February Parent Newsletter
Manvel Public School 2024
Greetings from Mrs. Stevens,
It feels a little like Spring, but winter is still lingering!
We have started strong into the third quarter of school, and have completed Winter benchmark assessments with all of our students. We will have parent/teacher conferences for the last time this year will soon be upon us (February 15th). We have attached the link below for sign-up for students in preschool through fifth grade. Middle School teachers will be available in their classrooms for all parents to stop in anytime to visit.
Please review the information below for upcoming school events. As always, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our school @ (701) 696-2212.
Students of the Month!
Lost & Found
Please label all of your child's outerwear including coats, hats, mittens, scarfs, boots, snowbags, etc. Our lost and found is always overflowing with clothing that is missing its owner. The lost and found area is located in the front entrance of the school. Any unclaimed items are periodically donated to the thrift stores throughout the year.
Important Dates in February:
February SEL Skill ~ Empathetic(Relationship Skills)
February ~ Black History Month
Friday, February 2nd ~ 100th Day of School!
Monday, February 5th-9th ~ National School Counselor Week ~ Celebrate Ms. Weston!
Wednesday, February 7th ~ student council meeting @ 7:30 am in the preschool room
Friday, February 9th ~ No school for students; Certified Staff PD Day
Monday, February 12th ~ School Board Meeting @ 5:00 pm
Wednesday, February 14th ~ Valentine's Day ~ Middle School will deliver candy to Cancer Centers
Thursday, February 15th ~ Parent Teacher Conferences; 3:30-7:15 pm
Friday, February 16th ~ Looking like No School at this point! (Storm Make-up day)
Monday, February 20th ~ 2nd & 3rd Grade Musical; 2:00 & 6:30 pm
Wednesday, February 22nd ~ School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
*Monday, March 4th ~ 2nd & 3rd Hats Musical Concert; 2:00 & 6:30 pm
*Thursday, March 7th ~ PTO School Carnival; 5-7:30 pm
2nd-4th Grade Basketball Update:
FEBRUARY 15th, TUESDAY- NO GIRLS PRACTICE! Due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Tuesday February, 27th- 2nd Grade Girls Scrimmage-3:30-4:30- No practice for 3rd & 4th Grade Girls!
Thursday February, 29th- 3rd & 4th Grade Girls Scrimmage-3:30-4:30- No practice for 2nd Grade Girls!
Wednesday February, 28th- 2nd-4th Grade Boys Scrimmage-3:30-4:30
February Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, February 15th, from 3:30-7:30PM.
For PreK-5, please sign up with the link below.
*Middle School staff will be available in their individual classrooms from 3:30-7:30 PM.
2nd Quarter Mustang Honors Students
Counselor Corner
Welcome to spring?!
This month our school-wide social/emotional learning (SEL) focus is EMPATHY. Empathy is:
1.) Placing ourselves in someone else's shoes to understand how they are feeling. 2.) Showing compassion and trying to offer help.
Classroom Counseling Lessons
Here is a peek at what your student will be learning this month in weekly counseling lessons!
We will continue to practice our "learning readiness" and friendship skills throughout Dinosaur Friends.
This month we will meet Blurt-a-sourus, Telly-dactyl, Bronto-sorry-us, and Shy-ceratops.
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Students will continue to learn more about identifying and coping with emotions through our "Little Spot of Emotion" curriculum.
This month we will be working with the little spots of: peaceful, anger, and sadness.
Grades 2-8
We will be delving into a school-wide program called "Choose Love." This program teaches us that every day we can choose anger, or we can choose love.
"Choose Love" teaches a formula to follow so we can create a culture of love in our school:
Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love.
The language and concepts from Choose Love can also be discussed at home!
For more information click here!
Bake It Better
Manvel Schools is partnering with the Manvel Senior Citizen Center members to offer an extra-curricular club called "Bake It Better." This club will be offered 1x a month to grades 2-4 and 1x a month to grades 5-8. Students will have the opportunity to learn basic math skills and cooking skills from our school cook, Jessica Schuster. Baked goods will be donated to local charities and the Senior Citizen center.
A parent permission slip will be sent home the week before each event! If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Schuster or Amanda Weston at the school.
If you know a senior volunteer who would like to lead small groups through the cooking process, please contact Debbie Hansen at (701)741-0439.