CHIRPS Chatter
Summer Check-In August 4, 2023
Summer Check-In!
Hello everyone! I hope that you are having an amazing summer! We are working hard to get MES ready for the new school year! There will be a lot of information heading your way over the next few weeks. Please check your email often!
Enjoy your remaining weeks!!
~Heather Pellicone
Important Dates to Remember
- August 11th: Teacher assignments sent electronically
- August 23rd: Kindergarten Meet and Greet! 12pm
- August 23rd: New Student Orientation! 1:30pm
- August 29th: First Day of School!!
- September 6th: Picture Day
- September 6th: Back to School Ice Cream Social! (Rain date 9/7)
Anticipated Bus Routes are Coming Soon!
Supply Lists!
School Opening Info
As we approach the beginning of the school year, here are the
2023-24 arrival and dismissal times.
● Student drop-off will start no sooner than 9:00 AM
Students will be marked tardy if they are dropped off later than 9:10. We will make exceptions for late buses.
● Parent pick-up will start around 3:30 PM
Arrival Drop-Off and Dismissal Pick-up will both operate similarly in terms of the traffic flow
School Dismissal Manager
The district will continue to use "School Dismissal Manager" for all elementary schools. This will give you the ability to enter your child’s dismissal information. If your child is only taking the bus, you do not need to do anything although it is a good idea to start an account for your student(s) in the event that you need to access it.
More information will be coming out in the following weeks.
Meet the PTO!
MES is on Instagram! Please follow us
We will be posting plenty of pictures for you to stay "in the know!"
Contact Information
Location: 550 Whittemore Road, Middlebury, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 758-2401
Twitter: @MiddleburyES