Bush Banner
September 6, 2021
Current CISD COVID-19 Safety Alert Level: 4
For information about CISD COVID-19 Safety Alert Levels and updated information on the District's mitigation and response strategies, please see the Roadmap to Remaining open. Please check back frequently as the site is updated as information changes.
During this time of increased spread of COVID-19 in our community, we encourage—in the strongest possible terms—all students and staff to wear masks. We must do all we can to ensure that Bush Elementary remains open to educate our Bobcats.
Dates to Remember
09/06 - Holiday - No School
09/08 - PTO General Meeting | 6:30 PM via Zoom
09/10 - Spirit Friday - Wear your Bush spirit wear or colors
09/13 - Fall School Pictures
09/16 - PTO Chick-Fil-A Spirit Day
09/22 - Parent University: What To Expect From Classroom Instruction | 6:00 PM via Zoom
10/08 - Student Holiday - No school for students
10/11 - Holiday - No school
10/12 - Second Nine Weeks Begins
A Message from Dr. Lambert
Good evening,
I hope you have enjoyed the long, holiday weekend. As I write this message this evening, I am looking forward to seeing each of our Bobcats Tuesday. This will be a brief message, and I will share a few reminders as bullet points below.
- Wednesday is the fall PTO general meeting. It is being held via Zoom, and the access information is included in the PTO section below. I encourage you to attend the meeting if you are able.
- Animals are not allowed on campus. Please do not bring dogs to dismissal. We want dismissal to both safe and comfortable for everyone. As I was at biker/walker Friday, I saw the fear in one of our students as a dog walked by her. Please consider all of our Bobcats and leave pets at home.
- We remain at Safety Alert Level 4 in Conroe ISD. I strongly encourage everyone to wear masks to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
In addition to these reminders, I want to share that lunch visitors will not be allowed on elementary campuses in Conroe ISD while we are at Safety Alert Level 4.
Take good care,
Dr. Jarod Lambert
Can my child go to school today?
Roadmap to Remaining Open
Conroe ISD's Roadmap to Remaining Open is available online at https://www.conroeisd.net/roadmap-to-reopening/. Please check back for up-to-date information. The site is updated as new information and guidance are received from the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Governor's Office, and state and local officials.
Reminder: Transportation Changes
Transportation changes must be made in writing before 2:00 PM. We cannot accept transportation changes by phone. To submit a transportation change, you may send a written note to your child's teacher or provide a not to the front office with the following information:
- the date
- your child's full name
- homeroom teacher
- bus number (if applicable)
- your signature
If an emergency arises, you may send an email to bush@conroeisd.net. The e-mail must include all of the above information, including a parent signature, and must be received before 2:00 PM. If you submit a transportation change by email, it must go to the email address referenced above. Teachers do not check their email regularly throughout the day, so transportation changes should not be emailed directly to the teacher.
Please send a new note for each day the change occurs; we cannot accept notes for multiple days or with multiple changes. District policy states that a student may only ride the bus they are registered to ride; students may not have a transportation change to ride a different bus.
Reminder: Forgotten Item Drop-off
If you need eye glasses delivered to your child, please bring them to the school. We will deliver them to your child immediately. Any class work, binders, or books dropped off at the school will be placed in the teacher's mailbox to be picked up during the day.
Bush Clinic Phone: (936) 709-1609
Free COVID-19 testing is available to all Conroe ISD employees and students
Monday through Friday 8-6 and Saturday 8-4 at the
Conroe ISD Police Department
2900 N. Loop 336 E.
Conroe, TX 77301
Employees and students must schedule a test through the CONROE ISD SSO in the COVID Central APP Prior to arrival. Please use your student’s ID number to register students for testing
As a reminder - Please review the Roadmap to Opening on the Conroe ISD home page for current COVID policies and procedure.
After school playground reminders... Due to safety reasons a parent or guardian is required to monitor their students while playing after dismissal on the playground. Students are not allowed to return to the building after dismissal to use the clinic restroom.
