehearsal begins at 7:15am then please be in your seat ready to go at that time. Not walking in the door. I will typically open the doors between 7am-7:05am.
Contact and Social Media
Email: rgoodnight@p-t.k12.ok.us
Website: perkinstryonbands.weebly.com
Phone: (405) 547-5724
Facebook: facebook.com/perkinstryonbands
Twitter: @pthsband