Manatee News
November 1, 2020
Important Dates
- Awards Grades 1, 2, 4, and 6 (no family/visitors - photo will be sent home)
- Awards Grades K, 3, and 5 (no family/visitors - photo will be sent home)
- SAC Virtual Meeting 3:00 pm
- Conference Night 5:00-7:00 pm
- Early Release 1:15 pm
Below is the updated November calendar:
Click here to download a printable November calendar:
- Applications: November 2 - December 2 (use button below to access application)
- Check the BPS website: (button below)
- How to Apply
- General Policies/Admission Procedures
- Questions & Answers
- Minimum Admission Requirements
- Application Deadline: December 2, 2020
- Lottery: December 14, 2020
- Acceptance Deadline: January 29, 2021
Book Fair News
Thank you to everyone for helping to support our Fall Book Fair. Under different circumstances, my assistant, Jen Duerr and I worked hard to bring magic into the media center by setting up, running and cleaning up the book fair. Our amazing manatee volunteers were truly missed and thought of often. We did recruit some amazing 6th grade volunteers who demonstrated their generous spirit and kindness by helping with our eLearner book fair event and clean up. They were amazing!!
Time Traveling students were able to go back in time and enjoy finding books to read from the book fair. We made a nice profit to again purchase more books and technology for our students.
From my heart, thank you! Thank you for supporting our love of reading books!
Favorite memory: Watching the reaction of a Kindergartener coming into the media center to find the book fair all packed up… “Where did it go? Why did you pack it up...I love the book fair!” and watching precious tears fall down their face. This type of love is all worth it!
Can’t wait to bring the book fair back again in February 2021!
Thank you again,
Tricia Kuhblank, Media Specialist
School Crossing Guards Needed
Brevard County is in need of School Crossing Guards. These are part-time positions: two hours daily (mornings and afternoons), five days a week, 180-200 days a year. Benefits include pension, paid holidays, and annual and sick leave. If you have questions, call Debbie Morancie at 321-637-5390 #2. To apply, go to http://www.brevardfl.gov/HelpfulLinks.