If your child receives a positive COVID-19 test, please go to the link below and follow the prompts to enter your child’s positive results. This will be entered into the Conroe ISD COVID Absence APP for excused absence until the date cleared to return. https://www.conroeisd.net/roadmap-to-reopening/covid-19-positive-self-report/
Stay Healthy,
Nurse Cheryl Kirchner, RN
Evelin Padilla, Clinic Assistant
September is National Lice Awareness Month. Please remember outbreaks of head lice tend to Occur when children return to school after summer vacation and holiday breaks.
Routine family inspection at home after play, sleepovers, sports Activities, etc., are recommended to help prevent the spread of Lice at school. http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/had/index.html http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/lice.shtm
Free School Breakfast and Lunch
The first regular school breakfast and lunch is free for every student in Conroe ISD this year. Additional meals can be purchased for $2.60 (breakfast) and $3.85 (lunch).
While meals are free during the school year, it is still very important for those who are eligible for free or reduced lunch to continue to submit the application during the registration or records update process. The number of students eligible for free or reduced lunch (whether they use that service or not) has the potential to affect the state accountability rating and funding for the school.
Did you know that Conroe ISD has a Parent Resource Center? See the links below for the Community Resource Guide and zoom parent trainings. The Community Resource Guide is a great resource to help families as they navigate in finding the correct supports and programs for their children and adults. Any family in our school district, as well as those in surrounding areas, are more than welcome in joining their virtual trainings/informational meetings. Feel free to reach out to the Parent Resource Center with any questions or concerns regarding school services or accessing resources after high school.
Angela McGhee
Safety Information
The safety of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. Over the past decade, Conroe ISD has spent millions of dollars on a layered approach to campus safety including the installation of secure entrances and vestibules along with adding security cameras throughout our schools. Our greatest safety measure, however, is vigilance. Please report any suspicious activity or suspected dangers to the appropriate authorities. Anonymous reports may be made 24/7 to Conroe ISD’s KidChat hotline at 1-888-KidChat (543-2428) or through our new Anonymous Alerts app. Login: conroeisd
2021-2022 CISD School Calendar
Conroe ISD's School Messenger
All SMS messages received from the Conroe ISD District Office and your child's campus will begin with "Conroe ISD:" and come from the subscribe code 67587. If you have not yet opted-in to receive SMS messages, you can do so at any time throughout the school year by texting "Y" to 67587.
PTO General Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 8th 6:30pm via zoom
Meeting ID: 849 5075 0443
Passcode: 535048
Join us to learn more about the PTO and our mission for our school including updates from PTO board members regarding upcoming programs and activities for this year! We will have a special Guest Speaker, Tessa Stuckey, a licensed professional therapist, who will talk about your child’s emotional well-being including struggles with anxiety with the new school year. Email president@bushpto.com with any questions.
*Please note the date/time change from the previously advertised date of September 9. The meeting is actually on Wednesday, September 8 at 6:30 pm via Zoom only. No in-person meeting.
Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add cash to your school's earnings online. From playground equipment to technology, our school can use this money to help teachers and students get the supplies they need.
We want your photos for the Yearbook!
Upload photos from your phone by:
1. Downloading the Balfour Image Share app from your app marketplace
2. Create your account:
a. Enter your name, email and the Bobcat project number 226474.
b. Check your email for a confirmation code, enter it & then select a username & password to complete your registration.
3. Include the child(ren)’s name(s) and grade with your photo.
Image Reminders -
Images should be in JPEG or PNG format, RGB
Maximum file size is 20MG per image
Thank you for your submissions. All images will be considered, but not all images can be included.
Campus Information
Bush Elementary: A nurturing and inclusive community where students become empowered citizens and life-long learners. Every student, every day!
Our school hours are 8:00-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 and will go to their homeroom beginning at that time.
Email: bush@conroeisd.net
Website: http://bush.conroeisd.net/
Location: 7420 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1600
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.